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01-09-10, 20:29
Stage 5
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 309
Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
nu stiu daca se poate regla presiunea la 911 TT Switzer dar stiam ca Porschele castiga aproximativ 50 cai cu racefuel..cel putin asa era mentionat pe youtube. sper ca il vom vedea in actiune Vs Veyron
Last edited by golf3diesel; 01-09-10 at 20:35.
03-09-10, 13:39
Stage 5
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Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul LOL
Avea o semnatura prea tare un user, Nissanslol...
I was reading some Auto Motor und Sport article online, one where they compared the Porsche Turbo, Nissan GT-R (Black Edition) and Audi R8 V10 at Hockenheim. The Turbo won slightly ahead the GT-R which, in turn, was slightly ahead of the R8 V10.
In the same article they claimed that they wanted to do a northloop test with the same three cars, but the GT-R (Euro model - without launch control) failed, because the transmission was overheating and the car had to crawl back to pit in the fail-safe mode.
Exactly the same happend some time ago during a best motoring Tsukuba 5 lap battle. To make it even more worse, in the same article they noted that they took the GT-R to the 2010 Nardo high speed tests for production cars in Italy, however, in the article the GT-R was not mentioned or photographed, because at the first flying lap at 314km/h (195mph) the GT-R's engine died.
Are there any other technical problems with the 2010 GT-R known from other car magazine tests?
P.S. Without launch control the Euro spec GT-R can achieve only 4.0 second 0-100km/h time.
Edmunds Inside Line had a long term test GTR that had multiple failures.
Transmission leaked and was replaced. Evap control valve caused multiple check engine lights. Gas tank many times would only accept half a tank of gas and would sometimes spew gas out of the filler cap due to its saddle shape.
In their 15 month test the car was out of service for 37 days. They also commented on how expensive everything was.. such as $200 oil changes and tranny fluid that cost over $100 a bottle.
Understeer is when you hit the wall with the front of the car.Oversteer is when you hit the wall with the rear of the car.Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall.
Torque is how far you take the wall with you.
03-09-10, 14:30
Stage 5
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Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
topicul se potrivea mai bine asa:nissan GT-R best money can buy or biggest mistake
12-09-10, 01:20
Stage 5
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Posts: 3,394
Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
GT-R technical problems still not sorted?
I was reading some Auto Motor und Sport article online, one where they compared the Porsche Turbo, Nissan GT-R (Black Edition) and Audi R8 V10 at Hockenheim. The Turbo won slightly ahead the GT-R which, in turn, was slightly ahead of the R8 V10.
In the same article they claimed that they wanted to do a northloop test with the same three cars, but the GT-R (Euro model - without launch control) failed, because the transmission was overheating and the car had to crawl back to pit in the fail-safe mode.
Exactly the same happend some time ago during a best motoring Tsukuba 5 lap battle. To make it even more worse, in the same article they noted that they took the GT-R to the 2010 Nardo high speed tests for production cars in Italy, however, in the article the GT-R was not mentioned or photographed, because at the first flying lap at 314km/h (195mph) the GT-R's engine died.
Are there any other technical problems with the 2010 GT-R known from other car magazine tests?
P.S. Without launch control the Euro spec GT-R can achieve only 4.0 second 0-100km/h time.
14-09-10, 18:46
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3
Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
Originally Posted by vacaroz
pentru mine gt-r`ul este ca si peugeot la le mans... candavea puterea necesara sa bata audi dar nu si fiabilitatea de partea ei.asa a lasat impresia. ma intreb dc nu se chinuie sa faca de la zero o cutie ca sa nu mai faca plici, si inchid gura tuturor.
daca as avea banii as opta pt r 35 fara sa ma gandesc
este o masina incredibila si mult mult mai ieftina decat concurenta si este conceput in primul rand pt drifting nu pt drag
iar daca vrei cu adevarat sa ai si o masina tare de drag foloseste diferenta de banii dintre un zr1 si gtr si fai un tununing si pun pariu ca zr1 va ramane mult in urma!!
14-09-10, 18:53
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3
Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul LOL
[QUOTE=a3ds;3631366]Avea o semnatura prea tare un user, Nissanslol...
I was reading some Auto Motor und Sport article online, one where they compared the Porsche Turbo, Nissan GT-R (Black Edition) and Audi R8 V10 at Hockenheim. The Turbo won slightly ahead the GT-R which, in turn, was slightly ahead of the R8 V10.
In the same article they claimed that they wanted to do a northloop test with the same three cars, but the GT-R (Euro model - without launch control) failed, because the transmission was overheating and the car had to crawl back to pit in the fail-safe mode.
Exactly the same happend some time ago during a best motoring Tsukuba 5 lap battle. To make it even more worse, in the same article they noted that they took the GT-R to the 2010 Nardo high speed tests for production cars in Italy, however, in the article the GT-R was not mentioned or photographed, because at the first flying lap at 314km/h (195mph) the GT-R's engine died.
Are there any other technical problems with the 2010 GT-R known from other car magazine tests?
P.S. Without launch control the Euro spec GT-R can achieve only 4.0 second 0-100km/h time.
Edmunds Inside Line had a long term test GTR that had multiple failures.
Transmission leaked and was replaced. Evap control valve caused multiple check engine lights. Gas tank many times would only accept half a tank of gas and would sometimes spew gas out of the filler cap due to its saddle shape.
boath porshe and audi cost alot more money ! so buy a gtr and use the difrence to tunn it then we will see if those oponents stand a chance in hell before the gtr!!!
14-09-10, 18:58
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3
Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
Originally Posted by golf3diesel
nu stiu daca se poate regla presiunea la 911 TT Switzer dar stiam ca Porschele castiga aproximativ 50 cai cu racefuel..cel putin asa era mentionat pe youtube. sper ca il vom vedea in actiune Vs Veyron
este un filmulet cu un gtr vs veiron pe you toube (drag race)si gtr castiga
14-09-10, 23:06
Stage 5
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 309
Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
Originally Posted by iustin balauru
este un filmulet cu un gtr vs veiron pe you toube (drag race)si gtr castiga
si mai este unul in care Veyron umileste multe GTR-uri...dar sa stii ca nici una din ele nu a castigat Moscow Unlim 500+ ci un Porsche Switzer 800...
15-09-10, 00:24
Stage 5
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Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
Originally Posted by golf3diesel
si mai este unul in care Veyron umileste multe GTR-uri...dar sa stii ca nici una din ele nu a castigat Moscow Unlim 500+ ci un Porsche Switzer 800...
Moscow Unlim 500+ a fost acum 1 an, intre timp GT-R a papat timpii Porsche.
Iar cu Veyron, GT-R il bate doar pe 400m, pana sa-l bata pe mila mai dureaza.
15-09-10, 23:41
Stage 5
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Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
Originally Posted by iustin balauru
...(r35)... este o masina incredibila si mult mult mai ieftina decat concurenta si este conceput in primul rand pt drifting nu pt drag
Truee... ai gresit doar putin.
Originally Posted by GTR
Iar cu Veyron, GT-R il bate doar pe 400m, pana sa-l bata pe mila mai dureaza.
Nu chiar. Timpi 1 mile :
Bugatti Veyron А. 26.122
Porsche 911 Turbo (997) Switzer P800 26.127
Nissan GT-R R35 R850 26.141
Intradevar, cand sa inregistrat timpul pentru Bugatti , conditile meteorologice nu erau prea bune.
In schimb m-a asteptam la mai bine din partea 9ff-urilor :
Porsche 911 GT2 (997) 9ff 26.418
Porsche 911 GT3 RS (997) 9ff 27.013
Din cauza lag-ului foarte mare pierd mult la plecare.
Last edited by Bogdan_mb; 15-09-10 at 23:56.
16-09-10, 02:11
Stage 5
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
Originally Posted by Bogdan_mb
Truee... ai gresit doar putin.
Nu chiar. Timpi 1 mile :
Bugatti Veyron А. 26.122
Porsche 911 Turbo (997) Switzer P800 26.127
Nissan GT-R R35 R850 26.141
Intradevar, cand sa inregistrat timpul pentru Bugatti , conditile meteorologice nu erau prea bune.
In schimb m-a asteptam la mai bine din partea 9ff-urilor :
Porsche 911 GT2 (997) 9ff 26.418
Porsche 911 GT3 RS (997) 9ff 27.013
Din cauza lag-ului foarte mare pierd mult la plecare.
A fost reactualizat dupa ce am postat eu, am observat. Oricum nu este nimic iesit din comun, Porsche este clar mai frumos, foarte putin mai performant la drag, mai slab pe pista si fix de 2 ori mai scump.
16-09-10, 12:12
Stage 5
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 309
Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
poate la drag dar la roll-on 9ffurile alea cred ca bat si Veyronul.
17-09-10, 11:11
Stage 5
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Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
17-09-10, 12:32
Stage 5
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 309
Re: Nissan GT-R 35 vs Restul
cum spuneam,GTR-ul este super bun de pe loc,la roll 9FF rullz.Oricum 9FF are cutie manuala temperament mai hardcore,iar GTR are prea multe computere,desi acest lucru arata eficienta.