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Old 07-07-10, 08:38   #646

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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Originally Posted by Bogdan_mb View Post
Pot sa iti fac aceleasi testari cu o masina tot de 305 cp cu consumul dat de producator mai mare decat al 535i-ului dat exemplu, dar nici daca vreau nu am cum sa ajung la o medie de 15+ . Nimeni nu se astepta la consum de 6L declarat insa e o diferenta de aproape 10 litri acolo.

Revenind la ideea initiala, incercam doar sa exemplific cazul 535 comparativ cu CL 500, care pe hartie sunt incredibil de economice, insa in realitate se depasesc acele cifre simtitor.
din cate stiu media de consum extraurban se realizeaza la o turatie si viteza constanta de 90km/h..daca il pui pe pilot automat la 90 pe autostrada scoti consumul de 6.6l..

Minimal (Normrunde) 7,4 L/100 km 7,6 L/100 km
Maximal 14,2 L/100 km 14,4 L/100 km
Testverbrauch 11,6 L/100 km 11,9 L/100 km
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Old 07-07-10, 15:55   #647

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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Mercedes a prezentat primele informatii complete cu privire la noul Mercedes S350 Bluetec.

Noul Mercedes S350 Bluetec este dotat cu un propulsor diesel V6 care respecta noile norme Euro 6. Acesta este capabil sa dezvolte o putere de 258 CP si un cuplu de 620 Nm. Controlul emisiilor se face datorita folosirii solutiei AdBlue. Consumul mediu declarat este de 6.8 litri/100 km, iar emisiile inregistrate sunt de 177 g CO2/km.

Accelerarea de la 0-100 km/h are loc in 7.1 secunde, iar viteza maxima este limitata la 250 km/h. Pretul noului Mercedes S350 Bluetec este 76.000 de euro. Noul model primeste de asemenea dotari precum:

Active Blind Spot Assist- sistem care detecteaza masinile din unghiul mort si atentioneaza soferul de prezenta acestora
Lane Keeping Assist-sistem care detecteaza parasirea liniilor care delimiteaza banda fara a semnaliza. Acesta avertizeaza soferul prin vibrarea scaunului.
noi interioare din piele: pachetele PASSION si Exclusive PASSION
sistemul audio Bang & Olufsen BeoSound AMG de 1200 watti
Noul model Mercedes S350 Bluetec va fi disponibil incepand cu aceasta toamna.
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Old 07-07-10, 16:53   #648

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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Megacity Vehicle to become the world’s first volume-produced car with a passenger cell made from carbon !

Munich. The BMW Group is once again breaking new ground with the Megacity Vehicle (MCV), due to come onto the market in 2013: “The Megacity Vehicle is a revolutionary automobile. It will be the world’s first volume-produced vehicle with a passenger cell made from carbon. Our LifeDrive architecture is helping us to open a new chapter in automotive lightweight design. Indeed, this concept allows us to practically offset the extra 250 to 350 kilograms of weight typically found in electrically powered vehicles.” says Klaus Draeger, Member of the Board of Management for Development.

“The drive system remains the heartbeat of a car, and that also applies to electric vehicles,” said Draeger. “Powertrains also remain a core area of expertise of Bayerische Motoren Werke. Electromobility and the hallmark BMW driving pleasure make an excellent match, if you go about things the right way. For this reason we are developing the powertrain for the Megacity Vehicle in-house – that includes the electric motor, the power electronics and the battery system.”

The electrification of a vehicle requires new concepts in vehicle architecture and body construction in order to exploit the potential of the new emission-free drive system to optimum effect. With the revolutionary LifeDrive concept, the BMW Group engineers are developing the car’s architecture from scratch and adapting it to the demands and conditions of future mobility. The goal: to offset the additional weight of an electric vehicle – typically 250 to 350 kilograms. To this end, the BMW Group is focusing on the innovative high-tech material carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP).

The LifeDrive concept consists of two horizontally separated, independent modules. The Drive module integrates the battery, drive system and structural and crash functions into a single construction within the chassis. Its partner, the Life module, consists primarily of a high-strength and extremely lightweight passenger cell made from CFRP. Furthermore, the new vehicle architecture opens the door to totally new production processes which are both simpler and more flexible, and use less energy.

The BMW Group is also aiming to be the force behind the best drive systems over the years ahead – systems boasting outstanding efficiency, performance and smoothness, even if it is electricity rather than fossil fuels that are converted into propulsion. To this end, the BMW Group is vigorously driving forward the technical development of electric powertrains. The BMW Group’s centre of expertise for electric drive systems brings together development, manufacturing and procurement specialists under one roof. All their efforts are focused on the implementation and typically BMW interpretation of the new generation of drive systems. Ultimately, electric vehicles not only provide a zero-local-emission and low-noise form of propulsion; their ability to deliver a totally new and extremely agile driving experience is also impressive.

The new architecture of the MCV also gives the vehicle designers additional freedom when it comes to creating a new aesthetic for sustainable urban mobility solutions.
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Old 10-07-10, 09:36   #649
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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Originally Posted by UNLORD View Post
Megacity Vehicle to become the world’s first volume-produced car with a passenger cell made from carbon !

Munich. The BMW Group is once again breaking new ground with the Megacity Vehicle (MCV), due to come onto the market in 2013: “The Megacity Vehicle is a revolutionary automobile. It will be the world’s first volume-produced vehicle with a passenger cell made from carbon. Our LifeDrive architecture is helping us to open a new chapter in automotive lightweight design. Indeed, this concept allows us to practically offset the extra 250 to 350 kilograms of weight typically found in electrically powered vehicles.” says Klaus Draeger, Member of the Board of Management for Development.

“The drive system remains the heartbeat of a car, and that also applies to electric vehicles,” said Draeger. “Powertrains also remain a core area of expertise of Bayerische Motoren Werke. Electromobility and the hallmark BMW driving pleasure make an excellent match, if you go about things the right way. For this reason we are developing the powertrain for the Megacity Vehicle in-house – that includes the electric motor, the power electronics and the battery system.”

The electrification of a vehicle requires new concepts in vehicle architecture and body construction in order to exploit the potential of the new emission-free drive system to optimum effect. With the revolutionary LifeDrive concept, the BMW Group engineers are developing the car’s architecture from scratch and adapting it to the demands and conditions of future mobility. The goal: to offset the additional weight of an electric vehicle – typically 250 to 350 kilograms. To this end, the BMW Group is focusing on the innovative high-tech material carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP).

The LifeDrive concept consists of two horizontally separated, independent modules. The Drive module integrates the battery, drive system and structural and crash functions into a single construction within the chassis. Its partner, the Life module, consists primarily of a high-strength and extremely lightweight passenger cell made from CFRP. Furthermore, the new vehicle architecture opens the door to totally new production processes which are both simpler and more flexible, and use less energy.

The BMW Group is also aiming to be the force behind the best drive systems over the years ahead – systems boasting outstanding efficiency, performance and smoothness, even if it is electricity rather than fossil fuels that are converted into propulsion. To this end, the BMW Group is vigorously driving forward the technical development of electric powertrains. The BMW Group’s centre of expertise for electric drive systems brings together development, manufacturing and procurement specialists under one roof. All their efforts are focused on the implementation and typically BMW interpretation of the new generation of drive systems. Ultimately, electric vehicles not only provide a zero-local-emission and low-noise form of propulsion; their ability to deliver a totally new and extremely agile driving experience is also impressive.

The new architecture of the MCV also gives the vehicle designers additional freedom when it comes to creating a new aesthetic for sustainable urban mobility solutions.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! tradu si la noi astia fara carte. si tradu si acest lucru: another copy/paste?
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Old 10-07-10, 21:33   #650

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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Originally Posted by sageata View Post
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! tradu si la noi astia fara carte. si tradu si acest lucru: another copy/paste?
băi ăsta fără carte, nici eu n-am carte, da am goagăl
mi-a fost lene să traduc eu, aşa că am râs de prostiile pe care le debitează gugle:
Megacity vehiculului de a deveni primul automobil din lume volumului produs cu o celulă de pasageri din carbon!

Munchen. Grupul BMW este o dată din nou de rupere la sol noi cu masina Megacity (MCV), urmează să intre pe piaţă în 2013: "Megacity vehiculului este un automobil revoluţionar. Acesta va fi primul vehicul din lume volumului produs cu o celulă de pasageri din carbon. Arhitectura noastră LifeDrive ne ajută pentru a deschide un nou capitol în design usor de automobile. Într-adevăr, acest concept ne permite, practic, pentru a compensa suplimentare 250 la 350 de kilograme de obicei găsite în vehiculele acţionate electric ", spune. Klaus Draeger, membru al consiliului de administraţie pentru dezvoltare.

"Sistem de acţionare în continuare bătăi de o maşină, şi că, de asemenea aplică pentru vehiculele electrice", a spus Draeger. "Trenuri de rulare, de asemenea, să rămână un domeniu cheie de expertiză a Bayerische Motoren Werke. Electromobility şi marca BMW placerea de a conduce a face un meci excelent, dacă te duci despre lucruri drumul cel bun. Din acest motiv, suntem în curs de dezvoltare sistemului de propulsie pentru vehiculul Megacity in-house - care include motorul electric, electronica de putere şi sistemul de baterie ".

Electrificarea unui vehicul necesită noi concepte de la bordul autovehiculului arhitectura si constructii corp pentru a exploata potenţialul noului sistem de unitatea de emisie-free efect optim. LifeDrive cu conceptul revoluţionar, inginerii BMW Group sunt în curs de dezvoltare arhitectura masinii pornind de la zero şi adaptare la cerinţele şi condiţiile de mobilitatea viitoare. Scopul: pentru a contrabalansa greutatea suplimentară a unui vehicul electric - de obicei 250 - 350 de kilograme. În acest scop, BMW Group se concentreaza pe fibra inovatoare de înaltă tehnologie de carbon material plastic armat (CFRP).

Conceptul LifeDrive constă în două pe orizontală separate, module independente. Modulul integreaza Drive bateria, sistemul de acţionare şi structurale, precum şi funcţiile de avarie într-o construcţie unică în cadrul sasiului. partenerul său, modul de viaţă, constă în primul rând de o mare rezistenta si extrem de usor de pasageri de celule realizate din CFRP. Mai mult, arhitectura vehicul nou deschide uşa complet noi procedee de producţie, care sunt atât mai simple şi mai flexibile, şi de a folosi mai puţină energie.

Grupul BMW este, de asemenea, cu scopul de a fi forţa din spatele cele mai bune sisteme unitatea peste anii următori - sisteme oferind o eficienta deosebita, de performanţă şi fineţea, chiar dacă este vorba de energie electrică, mai degrabă decât combustibilii fosili, care sunt convertite în propulsie. În acest scop, Grupul BMW este viguros de conducere transmite dezvoltarea tehnică a trenuri de rulare electrice. Centrul BMW Group de expertiză pentru sistemele de acţionare electrică reuneşte dezvoltarea, fabricarea şi specialişti de achiziţii publice sub un singur acoperiş. Toate eforturile lor sunt axate pe punerea în aplicare şi interpretare de obicei BMW din noua generaţie de sisteme de unitate. În cele din urmă, nu de vehicule electrice oferi doar un zero-emisii locale şi forma cu zgomot redus de propulsie; capacitatea lor de a furniza un complet nou şi extrem de agile experienta de conducere este de asemenea impresionant.

Noua arhitectură a MCV, de asemenea, oferă proiectanţilor libertatea de vehicul suplimentare atunci când vine vorba de crearea unei estetici noi pentru soluţii durabile de mobilitate urbană.
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Old 10-07-10, 21:46   #651

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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

goagal translate e un fel de traducere a la "Marean Vanghelie"
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Old 10-07-10, 22:41   #652
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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

mi-am stricat ochii! mi s-au ravasit toate notiunile in materie de logica.
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Old 14-07-10, 10:08   #653

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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

5 series @ 5th Gear

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Old 18-07-10, 15:48   #654

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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Originally Posted by UNLORD View Post
5 series @ 5th Gear

Desteapta masina ... da parca nu mai este placerea aceea a condusului prea multe chestii inutile pentru unii ... prefer un E34 sau E39 in locul acesteia
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Old 18-07-10, 21:53   #655

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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Mişto treaba cu dealerii Audi şi Mercedes, parcă ştia că topicul ăsta o să aibe nevoie de film
Pare foarte mişto opţiunea cu roţile spate care virează, sunt curios dacă se simte în mers pe viraje într-atât cât laudă ei sistemul...

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Old 18-07-10, 22:18   #656
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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Originally Posted by aleks View Post
Mişto treaba cu dealerii Audi şi Mercedes, parcă ştia că topicul ăsta o să aibe nevoie de film
Pare foarte mişto opţiunea cu roţile spate care virează, sunt curios dacă se simte în mers pe viraje într-atât cât laudă ei sistemul...
optiunea aia o avea renault laguna de ceva vreme, nu mi se pare o noutate sau ceva WOW .
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Old 18-07-10, 22:46   #657
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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Si Honda Prelude are acea optiune la rotile din spate
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Old 18-07-10, 22:47   #658

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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Este interesant articolul despre all wheel steering(directie pe 4 roti) :

In 1988 the 4WS Prelude was the best-handling car of all time, even beating the 1988 Corvette and several high-end European cars through the slalom. (tested by Road & Track)

Unfortunately Honda moved to an electronic system with the 1992 4th generation Prelude, which was prone to failure. Few people sprung for the option, and it was removed from the US market. Japanese and European 4g and 5g Preludes (including 2001, the last model year) were still available with the electronic 4WS system.

Chevy introduced a system called QuadraSteer in their 2001 truck line, but like other electronic systems it was doomed to failure, being removed as an option in 2006.


Understeer is when you hit the wall with the front of the car.Oversteer is when you hit the wall with the rear of the car.Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall.
Torque is how far you take the wall with you.

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Old 18-07-10, 22:49   #659

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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Eh, eu nu-s aşa pus la punct, descopăr mai greu minunile tehnicii
Oricum, autobuzele vechi şi camioanele de mare tonaj au asta de când eram copil, dar pe un sedan de genul ăsta eu unul nu văzusem, asta e.

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Old 18-07-10, 22:53   #660

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Default Re: Mercedes vs. BMW vs. Audi

Se pare ca singurul sistem cu adevar bun si fiabil a fost cel de pe Honda, cel mecanic. Alea electronice au fost more or less failures. Pe BMW este mecanic sau electronic ca mi-e lene sa ma uit la filmulet? De fapt nu mi-e lene, ma sperie maimuta aia care prezinta, cea mai urata femeie.

Production cars with active four wheel steering
BMW 850CSi (optional)
BMW 7-Series (2009 onwards, part of sport package) [3]
Chevrolet Silverado (2002–2005) (high and low speed)
Efini MS-9 (high and low speed)
GMC Sierra (2002-2005) (high and low speed)
GMC Sierra Denali (2002-2004) (high and low speed)
Honda Prelude (high and low speed, mechanical from 1987 to 1991, computerized from 1992-2001)
Honda Accord (1991) (high and low speed, mechanical)
honda ascot innova (1992) (high and low speed, full turn)
Infiniti FX50 AWD (option on Sports package) (2008–Present) (high and low speed, fully electronic)
Infiniti G35 Sedan (option on Sport models) (2007–Present) (high speed only?)
Infiniti G35 Coupe (option on Sport models) (2006–Present) (high speed only) [4]
Infiniti G37
Infiniti J30t (touring package) (1993–1994)
Infiniti M35 (option on Sport models) (2006–Present) (high speed only?)
Infiniti M45 (option on Sport models) (2006–Present) (high speed only?)
Infiniti Q45t (1989–1994) (high speed only?)
Mazda 929 (1992–1995)(computerised, high and low speed)(all models)
Mazda 626 (198 (high and low speed)
Mazda MX-6 (1989–1997) (high and low speed)
Mazda RX-7 (optional, computerized, high and low speed)
Mazda Eunos 800 (1996–2003) (Optional, computerized, high and low speed)
Mitsubishi Galant/Sigma (high speed only)
Mitsubishi GTO (also sold as the Mitsubishi 3000GT and the Dodge Stealth) (Mechanical) (high speed only)
Nissan Cefiro (A31) (high speed only)
Nissan 240SX/Silvia (option on SE models) (high speed only)
Nissan 300ZX (all Twin-Turbo Z32 models) (high speed only)
Nissan Laurel (later versions) (high speed only)
Nissan Fuga/Infiniti M (high speed only)
Nissan Silvia (option on all S13 models) (high speed only)
Nissan Skyline GTS, GTS-R, GTS-X (1986) (high speed only)
Nissan Skyline GT-R (high and low speed)
Renault Laguna (only in GT version of 3rd generation which was launched October 2007, GT launched on April 200
Subaru Alcyone SVX JDM (1991–1996) (Japanese version: "L-CDX" only) (high speed only)
Toyota Aristo (1997) (high and low speed?)
Toyota Camry / Vista JDM 1988-1999 (Optional) [5]
Toyota Celica (option on 5th and 6th generation, 1990-1993 ST183 and 1994-1997 ST203) (Dual-mode, high and low speed)
Toyota Soarer (UZZ32)

Last edited by a3ds; 18-07-10 at 22:57.
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