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View Poll Results: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
VW Golf 4
399 |
54.51% |
Opel Astra G
160 |
21.86% |
Ford Focus
173 |
23.63% |
19-03-07, 09:45
Stage 5
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
Nu mi-a facut nimic, pur si simplu consider OPEL-ul cea mai proasta masina nemteasca, este un fel de dacie la noi! Opel niciodata nu a fost la egalitate sau aproape de Ford si VW! Incearca sa iasa in evidenta doar cu modelele OPC doar asa sa concureze cu adversarii.
19-03-07, 10:07
NoSpeedLimit Romania Club Member
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
la interior aleg focus pt k nu este asa patratos k celelalte modele concurente siguranta se din pacate nu imi place sa am o masina prea po****ra kare sa o vad la orice colt de strada......deci..FOCUS !!!
19-03-07, 12:41
Audi Driver
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
mai bine po****ra si buna decat rara si varza...
19-03-07, 20:11
Stage 3
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
Originally Posted by The_Mask
Nu mi-a facut nimic, pur si simplu consider OPEL-ul cea mai proasta masina nemteasca, este un fel de dacie la noi! Opel niciodata nu a fost la egalitate sau aproape de Ford si VW! Incearca sa iasa in evidenta doar cu modelele OPC doar asa sa concureze cu adversarii.
asta e parerea ta...dar mai documenteaza-te si vei vedea ca nu este chiar cea mai proasta masina chiar mai mult este un concurent serios al mai toate clasele...passat il are ca concurent pe pe astra..polo pe nu vad cu ce ar fi mai prejos opel-ul..
19-03-07, 20:16
Audi Driver
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
da...concurent la dimensiuni.... concurent nu inseamna doar ca se situeaza in aceeasi clasa si ca de prin '80 tot incearca sa imite...
19-03-07, 20:50
Stage 3
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
Originally Posted by bogdan_wrc
da...concurent la dimensiuni.... concurent nu inseamna doar ca se situeaza in aceeasi clasa si ca de prin '80 tot incearca sa imite...
| vrei sa-mi spui ca nu se compara (performante, aspect, fiabilitate..etc)..modelele de la cele de la fiim vad ca ai ca zici ca e cel mai tare..dar nu e chiar asa...
19-03-07, 21:28
VW Driver
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
1.Golf 4 normal (este cel mai tare la aproape toate capitolele) deci este o masina foarte reusita
2.Ford focus si
3.Opel Astra G
20-03-07, 10:00
Audi Driver
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
Originally Posted by number1 vrei sa-mi spui ca nu se compara (performante, aspect, fiabilitate..etc)..modelele de la cele de la fiim vad ca ai ca zici ca e cel mai tare..dar nu e chiar asa...
ne uitam pe strada? cam arata Golfurile II si cate mai sunt intregi si la ce pret sunt si cum arata cate sunt si la ce pret sunt??
nu e cel mai tare golful....dar mie imi place si e cel mai tare pt mine...
eu zic sa ne mai uitam si prin anunturi si sa vedem care dintre cele 3 tine la pret, la fiabilitate inca si acum si care se vinde ca o masina de pierde din valoare pe fiecare zi?
de ce crezi ca se dau km inapoi la VW si doar la astra ? ca astra sunt obosite si f.f. iftine...dar un Vw de obicei nu isi arata varsta... si de aia merge sa dai km ianpoi...
Objects in the mirror tend to disappear
It will never have enough power until I can spin the wheels at the end of the straightaway in high gear
20-03-07, 20:47
Stage 3
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Posts: 76
Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
Originally Posted by bogdan_wrc
ne uitam pe strada? cam arata Golfurile II si cate mai sunt intregi si la ce pret sunt si cum arata cate sunt si la ce pret sunt??
nu e cel mai tare golful....dar mie imi place si e cel mai tare pt mine...
eu zic sa ne mai uitam si prin anunturi si sa vedem care dintre cele 3 tine la pret, la fiabilitate inca si acum si care se vinde ca o masina de pierde din valoare pe fiecare zi?
de ce crezi ca se dau km inapoi la VW si doar la astra ? ca astra sunt obosite si f.f. iftine...dar un Vw de obicei nu isi arata varsta... si de aia merge sa dai km ianpoi...
iti arat kadet de pici pe golff II invers desigur..kadet varza si golf II impecabil...deci nu cred ca asta e un criteriu de comparare intre astra si golf fel ca toate celelalte exemple date de km daca se dau dau la orice doar la este intradevar mai confortabil..dar doar atat..
20-03-07, 21:24
Stage 1
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
Eu am vrut sa-mi cumpar Golf si doar printr-o intamplare am luat Focus si acum nu regret nici un pic.
Am 80k si am schimbat doar bujiile(1.6l, 100 cp).
Am mers vreo cateva mii de km cu un Golf 1.6l si iata ce am constatat:
- minusuri Focus: materialele din care este facut bordul (face niste zgomote ciudate), cutia este ceva mai lunga decat la Golf;
- minusuri Golf: spatiul interior, suspensia.
Golful cu care am mers avea probleme cu EGR-ul, faza care l-a costat mult timp si bani pe proprietari (s-a plimbat intre mecanici pana i-a dat de cap).
Dupa parera mea opel este ultimul in clasamentul asta, dar precizez ca cu astra am mers doar de vreo doua ori.
27-03-07, 21:52
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
Originally Posted by The_Mask
Nu mi-a facut nimic, pur si simplu consider OPEL-ul cea mai proasta masina nemteasca, este un fel de dacie la noi! Opel niciodata nu a fost la egalitate sau aproape de Ford si VW! Incearca sa iasa in evidenta doar cu modelele OPC doar asa sa concureze cu adversarii.
nu mai vb asa de opel ca nu e chiar dacia noastra cu ce o compari?.....opel are 204 cp de multa vreme dintr-un amarat de motor de 2l,care a facut istorie alaturi de calibra...are GT...are noul GT care probabil va bate z4....adevarul e ca cu tabla sta cam prost
scuze de off topic
29-03-07, 17:34
Stage 2
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
Average. A desirable small family car in its day, this fourth generation of the Golf was not the best drive in the class - that accolade belongs to the Ford Focus - but its classy looks and almost luxurious interior have won it a strong following. Though very well finished the Golf IV is not as bullet-proof as VW's reputation might suggest, with problems ranging from squeaking and rattling interior trim to water pump failures on 1.4 petrol engines. Both the 1.4 and 1.6 can have gearbox trouble, though VW sometimes contributes to the cost. The diesels can suffer premature camshaft wear if the oil isn't changed regularly, so check for a complete service history. The smaller of the two cooling fans on the V5, V6 and PD diesel cars can fail, casuing the main fan to work overtime and potentially fail, leading to potentially expensive overheating. And windows can jump their runners. Careful examination of these cars pays off, and a warranty is desirable. The Focus makes a more dependable used buy. The range kicks off with the modest1.4-litre petrol, takes in several potent diesels (the 130bhp six-speeder is excellent) and runs right up to a 3.2-litre petrol V6 with four-wheel drive. All the PD diesels provided an excellent blend of pulling power and economy. But, as this Golf leant towards comfortable rather than lithe handling, the best performance versions are the V6 or V5, which make excellent motorway cars - the 2.0-litre turbo GTI was a bit of a let-down. The Golf IV is still quite an expensive used buy today despite its many niggling problems.
ca sa nu mai va certati
29-03-07, 17:45
Stage 2
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
Recommended. The impressive Focus is all things to all men, as worldwide sales figures bear out. From twisty roads to motorways, it's a great drive.
There's not a lot wrong with the Focus, hence its continued success. Recent tweaks have enhanced its stance and the range now includes a jaw-droppingly quick RS version. All models provide seriously good ride and handling, coupled with sharp steering. There's masses of space inside the cabin, and although the quality of materials used is not high-calibre, this really is the only gripe. A decent selection of engines is available, but the TDCi turbodiesel is outstanding. The Focus doesn't hold its value so well on the secondhand market, however, and that's where the Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla and VW Golf claw back some ground.
sa va documentati
29-03-07, 17:53
Stage 2
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
Average. The Astra is a good all-rounder but fails to excel at any one level. Wide range of models and strong re-sale values make it a po****r choice.
Full Road Test
Replaced at the end of 2003, Vauxhall's family car continues to sell well, thanks to a strong secondhand market and plenty of space in hatchback, saloon and estate models. It is let down by bland styling, although the interior feels solid and well built. Enthusiastic drivers will find the Astra surprisingly good fun and the seats are excellent. If you want a better image, opt for the sleek Coupe - the SRi Turbo is very quick but suffers from a lumpy gearbox. There's a decent cabriolet as well.
30-03-07, 20:39
NoSpeedLimit Romania Club Member
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Re: VW Golf 4 vs. Opel Astra G vs. Ford Focus
FORD : Fix Or Repair Daily! nu mai intru in detalii ca stim toti ( plus ca mie nu imi place bordul de pe focus nici daca ma bati )
VW GOLF 4 : super tare masina, mi-a placut mult! insa are probleme cu debitmetru, consuma ulei, iar pozitia soferului este EXECRABILA ! ( mai aveam putin si imi puneam picioarele in ghips )
Opel Astra: well.. e cea mai longeviva masina care am avut-o pana acum! sa moara masa a tinut si inca mai tine! nu are defecte grave ( decat la 1.7 dti - calculator de injectie ; si ; 2.0 dti - pompa de injectie ) in rest f f fiabila masina, foarte bine finisata si in exterior si in interior! votul meu: astra G