Aveti grija fratilor pe Calea Bucuresti ca stau astia cu radarele aproape tot timpul. Intro noapte cum eram obisnuit ca stau la Fiat am zis dupa ce trec de "damb" o las mai moale si surpriza ca Loganul galben era mai sus un pic de praktiker ascuns.. am trecut cu aprox 75 langa el, dar mai jos era doar un singur echipaj si erau deja "busy" cu trei masini asa k am scapat ![Very Happy]( . Azi noapte erau trei echipaje si patru masini oprite cand am trecut eu. Ziua ii vad mereu pe la Pilot. Asa k mare grija ![Smile](
While I was waiting there for my mind to turn clear, I was listening to the blood rushing through my ears, and there was something else that I could hear.. Have you seen the girl with the red hat, she got lost one day, and never came back, turned here back on the world and black and white, now she walks with bunnies hopping at here side...