Fain asa in centrul civic ![Very Happy]( 100% ca se evita aglomeratzia...
Mai am si eu o intrebare... vad ca de ceva timp nu mai merge camera de la pod de la darste. Camere aceea era si radar sau numai de supraveghere a traficului?
Ca noaptea imi era "rusine" sa merg cu 50 pe acolo si mie frica ca sami apara vreo surpirza prin posta (acum ca am scapat si de puncte ![Cool]( ) Am auzit un zvon, cica unul a primit amenda prin posta dupa juma' de an
While I was waiting there for my mind to turn clear, I was listening to the blood rushing through my ears, and there was something else that I could hear.. Have you seen the girl with the red hat, she got lost one day, and never came back, turned here back on the world and black and white, now she walks with bunnies hopping at here side...