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Old 04-02-08, 14:43   #1471

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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

1. felicitarile noastre ciprian.
2. ce va mai place sa va schimbati username-urile...
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Old 04-02-08, 16:45   #1472

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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

mi-am schimbat username-ul pt ca am vandut masina si nu am putut pastra numarul
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Old 04-02-08, 16:51   #1473
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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

se apropie Tuning Days...care are de gand sa mearga?...eu si Pc Freak mergem...

Last edited by Bmw_Rulllzzz; 07-02-08 at 18:05.
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Old 04-02-08, 18:05   #1474

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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

deci care vine?eu cu TheFasterMan chiar vrem sa mergem....se mai baga cineva?
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Old 04-02-08, 18:14   #1475
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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

pai voi cu cine mergeti????eu trebuie sa vorbesc cu Vali de cazare...cred ca merg si eu
dak mi-am vandut mashina mi-am schimbat userul
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Old 04-02-08, 18:16   #1476
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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

noi mergem cu ce se poate...tren,autocar,microbuz nu`i problema asta...posibil sa ramanem si noi in bucuresti...dar nu stim sigur...
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Old 06-02-08, 08:50   #1477
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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

eu nu inteleg ce e cu linistea asta...
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Old 06-02-08, 09:02   #1478
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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

e un mister total....niciodata nu a mai fost asa peace and quiet........
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Old 06-02-08, 20:51   #1479

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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

pai....face-ti galagie. da drumu' la muzica sa cante...si....party !!!!!!! poate voi merge si eu la tuning days
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Old 07-02-08, 00:21   #1480

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Hi hi hi! Si eu am sa merg.Numai ca eu plec direct din Brasov.
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Old 07-02-08, 18:05   #1481

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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

aaa......si daca va mai vindeti si masinile astea iar va schimbati user-ul ?
mai este pana la tuning days, ramane sa vorbim la o intalnire pe la inceputul lu' martie care si cum merge.
ex car - e46
Parbrize - Lunete - Geamuri laterale
0751.08.34.33/0769.18.26.99 pymautoglass@yahoo.com sau office@parbrizeonline.ro
Vanzari/Montaj/Garantie 24 de luni.
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Old 07-02-08, 18:38   #1482
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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

ar fi frumos sa facem o intalnire sa vina si care sunt pe la facultate....vor sa vina si cei din bacau odata...vroiau sa vine maine dar................
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Old 07-02-08, 19:12   #1483

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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

au fost in seara asta
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Old 08-02-08, 11:07   #1484
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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

care din ei?...eu vorbisem cu cristy mat.....
haideti sa facem si noi o intalnire vinerea viitoare....
ce ziceti???/
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Old 08-02-08, 12:52   #1485

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Default Re: Cafeneaua onestenilor

a fost al3xxx pana la mine dar cu alte treburi. eu zic pe la inceputul lu' martie sa facem o intalnire mai mare, poate vin si de la bacau si de pe la facultate si atunci vom vorbi despre tuning days. zic eu...
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