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Old 19-11-06, 11:46   #1

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Lightbulb De ce Honda?

In toate colturile lumii observi ca mare parte a pasionatilor de masini au ceva impotriva acestui fabricant auto. Sunt numite de la "rable" la "trotinete". Pe multe forumuri de specialitate pt fanii Ford, Mitsu, Nissan, Subaru...etc....vezi cum vin si plang: "I got smoked by a CRX... How can this be?" "Wellcome to da club! They are pretty fast, its no shame in losing with one!" "I hate Hondas!"

Asa ca as vrea sa deschid acest topic in care sa incercam sa atragem mai multi fani Honda in romania si chiar si romani-internationali. Rog fanii Honda sa explice avantajele si dezavantajele vazute de ei, cum de sunt atrasi de aceasta marca din cat mai multe aspecte: performante, tinuta de drum, sentimentul lasat de o astfel de experienta, design....etc. Si cei care nu sunt fani honda sa posteze parerile lor.

PS: Aduceti totusi argumente. Fara explicatiile imature gen "De-aceea-De-fiindca-de-daia."
"WARNING!!!! Objects seen in the mirror appear to be losing!"

"Let's try it again from a roll"

Honda Prelude H22A JDM Spec
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Old 19-11-06, 12:04   #2
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Default Re: De ce Honda?

Nu multa lume stie ca Honda a avut cateva inovatii in domeniul auto care au facut ca aceasta marca sa ajunga sus, adica pe locul 2 dupa Toyota la vanzarile americane. Suspensie double wishbone era pusa pe Accord inca din '86, sistem pe care VW l-a adoptat abia in anii 2000. Motoarele cu distributie variabila, de turatie, capacitate mica, consum redus si putere mare, dar totodata cu o fiabilitate greu de egalat. Honda a folosit foarte multe materiale inedite in constructia blocurilor-motor, aliaje experimentale care s-au dovedit de succes si care sunt azi folosite de mai multi producatori. Sisteme de siguranta inca din anii '80 care erau egalate numai de producatorii mari ai Europei, Mercedes, Bentely, etc. Japonezii de la Honda au fost clarvazatori, au anticipat viitorul. Ei puneau in anii '80 dotari pe masina care astazi nu exista in lista de dotari optionale de la multe masini, nu numai romanesti - oglinzi incalzite, antena electrica, volan reglabil, deschidere haion din interior, directie asistata, frana cu disc pe 4 roti, etc.

Concluzia este ca Honda a facut mereu un compromis reusit intre performanta luata din experienta motocicletelor si a curselor, cu nevoia omului de a avea o masina sigura si fiabila, care nu presupunea intretinere majora.

De ce iubim Honda? Pentru ca este speciala. Fiecare model are caracteristicile sale si un caracter propriu. Honda pana nu demult nu era o marca de larg consum, asa cum este acum alaturi de Toyota si Nissan. Ne place pentru ca la volanul unei Honda ai personalitate... nu esti doar un "altul oarecare".
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Old 21-11-06, 09:15   #3

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da, asta am observat si eu , toata lumea ia in deridere cind aude HONDA cu toate ca unele masini abia acum folosesc tehnologii care honda le-a introdus cu mult timp inainte. problema asta o am si eu fata de prietenii mei pentru ca eu sunt un iubitor de honda si am sa laud intotdeauna honda, fara a exagera niciodata.
ati uitat sa mentionati de recordul de cai putere pe litru de motor aspirat care honda il detine cu S2000-ul si ca sunt primii care au reusit sa scoata 100 de cai per litru cu motorul care a fost pe CRX2.
asta imi dorec si eu sa imi fac o masina performanta cu care sa pot scoate toate impresiile rominilor ca BMW este cel mai bun, sa scrie mare in spate "you got beat by a Honda" sa tina minte ce poate face o honda.

I'd Rather Push A Honda Than Drive A Volkswagon
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Old 23-11-06, 09:04   #4

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Originally Posted by fanete View Post
sa scrie mare in spate "you got beat by a Honda" sa tina minte ce poate face o honda.
asta e tare ... chiar penala faza , cred ca o sa o aplic )
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Old 15-12-06, 17:45   #5

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mi-am luat si eu aucm vro 2 luni un prleude din 90..urmeaza sa dau pentru carnet luna viitoare ..si o sa vad si yo de ce e instare honda..orikum..mi`o aratat0 tata deja ce poate masina..da noh.. in drepata e una si la volan e cu tou altfel
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Old 06-01-07, 22:21   #6

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Default Re: De ce Honda?

salutare ,
vreau sa-mi iau o honda prelude din 91, 2100cc, 150cp, stare f buna, credeti ca merita 3200eu?
am condus-o putin si de atunci ma gandesc numai la ea
va rog spuneti-mi daca merita atatia bani?
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Old 09-01-07, 01:35   #7

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De ce Honda?? Uitati-va si voi de ce. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6L1jUkzjbU
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Old 09-01-07, 03:01   #8

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pai honda in primul rand e de origine japoneza(dat fiind faptul ca sunt cunoscute pt. tuning) si de aceea sunt apreciate,nu sunt apreciate pt. faptul ca multi prefera masinile nemtesti ,printre care ma numar si eu,nu mi se par masini de durata......nush de ce cred asta.
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Old 13-01-07, 05:02   #9

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De ce Honda? Pentru ca este o masina foarte accesibila, performanta si FIABILA!
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Old 21-01-07, 23:21   #10

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Fara cuvinte!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah0fQ...elated&search=
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Old 22-01-07, 09:38   #11
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Raspunsul la De ce Honda? vi-l da omul asta conducand masina asta...
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Old 12-02-07, 00:11   #12

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Default Re: De ce Honda?

Ok...am facut cateva liste aici. Daca gasiti greseli va rog sa le precizati. Unele parti sunt copiate de pe alte site-uri si altele sunt puse de mine....dar am verificat 75% din ele si ar trebui sa fie corecte.
Alte motoare sau dimensiuni.....adaugati si voi poate alte versiuni pentru piata europeana.

Throttle body sizes
b16a SiR-58mm
b16a Sir2 / b16a2 / b16a3-60mm
b16b-60 mm
h22a / h23a-60mm
f22 / f23-60mm

ECU Indenification

PG6 : 88-89 Integra (all makes)
PM5 : 88-91 Civic/CRX DX
PM6 : 88-91 Civic/CRX SOHC Si
PM7 : 89-91 DOHC ZC (JDM 'EF' ECU)
PM8 : 88-91 CRX HF
PR2 : 89-91 ZC (Euro)
PR3 : 89-91 JDM B16A EF8/9
PR3 -J00 or J51 : 92 JDM Integra B16A EF8/9
PW0 : 89-91 JDM B16A EF8/9 DA6-XSi
PR4 : 90-91 Integra LS/GS
PS9 : 88-91 4 door Civic EX Auto
P05 : 92-95 OBD-1 Civic CX
P06 : 92-95 OBD-1 Civic DX
P07 : 92-95 OBD-1 Civic VX
P08 : 92-95 OBD-1 Civic D15 JDM
P0A : 94-95 OBD-1 Accord EX
P13 : 93-95 OBD-1 Prelude Vtec
P14 : 93-95 OBD-1 Prelude Si (non Vtec)
P27 : 92-95 OBD-1 EG JDM Civic 1600 sohc
P28 : 92-95 OBD-1 Civic Si/Ex
P30 : 92-95 OBD-1 DelSol DOHC Vtec Si/EG SiR
P54-G31 : 1997 Honda Accord 1.8 LS
P61 : 92-93 OBD-1 Integra GSR
P72 : 94-95 OBD-1 Integra GSR
P72 : 96-00 OBD-2 Integra GSR
P73 : 96-00 OBD-2 Integra Type-R (JDM & USDM)
P74/75: 92-95 OBD-1 Integra LS/GS
P75 : 96-00 OBD-2 Integra LS/GS
P2N : 96+ OBD-2 Civic HX Coupe
P2P : 96+ OBD-2 Civic EX Coupe
P2E : 96+ OBD-2 Civic DX Coupe
P2M : 96+ OBD-2 NZ Civic SOHC VTEC
P2T : 99+ OBD-2 Civic Si Coupe
P5P : 97-00 OBD-2 Prelude Type-S (JDM ECU)
PBA : 97+ US Acura 1.6EL
PCX : 99+ OBD-2 S2000
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Old 12-02-07, 00:12   #13

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Default Re: De ce Honda?

Motor Specs

A18A1 1.8 12V SOHC Dual Sidedraft 1829 100hp@5500rpm 107tq@4000rpm '87 Prelude (USA)
A20A1 2.0 12V SOHC 2bbl Carb 1955 98hp@5500rpm 109tq@3500rpm '87-'89 Accord DX/LX (USA)
A20A3 2.0 12V SOHC PGM-FI 1955 110hp@5500rpm 114tq@4500rpm '87 Accord LX-i (USA)
A20A3 2.0 12V SOHC PGM-FI 1955 120hp@5500rpm ?? '88-'89 Accord LX-i (USA)
B16 1.6 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1595 158hp@7600rpm 112tq@7000rpm '90-'93 Integra XSi/RSi (JDM)
B16A 1.6 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1595 160hp@7800rpm 111tq@7300rpm '89-'91 Civic SiR (JDM)
B16A 1.6 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1595 170hp@7800rpm 116tq@7300rpm '92-'95 Civic (EUR)
B16A1 1.6 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1595 160hp@7600rpm 111tq@5200rpm '90-'91 Civic SiR (JDM)
'90-'91 CRX SiR (JDM)
B16A2 1.6 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1595 160hp@7600rpm 111tq@7000rpm '99-'00 Civic Si (USA) >
B16A2 1.6 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1595 170hp@7600rpm 115tq@7300rpm 92-98 Civic SIR & CRX Del Sol SIR (JDM)
B16A3 1.6 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1595 160hp@7600rpm 111tq@7000rpm '94-'95 DelSol VTEC (USA)
B16A4 1.6 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1595 170hp@7800rpm ?? '96-'00 Civic Si-RII (JDM)
B16B 1.6 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1595 185hp@8200rpm 118tq@7500 '98-'01 Civic Type-R (JDM)
B17A1 1.7 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1678 160hp@7600rpm 117tq@7000rpm '92-'93 Integra GS-R (USA)
B18A 1.8 16V DOHC PGM-FI 1834 130hp@6000rpm 121tq@5000rpm '90-'91 Integra GS/RS/LS-non-vtec (USA)
B18A 1.8 16V DOHC PGM-FI 1834 140hp@6300rpm 121tq@5200rpm '92-'93 Integra GS/RS/LS non vtec (USA)
B18B1 1.8 16V DOHC PGM-FI 1834 142hp@6300rpm 127tq@5200rpm '94-'00 Integra RS/LS/GS (USA)
B18C 1.8 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1797 178hp@7600rpm 129@6200rpm '95-'97 Integra SiR (JDM)
B18C1 1.8 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1797 170hp@7600rpm 128tq@6200rpm '94-'01 Integra GS-R
B18C5 1.8 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1797 195hp@7800rpm 130tq@7600rpm '98-'01 Integra Type-R (JDM)
B20A3 2.0 12V SOHC Dual Sidedraft 1955 100hp@5500rpm 107tq@4000rpm '88 - '89 Prelude
'90 Prelude S
B20A5 2.0 16V DOHC PGM-FI 1955 110hp@5500rpm 114tq@4500rpm '87 - '91 Prelude 2.0 Si
B20B 2.0 16V DOHC PGM-FI 1997 126hp@5400rpm 133tq@4300rpm '97-'98 CR-V (USA)
B20Z 2.0 16V DOHC PGM-FI 1997 146hp@6400rpm 143tq@4500rpm '98-'01 CR-V (USA)
B21A1 2.1 16V DOHC PGM-FI 2056 140hp@5800rpm 135tq@3500rpm '90-'91 Prelude Si (USA)
BS 2.0 12V SOHC 2bbl Carb 1955 98hp@5500rpm 110tq@3500rpm '86 Accord DX/LX (USA)
BT 2.0 12V SOHC PGM-FI 1955 110hp@5500rpm 114tq@4500rpm '86 Accord LX-i (USA)
'86 Prelude Si (USA)
C27A4 2.7 24V SOHC PGM-FI 2675 170Hp '95 Accord V6
C30A 3.0 24V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 2977 265hp@6800rpm 224tq@5400rpm '02 NSX
C32A 3.2 24V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 3197 280hp@7300rpm 224tq@5400rpm '02 NSX
D13A2 1.3 8V SOHC 2bbl Carb 1342 60hp@5500rpm 73tq@3500rpm '87 Civic/CRX 1.3 (USA)
D15A2 1.5 8V SOHC 2bbl Carb 1488 76hp@6000rpm 84tq@3500rpm '87 Civic/CRX 1.5 (USA)
D15A2 1.5 8V SOHC 2bbl Carb 1488 58hp@4500rpm 80tq@2500rpm '87 Civic/CRX HF (USA)
D15A3 1.5 8V SOHC PGM-FI 1488 91hp@5500rpm 93tq@4500rpm '87 Civic/CRX Si (USA)
D15B1 1.5 8V SOHC PGM-FI 1493 70hp@5500rpm 83tq@3000rpm '88-'?? Civic
D15B2 1.5 16V SOHC PGM-FI 1493 92hp@6000rpm 89tq@4500rpm '88-'91 Civic DX/LX (USA)
D15B6 1.5 8V SOHC PGM-FI 1493 62hp@4500rpm 83tq@3000rpm '88-'89 Civic/CRX HF (USA)
D15B6 1.5 8V SOHC PGM-FI 1493 70hp@4500rpm 83tq@3000rpm '90-'91 Civic/CRX HF (USA)
D15B7 1.5 16V SOHC PGM-FI 1493 102hp@5900rpm 98tq@5000rpm '92-'95 Civic DX/LX (USA)
D15B8 1.5 8V SOHC PGM-FI 1493 70hp@4500rpm 83tq@3000rpm '92-'95 Civic CX (USA)
D15Z1 1.5 16V SOHC VTEC-E PGM-FI 1493 92hp@5500rpm 97tq@4500rpm '92-'95 Civic VX (USA)
D16A1 1.6 16V DOHC PGM-FI 1590 113hp@6250rpm 99tq@5500rpm '86-'89 Integra (USA)
D16A3 1.6 16V DOHC PGM-FI 1590 118hp@6500rpm 103tq@5500rpm '88-'89 Integra (USA)
D16A6 1.6 16V SOHC PGM-FI 1590 108hp@6000rpm 100tq@5000rpm '90-'91 Civic Si/CRX
D16A8/9 1.6 16V DOHC PGM-FI 1595 137hp@6800rpm 108tq@5700rpm '88-'91 Civic/CRX Si (JDM)
D16Y5 1.6 16V SOHC VTEC-E PGM-FI 1590 115hp@6200rpm 104tq@5400rpm '96-'00 Civic HX (USA)
D16Y7 1.6 16V SOHC PGM-FI 1590 106hp@6200rpm 103tq@4600rpm '96-'00 Civic CX/DX/LX (USA)
D16Y8 1.6 16V SOHC VTEC-II PGM-FI 1590 127hp@6600rpm 107tq@5500rpm '96-'00 Civic EX (USA)
D16Z6 1.6 16V SOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1590 125hp@6600rpm 106tq@5200rpm '92 - '95 Civic EX/Si (USA)
'93-'95 Del Sol Si (USA)
D17A1 1.7 16V SOHC PGM-FI 1668 115hp@6100rpm 110tq@4500rpm '01-'02 Civic DX/LX (USA)
D17A2 1.7 16V SOHC VTEC-II PGM-FI 1668 127hp@6300rpm 114tq@4800rpm '01-'02 Civic EX (USA)
C25A1 2.5 24V SOHC PGM-FI 2492 151hp@5900rpm 154tq@4500rpm 86-87 Legend
C27A1 2.7 24V SOHC PGM-FI 2675 161hp@5900rpm 162tq@4500rpm 87-90 Legend Coupe
C32A1 3.2 24V SOHC PGM-FI 3206 200hp@5500rpm 210tq@4500rpm 90-93 Legend Coupe
EB1 1.2 8V SOHC 2bbl Carb 1170 50hp@5000rpm 59tq@3000rpm '73 Civic (USA)
EB2 1.2 8V SOHC 2bbl Carb 1237 63hp@5000rpm 77tq@3000rpm '74-79 Civic (USA)
EB3 1.2 8V SOHC 2bbl Carb 1237 63hp@5000rpm 77tq@3000rpm '78-79 Civic (USA)
ED1 1.5 8V SOHC CVCC 3bbl Carb 1487 52hp@5000rpm 68tq@3000rpm '75 Civic CVCC (USA)
ED3 1.5 8V SOHC CVCC 3bbl Carb 1487 52hp@5000rpm 68tq@3000rpm '75 Civic Wagon (USA)
'76-79 Civic CVCC
ED4 1.5 8V SOHC CVCC 3bbl Carb 1487 52hp@5000rpm 68tq@3000rpm '76-'79 Civic Wagon (USA)
EF1 1.6 8V SOHC 3bbl Carb 1600 68hp@5000rpm 85tq@3000rpm '76-'78 Accord (USA)
EJ1 1.3 8V SOHC 3bbl Carb 1335 68hp@5000rpm 77tq@3000rpm '80 Civic (USA)
EJ1 1.3 8V SOHC 3bbl Carb 1335 60hp@5500rpm 68tq@4000rpm '81-'83 Civic (USA)
EK1 (2V) 1.8 8V SOHC 3bbl Carb 1751 72hp@4500rpm 94tq@3000rpm '79-'81 Accord (USA)
'79-'91 Prelude (USA)
EK1 (4V) 1.8 8V SOHC 3bbl Carb 1751 75hp@4500rpm 96tq@3000rpm '82-'83 Accord (USA)
'82 Prelude (USA)
EM1 1.5 8V SOHC CVCC 3bbl Carb 1487 52hp@5000rpm 68tq@3000rpm '80 Civic (USA)
EM1 1.5 8V SOHC CVCC 3bbl Carb 1487 63hp@5000rpm 77tq@3000rpm '81-'83 Civic (USA)
ES1 1.8 12V SOHC Dual Sidedraft 1829 100hp@5500rpm 104tq@4000rpm '83-'84 Prelude (USA)
ES2 1.8 12V SOHC 3bbl Carb 1829 86hp@5800rpm 99tq@3500rpm '84 - '85 Accord (USA)
ES3 1.8 12V SOHC PGM-FI 1829 101hp@5800rpm 108tq@2500rpm '85 Accord SE-i (USA)
ET2 1.8 12V SOHC Dual Sidedraft 1829 100@5500rpm 104@4000rpm '85 - '86 Prelude (USA)
EV1 1.3 8V SOHC 3bbl Carb 1342 60hp@5500rpm 73tq@3500rpm '84-'86 Civic (USA)
'84-'86 CRX (USA)
EW1 1.5 8V SOHC 3bbl Carb 1488 76hp@6000rpm 84tq@3500rpm '84-'86 Civic (USA)
'84-'85 Civic/CRX HF (USA)
EW1 1.5 8V SOHC 3bbl Carb 1488 58hp@4500rpm 80tq@2500rpm '86 CRX HF (USA)
EW1 1.5 8V SOHC 3bbl Carb 1488 70hp@6000rpm 84tq@3500rpm '86 Civic (USA)
EW3 1.5 8V SOHC PGM-FI 1488 91hp@5500rpm 93tq@4500rpm '85 Civic/CRX Si (USA)
EW4 1.5 8V SOHC PGM-FI 1488 91hp@5500rpm 93tq@4500rpm '86 Civic/CRX Si (USA)
F20A 2.0 16V DOHC PGM-FI 1955 150hp@6100rpm 137tq@5000rpm '90-'93 Accord Si (JDM)
F20A4 2.0 SOHC PGM-FI 1955 ?? ?? '94 Prelude
F20B 2.0 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1955 149 kW ?? '90-'93 Accord Si-R (JDM)
F20C 2.0 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 1997 240hp@8300rpm 153tq@7500rpm '00-'02 S2000
F22 2.2 16V DOHC PGM-FI 2156 160hp@6000rpm 148tq@5000rpm '92-'96 Prelude Si (USA)
F22A1 2.2 SOHC PGM-FI 2156 125hp@5200rpm 137tq@4000rpm '90-'93 Accord (USA)
F22A1 2.2 SOHC PGM-FI 2156 135hp@5200rpm 142tq@4000rpm '92-'96 Prelude S (USA)
F22A2 2.2 SOHC VTEC PGM-FI 2156 108 kW ?? '94-'97 Accord EX
F22A4 2.2 16V SOHC PGM-FI 2156 130hp@5200rpm 140tq@4000rpm '90-'91 Accord EX, Wagon LX (USA)
F22A6 2.2 16V SOHC PGM-FI 2156 140hp@5600rpm 142tq@5200rpm '91 Accord SE, ACcord Wagon 91-93? (USA)
F22B1 2.2 16V DOHC PGM-FI 2156 145hp@5500rpm 147tq@4500rpm '94-'95 Accord EX (USA)
F22B2 2.2 16V SOHC PGM-FI 2156 130hp@5300rpm 139tq@4200rpm '94-'95 Accord DX/LX (USA)
F23A1 2.3 SOHC VTEC 2259 112 kW '98+ Accord EX/LX
G25A1 2.5 20V SOHC PGM-FI 2451 176hp@6300rpm 170tq@3900rpm 92-94 Vigor
C25A1 2.5 24V SOHC PGM-FI 2492 151hp@5900rpm 154tq@4500rpm 86-87 Legend
C27A1 2.7 24V SOHC PGM-FI 2675 161hp@5900rpm 162tq@4500rpm 87-90 Legend Coupe
C32A1 3.2 24V SOHC PGM-FI 3206 200hp@5500rpm 210tq@4500rpm 91-93 Legend Coupe
F23A4 2.3 SOHC ULEV VTEC PGM-FI 2259 110 kW ?? '98-'?? Accord EX/LX
H22 2.2 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 2157 190hp@6800rpm 152tq@5500rpm '94-'97 Accord SiR (JDM)
H22 2.2 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 2157 200hp@6800rpm 161tq@5500rpm '92-'96 Prelude VTEC (USA)
H22A 2.2 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 2157 220hp@7200rpm 163tq@6500rpm '97-'01 Prelude SiR (JDM)
H22A 2.2 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 2157 200hp@7000rpm 156tq@5250rpm '99-'01 Prelude (USA)
H22A 2.2 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 2157 200hp@7200rpm 163tq@6500rpm '97-'01 Prelude Type-S (JDM)
H22A1 2.2 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 2157 195hp@7000rpm 156tq@5250rpm '97-'98 Prelude (USA)
H22A1 2.2 16V DOHC VTEC PGM-FI 2157 190hp@6800rpm 158tq@5500rpm '94-'96 Prelude VTEC (USA)
H23 2.3 16V DOHC PGM-FI 2259 160hp@5800rpm 156tq@4500rpm '93-'95 Prelude Type-S (JDM)
H23A1 2.3 16V DOHC PGM-FI 2259 160hp@5800rpm 156tq@4500rpm '92-'96 Prelude Si (USA)
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Old 12-02-07, 00:13   #14

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K20A 2.0 16V DOHC i-VTEC PGM-FI 1998 220hp@8000rpm 206tq@7000rpm '01-'02 Integra (JDM)
k20A RPM'02 Civic Type-R 215 HP@8000 RPM, 202 lb/ft of torque @ 7000 RPM'02 (JDM)
K20A2 2.0 16V DOHC i-VTEC PGM-FI 1998 200hp@7000rpm 142tq@6000rpm '01-'04 RSX Type-S (USA)
K20A3 2.0 16V DOHC i-VTEC PGM-FI 1998 160hp@6600rpm 141tq@5000rpm '01-'02 RSX (USA) '02 Civic Si (USA)
K20A2 2.0 16V DOHC i-VTEC PGM-FI 1998 210hp@7800rpm 143tq@7000rpm '05 RSX Type-S (USA)
K20A3 2.0 16V DOHC i-VTEC PGM-FI 1998 160hp@6600rpm 132tq@5000rpm '02-'05 Civic Si (USA)
K20Z1 155 hp@ 6000 rpm; 139 ft·lbf @4500 rpms 1998 '05-06 RSX tye S
K20Z3 2.0 DOHC i-Vtec pgm-FI 1998 197hp@7800RPMS; 139 torque@6200lb-ft '06-civic Si
K23A1 238 hp@6800, 260tq@6200 TURBO i-vtec '07 Acura MDX
K24 2.4 16V DOHC i-VTEC PGM-FI 2354 160Hp@6000rpm 162Hp@3600rpm '02 CR-V (USA)
K24a2 200hp @ 6,800rpm; 166lb-ft @ 4,500rpm Civic type R (JDM)
K24A 2.4 16V DOHC i-VTEC PGM-FI 2354 160hp@5500rpm 161tq@4500rpm '03-'05 Accord, Element (USA)
ZC 1.6 16V SOHC PGM-FI 1590 105hp@6300 135.33N*m@4500rpm ’88-94 Integra, CRX (JDM)
ZC 1.6 16V SOHC PGM-FI 1590 120hp@6300 142N*m@3000rpm ’88-94 Integra, CRX (JDM)
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Old 12-02-07, 00:13   #15

Stage 5
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Default Re: De ce Honda?


Self Diagnostic indicator light
Symptom, Component or system area
Possible problem area
no blinks
Will not start
Check engine light stays on
Check the ECU fuses in the under hood & dash fuse boxes
Check ground at thermostat housing
Possible bad ECU
no blinks
Will not start
No check engine light reported on
Check ignition system (for spark, including distributor rotor)
Check compression (for possible soft carbon and also beware of broken
timing belts or seized cams )
Check ground wire to thermostat housing (No spark?)
Check for fuel pressure, injector pulse, or water in fuel
Check for water damaged ECU
Check main relay for PGM-FI system
Check power & ground to the ECU, possible bad ECU

1 blink
Oxygen sensor circuit (O2 "A" )
May fail emission test if code sets in that run cycle (bank 2 on V-6
Short or open in O2 sensor circuit or bad O2 sensor
low fuel pressure, cylinder misfiring, fuel contamination or silicone
contamination, possible leaking head gasket
Injector problem or needs orifice in purge line (early models)

2 blinks
Oxygen sensor circuit (O2 "B")
Same as above (bank 1 on V-6 models)

3 blinks
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
Plugs usually wet, engine may stall or not rev
usually an electrical problem in the MAP sensor circuit

5 blinks
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
Plugs usually wet, engine may stall or not rev
usually an mechanical or hose problem with the MAP sensor circuit

4 blinks
Crank Angle Sensor circuit (CKP)
Engine does not rev, may idle erratic
Short or open in CKP circuit or bad CKP
Check T-belt position on DOHC models

6 blinks
Coolant Temperature Sensor circuit (TW or ECT) Engine idles high &
or hard to start when hot (usually)
Short or open in TW sensor circuit or bad TW Sensor
Also Coolant must be full for proper sensor operation
May also set code in A/T ECU

7 blinks
Throttle Angle Sensor circuit (TP)
Hesitation on acceleration, high idle speeds, engine may not rev when
Short or open in TP sensor circuit or bad TP sensor
May also set code in A/T ECU

8 blinks
TDC Position Sensor circuit
Engine may not start, runs rough
Short or open in TDC sensor circuit or bad TDC sensor
Check T-belt position on DOHC models

9 blinks
#1 Cylinder Position Sensor circuit (CYL
or CYP) Engine may not start, runs rough
Short or open in CYL sensor circuit or bad CYL sensor
Check T-belt position on DOHC models

10 short blinks or 1 long blink
Intake Air Temperature circuit (TA or IAT)
Short or open in TA sensor circuit or bad TA sensor

12 short blinks or 1 long blink + 2 short blinks
Exhaust Gas Recirculation circuit (EGR)
Rough running or idling, Stalling
Short or open in EGR system wiring or broken hoses, plugged orifice
in air chamber, check EGR valve first

13 short blinks or 1 long blink + 3 short blinks
Atmospheric Pressure Sensor circuit (PA or BARO) Engine stalls, Hard
to start cold
Short or open in PA sensor wiring, bad PA sensor

14 short blinks or 1 long blink + 4 short blinks
Electronic Air Control circuit (EACV or IAC Valve) High idle, Low
idle, Stalling
Short or open in EACV wiring, bad EACV valve
Low idle? no code-check Idle Adjustment port for plugging

*15 short blinks or 1 long blink + 5 short blinks
Ignition Output Signal Failure
Engine may not start
Short or open in ignition circuit causing no spark or no RPM imput
to the ECU, Bad ignitor, coil, or distributor assembly

*16 short blinks or 1 long blink + 6 short blinks
Fuel Injector circuit
Engine may not start, misfires, loss of power or fails emission test
Short or open in fuel injector wiring, bad fuel injector, bad main
*Note that early models did not have the luxury of this code

17 short blinks or 1 long blink + 7 short blinks
Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)
Cruise control may not operate
Short or open in VSS wiring, check for bad VSS first
May also set code on A/T ECU, A/T lockup inoperative

19 short blinks or 1 long blink
+ 9 short blinks
A/T lock solenoid (equipped Civics only)
A/T lock-up fails to operate
Short or open in lock up wiring, a contaminated lock up solenoid,
problem in the transmission will not cause this

20 short blinks or 2 long blnks
Electronic Load Detector (ELD)
Short or open in ELD wiring, bad ELD, check charging sys

21 = 2 long blinks + 1 short
VTEC Solenoid valve (VTEC car only)
Short or open in VTEC wiring, Bad VTEC solenoid valve

22 = 2 long blinks + 1 short
VTEC oil pressure switch (VTEC car only)
Short or open in VTEC wiring, Bad VTEC o.p.s.(V-6 bank 2)

23 = 2 long blinks + 1 short
L. Knock sensor (Bank 2)
Short or open in knock sensor wiring, bad knock snsr, PCM

30 = 3 long blinks
A/T control signal A No symptom
Short or open wiring between ECU & AT ECU or bad ECU

31 = 3 long blinks + 1 short blink
A/T control signal B
No symptom
Short or open in wiring between ECU & AT control unit or bad ECU

35 = 3 long blinks + 5 short
TCS line failure (TCS may not function)
Problem in Traction control system or wiring

36 = 3 long blinks + 6 short
TCS low or High imput
same as above

37 = 3 long blinks + 7 short blinks
Accelerator position sensor
Short or open in accelerator position sensor circuit or bad
accelerator position sensor or ECU

40 = 4 long blinks
Throttle position abnormal
Problem in Throttle valve control motor circuit, or motor

41 = 4 long blinks + 1 short blink
Oxygen sensor heater circuit (HO2S)
Fails Emission test
Short or open in HO2S wiring, bad HO2S
(Bank 2 sensor 1 on V-6)

42 = 4 long blinks + 2 short
Right primary HO2S (V-6 models)
Short or open in HO2S wiring, bad HO2S (V-6 bank 1 sensor 1)

43 = 4 long blinks + 3 short blinks
Oxygen sensor circuit (O2) or fuel supply system Fails emission test
Short or open in O2 sensor circuit, bad O2 sensor, fuel supply
problem or fuel contamination

45 = 4 long blinks + 5 short blinks
Running too lean or rich ( bank 2 on V-6 models)
Fuel system problem or contamination, primary HO2S or possible MAP
sensor malfunction, valves

46 = 4 long blinks + 6 short blinks
Running too rich or lean (bank 1 on V-6 models)
Same as code #45

48 = 4 long blinks + 8 short
LAF Sensor circuit
Short or open in LAF sensor circuit, bad LAF sensor

52 = 5 long blinks + 2 short blinks
VTEC system (bank 1 on V6)
Short or open in rear VTEC solenoid or Pressure switch wiring, bad
solenoid valve or pressure switch or ECU

53 = 5 long blinks + 3 short blinks
R. Knock sensor (bank 1on V6)
Short or open in knock sensor wiring, bad knock sensor, PCM

54 = 5 long blinks + 4 short
CKF Sensor 2 (crank speed variance)(V6)
Timing belt jumped teeth, bad CKF sensor or wiring, PCM

58 = 5 long blinks + 8 short
TDC sensor 2 (runs rough)(V6)
Short or open in TDC sensor wiring, bad TDC sensor

59 = 5 long blinks + 9 short
Cylinder Position sensor 2 (runs rough)V6
Short or open in the sensor wiring or bad sensor

61 = 6 long blinks + 1 short
L. Primary HO2S (slow reaction) bank 2
Bad L. primary HO2S, check exhaust pipe (sensor 1)

62 = 6 long blinks + 2 short
R. Primary HO2S (slow reaction) bank 1
Bad R. primary HO2S, check exhaust pipe (sensor 1)

63 = 6 long blinks + 3 short blinks
Secondary HO2S (reads high, low, slow)
Short or open in secondary HO2S wiring, or bad sensor.
or ECU (Bank 2 sensor 2 on V-6 models)

64 = 6 long blinks + 4 short
Secondary HO2S (reads high, low, slow)
same as code# 63. Bank 1 sensor 2 (V-6 )

65 = 6 long blinks + 5 short
Secondary HO2S heater circuit
Short or open in secondary HO2S heater wiring, bad sensor
or ECU (bank 2 sensor 2 on V-6 models)

66 = 6 long blinks + 6 short
Secondary HO2S heater circuit
same as code # 65 (bank 1 sensor 2 on V-6)

67 = 6 long blinks + 7 short
Catalyst system below threshold
Bad catalyst

70 = 7 long blinks
Electronic automatic transmission control
Problem in EAT control circuits

71 = 7 long blinks + 1 short
Cylinder #1 misfire or random misfire
Lack of power, hesitation
Problem in ignition system, fuel injector, MAP sensor, EGR system,
Contaminated fuel, Low compression, out of fuel

72 = 7 long blinks + 2 short
Cylinder #2
same as code # 71

73 = 7 long blinks + 3 short
Cylinder #3
same as code # 71

74 = 7 long blinks + 4 short
Cylinder #4
same as code # 71

75 = 7 long blinks + 5 short
Cylinder #5 (V-6)
same as code # 71

76 = 7 long blinks + 6 short
Cylinder #6 (V-6)
same as code # 71

79 = 7 long blinks + 9 short
Spark plug voltage detection circuit
Short or open in circuit, bad spark plug detection module

80 = 8 long blinks
EGR low flow (light surge @ cruise)
EGR valve or restricted EGR port

86 = 8 long blinks + 6 short
Coolant temperature sensor (TW or ECT)
Bad ECT sensor, check cooling system (out of range)

90 = 9 long blinks
Evaporative emissions control system
Leak detected in fuel tank, check gas cap

91 = 9 long blinks + 1 short
Fuel tank pressure sensor
Low pressure, check gas cap

92 = 9 long blinks + 2 short
Evaporative system purge flow incorrect
EVAP purge flow solenoid valve, Purge flow switch, or circuits,
check tubing & purge port, PCM
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