15-11-07, 20:16
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
Originally Posted by Nautilus
Richard W. Rahn e mai degraba un personaj "din interior" decat un simplu jurnalist - fost vicepresedinte al Camerei de Comert a SUA, consilier pe probleme economice al lui George W. Bush etc genul care stie mai multe decat publicul obisnuit si mult mai mult decat spune
Acelasi personaj a dat un interviu foarte interesant in Saptamana Financiara nr. 129, 24.09.2007, despre inflatie si motivele pentru care uneori impresia despre inflatie e falsa
in ultima vreme, oricine e asociat cu acest om, tinde sa fie manjit de aceasi pensula... aproape TOATE persoanele pe care le-a avut in guvern sau la functii importante, au fost niste clovni incompetenti sau hoti de prima mana... Nici unul nu a realizat absolut nimic, din contra, mai toti au fost disgratiati, sau facuti sa demita, sau au fost asa de fraieri incat pana si bush a zis ba gata ajunge si i-a dat el afara... dintre aia cu care si-a inceput presedentia, nu mai are pe aproape absolut nimeni... deci nu stiu, dar am dubii despre oricine este sau a fost asociat cu acest om... si cred ca nu sunt singur, ca daca as fi, toti candidatii republicani nu ar sta atat de departe de a se asocia cu georgica sau cineva din guvernul lui
19-11-07, 01:34
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
si aici in state, pretul a sarit vertiginos, acum o luna cand am luat masina pt un galon plateam 2.67, iar acum la pompa regular-ul ca de el e vorba e 2.95, si se preconizeaza ca va mai creste....asta e (
My favorite car, Z350.
23-11-07, 02:16
Honda Driver
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
A luat-o razna si la noi. de la 1.15 la 1.25 in unele locuri. Am vazut chiar diesel mai scump ca si benzina
23-11-07, 03:56
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
99 centi canadieni pe litru (2.3RON )
25-11-07, 01:58
Observator 4tuning
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
Da DIESEL mai scump ca BENZINA .
UNDE ? -> Irlanda
25-11-07, 04:43
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
Originally Posted by CJ-01-WOB
Da DIESEL mai scump ca BENZINA .
UNDE ? -> Irlanda
anul trecut parca, pentru vreo saptamana doua a fost si aici motorina mai scumpa ca benzina cu cativa centi, dar dupa s-a asezat la vreo 5 centi mai putin decat benzina regulara si acolo a ramas de atunci nu stiu de ce, dar parca aveam inpresia ca motorina e cel putin 10c/L mai putin decat benzina regulara
29-11-07, 12:20
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
Ieri petrolul o luase in jos, putin sub 90 USD/baril, azi aflam de o explozie la o conducta si sare iar 3-4 dolari mai sus... maine probabil apare vreun buletin de stiri in care se da vina pe Al-Qaeda
Crude Oil Surges After Explosion at Enbridge's Pipeline to U.S.
By Eduard Gismatullin and Grant Smith
Nov. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Oil surged more than $4 a barrel, the most in a month, after an explosion at an Enbridge Inc. pipeline from Canada to the U.S. cut supply to the world's largest energy user.
Enbridge closed four pipelines, with a combined capacity of 1.5 million barrels a day, that meet at its Clearbrook, Minnesota, terminal after a blast yesterday killed two workers. The company said today the fire was still burning.
``It's an important pipeline and it's also where it's being hit, these pipeline junctions are a nightmare,'' said Rob Laughlin, a senior broker at MF Global Ltd. in London. Oil ``could go up further if it's shut for some time.''
Crude oil for January delivery gained as much as $4.55, or 5 percent, to $95.17 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. That's the biggest gain since Oct. 31. The contract, which gained for the first time this week, traded at $94.17 at 9:29 a.m. in London.
``All our lines are shut down until we can safely start up the system,'' Enbridge spokeswoman Denise Hamsher said today by telephone. ``At least one or two lines will be shut down for quite sometime.''
Brent crude oil for January settlement climbed as much as $3.01, or 3.4 percent, to $92.82 a barrel on the London-based ICE ***ures Europe exchange. The contract traded at $91.99 a barrel at 9:29 a.m. in London.
U.S. crude oil stockpiles fell 452,000 barrels to 313.2 million last week, the Energy Department said yesterday. Oil inventories in Cushing, Oklahoma, were at 152.3 million barrels as of Nov. 23, the lowest since October 2005.
`Huge Reaction'
This oil is ``pumping into the Midwest, into Cushing,'' where the New York-traded contract is priced, said Edo Gerbrands, a trader with Fortis Bank in Brussels. ``Stocks, which are pretty low at the moment, will get lower. Therefore, we see this huge reaction today.''
The leak and explosion occurred at the No. 3 pipeline, which was undergoing maintenance, according to Enbridge
29-11-07, 17:28
Stage 2
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Posts: 45
Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
Io dau 3.30$ in Arizona pe un galon de benzina Shell 91+
29-11-07, 20:57
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
Originally Posted by Nautilus
Ieri petrolul o luase in jos, putin sub 90 USD/baril, azi aflam de o explozie la o conducta si sare iar 3-4 dolari mai sus... maine probabil apare vreun buletin de stiri in care se da vina pe Al-Qaeda
Crude Oil Surges After Explosion at Enbridge's Pipeline to U.S.
By Eduard Gismatullin and Grant Smith
Nov. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Oil surged more than $4 a barrel, the most in a month, after an explosion at an Enbridge Inc. pipeline from Canada to the U.S. cut supply to the world's largest energy user.
Enbridge closed four pipelines, with a combined capacity of 1.5 million barrels a day, that meet at its Clearbrook, Minnesota, terminal after a blast yesterday killed two workers. The company said today the fire was still burning.
``It's an important pipeline and it's also where it's being hit, these pipeline junctions are a nightmare,'' said Rob Laughlin, a senior broker at MF Global Ltd. in London. Oil ``could go up further if it's shut for some time.''
Crude oil for January delivery gained as much as $4.55, or 5 percent, to $95.17 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. That's the biggest gain since Oct. 31. The contract, which gained for the first time this week, traded at $94.17 at 9:29 a.m. in London.
``All our lines are shut down until we can safely start up the system,'' Enbridge spokeswoman Denise Hamsher said today by telephone. ``At least one or two lines will be shut down for quite sometime.''
Brent crude oil for January settlement climbed as much as $3.01, or 3.4 percent, to $92.82 a barrel on the London-based ICE ***ures Europe exchange. The contract traded at $91.99 a barrel at 9:29 a.m. in London.
U.S. crude oil stockpiles fell 452,000 barrels to 313.2 million last week, the Energy Department said yesterday. Oil inventories in Cushing, Oklahoma, were at 152.3 million barrels as of Nov. 23, the lowest since October 2005.
`Huge Reaction'
This oil is ``pumping into the Midwest, into Cushing,'' where the New York-traded contract is priced, said Edo Gerbrands, a trader with Fortis Bank in Brussels. ``Stocks, which are pretty low at the moment, will get lower. Therefore, we see this huge reaction today.''
The leak and explosion occurred at the No. 3 pipeline, which was undergoing maintenance, according to Enbridge
s-au calmat lucrurile, si doua din cele cinci conducte sunt deschise din nou
RIP pentru cei doi muncitori
30-11-07, 23:58
Toyota Driver
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
La noi e $NZ1.73/L ~ 85Eurocenti/L pt 91', iar motorina a ajuns la $NZ1.27/L ~ 60Eurocenti/L
06-12-07, 09:41
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
Petrolul la 87-88 USD/baril, dolarul da oarecari semne de insanatosire (~1,46 USD=1 EUR)
07-12-07, 01:14
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
se zice ca daca pretul de petrol ramane la fel, vom plati in jur de $1.50 - $1.60 pe litru de benzina la primavara/vara !!! Considerand ca cel mai mult cat a fost vreodata benzina aici a fost $1.26 /L, anul trecut, deci mai mult de 25c in plus pe litru!! acum e in continuare cam 98c - 99c pe litru...
deci probabil ca mondial, pretul va creste cam 25c pe litru, sau in jur de.... de speriat....
07-12-07, 21:45
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
Aici este f. scump, cel putin pt. mine, dar nu stiu cum la o benzinarie de langa Milano intr-o zi motorina a fost 99 eurocenti pe cand in alte orase era mult mai scump!!!!
|Nissan Navara|
08-12-07, 03:07
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
Originally Posted by .KOD.
Aici este f. scump, cel putin pt. mine, dar nu stiu cum la o benzinarie de langa Milano intr-o zi motorina a fost 99 eurocenti pe cand in alte orase era mult mai scump!!!!
La mine este 1.24 euro/L motorina si 1.344 euro/L benzina,evident cu mici diferente intre distribuitori.
02-01-08, 22:21
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Re: Carburantu'...dureros de ...cit?
Petrolul a depasit pentru prima data in istorie 100 USD/baril
Jan. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil reached a record $100 a barrel and gold soared to the highest ever, leading a commodity surge as the dollar's slump against major currencies enhanced the appeal of raw materials as hedges against inflation.
Cotele de acum (22:07 ora Romaniei) sunt intre 97.75 si 99.75 USD/baril
Dolarul la 1.4726 USD = 1 EUR
Three-figure prices may bring energy costs near the tipping point that will cause global economic growth to falter. China has more than doubled oil use since New York crude dropped to this century's low of $16.70 a barrel on Nov. 19, 2001. That's soaked up most of the world's spare production capacity amid supply cuts in Nigeria, Iraq and Venezuela. - Bloomberg, Mark Shenk & Nesa Subrahmaniyan
"This is the culmination of everything that we talked about last year. Various geopolitical problems have deteriorated overnight, in particular Nigeria and Pakistan. Commodities, and in particular oil, have become safe havens in a dangerous world.'' - John Kilduff, Vice President of risk management at MF Global Ltd. in New York
"This president would not use the (Strategic Petroleum Reserve) to m.a.n.i.p.u.l.a.t.e. (prices) unless there was a true emergency" - Dana Perino, White House press secretary
"The solution to high prices lies in expanding domestic oil and gas production and increasing the nation's refining capacity" - Megan Barnett, Energy Department spokeswoman
However, post-holiday trading volumes were about 50 percent of normal Wednesday, meaning the price move was likely exaggerated by speculative buying.
"I would imagine the speculators are the biggest drivers today," said Phil Flynn, an analyst at Alaron Trading Corp., in Chicago. - Yahoo! News
Prices on Oct. 15 passed the previous all-time inflation- adjusted record. Measured in today's dollars, oil in 1981 rose as high as $84.73 after a decade of Middle East instability including the Arab-Israeli war in 1973, the Iranian revolution in 1979 and the Iran-Iraq war that began in 1980.
Oil embargoes and higher prices helped trigger recessions in developed countries, prompting efficiency drives that sent prices lower for two decades to as little as $10.35 a barrel on Dec. 21, 1998. - Bloomberg, Mark Shenk & Nesa Subrahmaniyan