19-09-06, 00:55
Stage 5
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parca era topic de bancuri aici...
19-09-06, 01:05
Stage 5
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da mah asa cradeam si eu......degeaba am citit ce a scris BULLETT si inca ceva daca vreti sa puneti banc sau cei puneti ceva mai scurt ma plictisesc pana le citesc :PP
honda prelude
Dimensiunea maximă pentru o imagine în semnătură este de 500x100 pixeli.
19-09-06, 07:10
Old School Cars
Stage 5
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Originally Posted by BULLETTT
In primu rand starda se numeste Praporgescu.....Eu stau la Polivalenta.
Merg si incet dar poate eram cu ceva fetitza in masina si incercam sa o impresionez.
Cand sti ca ai 180 de cai sub pedala ii cam greu sa nu ii dai in gura.
Ma mir ca ai vazut vr6....toti cred ca ii un passat variant de 1.6 diesel...Lupu in pielea oii
Lupule,ieri m-au abordat 2 baieti cu o dacie,mi-au zis ca vrea sa se dea cu mine un tip cu un passat cu FIN la nr,unu cu VR6 , deci te astept duminica 24 septembrie la cursele de acceleratie pe 400m care vor avea loc pe aeroportul din ORADEA ,inscrierea se va face pana la ora 10:00
19-09-06, 14:38
Stage 5
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ai PM...vin duminica da spectator
19-09-06, 14:51
Stage 5
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femeia ideala:
sa aiba capu plat sa stea bine berea
sa fie mica de statura pt.....
si sa aibe palma ingusta ca sa se vada P*** mare
Cam XXX da noah......
23-09-06, 10:03
Stage 5
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Posts: 307
23-09-06, 10:05
Stage 5
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30-09-06, 10:55
Stage 5
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Posts: 307
BANCURI CU POLITISTI-Doi politisti gasesc 2 grenade.
-trebuie duse la sectie!!!zice unul dein ei.
-dar, daca explodeaza vreuna pe drum?!?
-le zicem ca am gasit doar una!!!
banc spus de profu de religie :Un preot isi ducea cu masina porcul.ESte oprit de Politie.Politistu, smecher, il intreaba:
-Ce faci cu porcu', il duci la Teologie?
-Daca nu intra il duc la Academia de Politie!!!
01-10-06, 14:39
Stage 5
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01-10-06, 19:32
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02-10-06, 20:02
Stage 5
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A tourist walked into a pet shop and was looking at the animals on display.
While he was there, another customer walked in and said to the shopkeeper, "I'll have an AutoCAD monkey please." The shopkeeper nodded, went over to a cage at the side of the shop and took out a monkey. He fitted a collar and leash, handed it to the customer, saying, "That'll be $5000."
The customer paid and walked out with his monkey.
Startled, the tourist went over to the shopkeeper and said, "That was a very expensive monkey. Most of them are only few hundred dollars. Why did that one cost so much?"
The Shopkeeper answered, "Ah, that monkey can draw in AutoCAD - very fast, clear layouts, no mistakes, well worth the money."
The tourist looked at a monkey in another cage. "That one's even more expensive! $10,000! What does it do?"
"Oh, that one's a Design monkey; it can design systems, layout projects, mark-up drawings, write specifications, some even calculate. All the really useful stuff," said the shopkeeper.
The tourist looked around for a little longer and saw a third monkey in its own cage. The price tag around its neck read $50,000. He gasped to the shopkeeper, "That one costs more than all the others put together! What on earth does it do?"
The shopkeeper replied, "Well, I haven't actually seen it do anything, but it says it's an Engineer."
02-10-06, 22:02
Stage 5
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care-i culmea zgarceniei?
sa-ti arda casa si sa dai bip la pompieri!
si cel mai p.la om din lume
04-10-06, 21:30
Stage 5
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 307
BA sa mor io da' la mine la liceu tata lumea zice bancuri(ala de sus e de la profu de religie)!IN continuare bancuri de la bibliotecara oi soareci intra intr-un cinema. Era Codul lui Da Vinci. intra ei acolo la chestia aia care invarte rola cu film si incep so rontaie.Dupa un timp unu intreaba:-Ti-a placut filmu?
celalalt:-Nu prea!A fost mai misto cartea!
Banc de la profa de mate e ce sta Bula in colt?Ca stie ca acolo-s 90 grade!!!pai asta e cam naspa doar e spus de profa de mate!!!
04-10-06, 21:33
Stage 5
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Posts: 307
Banc putin porcos:Se uita Alinuta cu mama ei la filme porno. ALinuta intreaba:
-ce fac oamenii aia?
-Sandwichuri draga mea!raspunde maicasa.
A doua zi iese maicasa din dormitor si Alinuta ii zice!Mamai ai facut sandwich-uri?!? Ai maioneza pe la gura!!!
06-10-06, 05:06
Stage 5
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fain fain