fara cearta fratilor k e destul pt totzi......in legatura su demo pt PC o sa apara repede.....dupa cate am vazut pe mai multe situri.....s-au loat pc userii de cei de la EA, pt ca a scos primul demo pt x-box ci nu pt pc.....asa k EA a fost bombardat astazi de milioane de mailuri, nu mai vb de comenturi......si dupa toate spuse, cenzurate sau necenzurate cred k ia pus pe graba pe cei de la EA games
Member of: [Moderators] [Virtual Tuning] [RENAULT]
Re: Need for Speed: Pro Street
despre handling la demo:
When it comes to controls, it would be safe to say that even casual racing game players will learn and adapt with Need For Speed: ProStreet's control scheme in a matter of time. It's pretty basic stuff and most people new to the Need For Speed franchise will get the fundamentals down in half an hour or so. However, there are some initial learning curves that must be hurdled if one is to enjoy this game.
First, Need For Speed: ProStreet's demo doesn't provide the best sense of traction between your tires and the road. In a beginner's first few spins, the experience could be likened to learning how to ice skate when you're drunk. With some practice and a little more understanding of how real high-speed driving works, players will realize how painfully realistic Need For Speed: ProStreet can be.
Member of: [Super Moderators] [Moderators] [REDACTOR 4TUNING] [4TuningRO]
Re: Need for Speed: Pro Street
"LATER EDIT: EA s-au intrecut pe ei insusi cu ProStreet... jocul este fenomenal.. grafica beton, senzatie de viteza de o iei razna.. controlul masinii nu mai este asa arcade.. masinile foarte bine realizate.... damage-ul este superb... daca scapi putin masina de sub control ai foarte mari sanse sa te duci cat poti pe aratatura si sa te proptesti in vreun pom sau eu mai stiu ce... libertate de miscare cat vrei.. te duci cu masina pe unde vrei... ajungi la faze gen Totaled si ai incurcat-o... au avut dreptate si cu fumul... foarte bine realizat... au cam exagerat, dar este ok... cu volanul merge super... framerate-ul este ok.. nu am vazut pierderi pana acum.... un joc plin de adrenalina..."
"Deci jocul arata demential ! Ca grafica sunt peste tot ce a iesit pana acum, including FM2. Arata atat de realist, ca nici n-au mai avut nevoie de motion blur sau alte artificii. Pur si simplu cand am intrat in cursa am crezut ca e ceva filmat. Superb. Ca manevrabilitate mi se pare un pic cam nefinisat, dar e posibil sa fie doar pt. masinile respective (sau de la Assisturile pe care le aveam activate - da, acum ai si assist for noobs ). Pacat ca nu ne-au lasat sa ne jucam cu Autosculpt si alte alea... Eu din ce am vazut insa sunt super incantat. Inca un joc pe lista de MUST HAVE !"
niste review-uri de pe ComputerGames ale unor useri care l-au incercat pe xbox..
Member of: [Super Moderators] [Moderators] [REDACTOR 4TUNING] [4TuningRO]
Re: Need for Speed: Pro Street
Now it's official: the system requirements, we talked about last week » here now were announced at the official EA Store. You PC has to meet the following system requirements to play Need for Speed ProStreet:
OS: Windows XP/Vista
CPU: 2.8 GHz or higher (Windows Vista requires 3.0 GHz)
RAM: 512 MB RAM or higher (Windows Vista requires 1 GB RAM)
HDD: 8.1 GB free disk space or more
Graphics: 128 MB or higher (Pixel Shader 2.0, AGP and PCIe only) *
DirectX: Version 9.0c
DVD-Drive: 8x
Multiplayer: Internet Connection 512 Kbps, 2-8 Players
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Optional: USB Steering Wheel / Dual Analogue Gamepad
* Supported chipsets: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5950 greater (GeForce MX series not supported); ATI Radeon 9500 or greater. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.
Aaa, gata, am vazut.
Se lanseaza pe 23 noiembrie 2007 pentru PC
Genre: Driving
Developer: EA
Platform/Release date:
Nintendo DS™ - 23/11/2007
PC - 23/11/2007
PlayStation®2 - 23/11/2007
PLAYSTATION®3 - 23/11/2007
PSP™ - 23/11/2007
Wii™ - 30/11/2007
Xbox 360™ - 23/11/2007
__________________ If I win, I take the cash and I take the respect!™ 2006 - VAUXHALL CORSA B - 1.2 45CP - Prima masina de DRIFT din Romania cu tractiune fata! 2006 - OPEL VECTRA - C20NE 2007 - 2009 - VW VENTO VR6 2009 - BMW E30 TURBO
2012 - VW GOLF MK5 GTI
CONTACT: donu_vr6@yahoo.com
Deci din ce am vz in acel filmuletz pe youtube, pot spune in felu urmator... Fizica o sa fie ok, nu neaparat la acelasi nivel ca LFS, dar p-acolo..... Masina arata semne de subvirare, si de supra virare, in anumite cazuri, foarte frumos... (viteze nu prea mari, un alt lucru frumos)... deci la 80mph, masina subvireaza.. foarte tare...Fizica, punctului de franare, iarasi foarte bine dezvoltata.. pui frana, brusc dar scurt. pt a indrepta botu masini, in interiorul virajului. Ce nu-mi place... nos rencarcabil(STUPID)....
Si sunt curios daca efectele aerodinamice, conteaza, slipstream/draft, in speed challenge.
Mda... o sa fie un joc interesant, sper insa, ca ill voi putea juca, cu cazanul meu (scuze de cacofonie).
__________________ 1999' E46 320i (M52TUB20) - Status: Sold 1979' E12 525i (M30B25) - Status: Sold