Mi-a placut foarte mult ieri. Mare felicitari i respekt pentru organizatori - Legal Racing si No Speed Limit!
Si bineintelesc pentru X-TEAM Constantza! I liked the entrance
I have to say, that now, the prices are VERY nice. It's really worth to participate and do your beat to WIN!!! I got muffler from Borla, an envelope to Pit Stop Tuning
Cred, ca multe lumea a venit, vrema a fost bine
Si am luat ... LOCUL UNU !!! Yeah 1st place. I was very Happy
O sa pun si eu poze si filme, dar mai tarziu.
Unfortunetly I had some problems with my car ... I fucked the steering wheel, but I raced anyway. It fall into dash board a litlle bit, because of horning in the city!
Pentru urmatoral etapa, nu stiu daca vin, pentru ca o sa fiu plecat din tara
La 17 sunt sigur, ca nu pot
Sper, ca vin la Constantza
Sebastian: Despre acesta Dacia Alba, o sa vorbim prin e-mail.