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Old 25-08-08, 18:03   #511

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Default Re: Posh & luxury cars cu barfele de rigoare - CJ

Top autoturisme scumpe vândute la Cluj în primul trimestru 2008:
1 unitate Mercedes-Benz S 500 4M L în valoare de peste 140.000 de euro;
1 model Mercedes-Benz G 500 în valoare de 100.000 de euro;
1 unitate Mercedes-Benz GL 420 CDI 4M de 106.000 de euro;
1 model Merceds-Benz S 320 CDI 4M de 101.000 de euro;
1 model Merceds-Benz S 320 CDI 4M L de 128.000 de euro;
1 unitate Merceds-Benz S 450 4M de peste 125.000 de euro;
1 unitate Audi S8 5.2 FSI quattro 450 CP Tiptronic de aproximativ 130.000 de euro;
20 unităţi BMW X5, preţul unui astfel de model cu toate dotările ajungând la 89.000 de euro.
Anul trecut au fost importate şi înmatriculate în România mai mult de 120 de automobile de lux, al căror preţ depăşeşte 120.000 de euro pe model. Potrivit statisticii Direcţiei de înmatriculări din cadrul Ministerului Administraţiei şi Internelor 25 Ferrari, 47 Bentley, 12 Lamborghini, 25 Maserati şi 11 Rolls Royce-uri au fost înmatriculate anul trecut în ţară, valoarea cumulată a supercarurilor şi a limuzinelor aduse pe şoselele din România depăşind 18 mil. euro.

Bentley-ul alb este parcat chiar in curte la blocul unde stau eu, il vad zilnic....este nemiscat de vreo 2 saptamani . Din cate am vazut, proprietarul avea un RS4 rosu inainte, care tot asa, a stat vreun an prin parcarea blocului, nemiscat....
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Last edited by -LEXION-; 25-08-08 at 18:08.
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Old 26-08-08, 14:13   #512
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Default Re: Posh & luxury cars cu barfele de rigoare - CJ

ce ii nasol ii ca apar masini luate in leasing si apar cu numere de B nu de CJ si nu sti daca is din CJ sau din bucale.
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Old 04-09-08, 14:14   #513

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Originally Posted by CristianD View Post
ce ii nasol ii ca apar masini luate in leasing si apar cu numere de B nu de CJ si nu sti daca is din CJ sau din bucale.
Majoritatea masinilor luate in leasing cu nr de bucuresti au scris pe suportul de numere de obicei Cluj-Napoca.
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Old 05-09-08, 15:02   #514
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vazute de la distanta spui ca sunt masini din Bucuresti ...
ieri am vazut un mustang, acu cateva zile un altul ... intradevar apar multe masini frumoase la Cluj.
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Old 05-09-08, 16:48   #515

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am vazut si eu astazi un Mustang visiniu cu 2 dungi albe si kit de tuning, cu numere de SUA, "MISHU". frumusel arata, chiar daca era mai lat decat un autobuz cu kitul ala
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Old 05-09-08, 20:01   #516

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parasolarul zice SALEEN, nu stiu ce zice motorul
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Old 06-09-08, 02:38   #517
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cel cu SALEEN; zilele astea, seara mai tot venea si un "cabrio", aceasi culoare
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Old 06-09-08, 04:51   #518

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de vanzare
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Old 06-09-08, 12:00   #519

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Default Re: Posh & luxury cars cu barfele de rigoare - CJ

care dintre voi ati mai vazut Ferrari Enzo ? stiti ca avem unu ? rosu frumos ...aseara l-am vazut pt a 2-a oara era parcat pe eroilor aproximativ vizavi de Victoria nu cred sa fi confundat-o cu alt model de 2 ori..nu poti confunda asa masina si culmea avea numere rosii pe cluj .
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Old 06-09-08, 12:19   #520

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The Enzo was initially announced at the 2002 Paris Motor Show with a limited production run of 349 units and priced at US $643,330. The company sent invitations to existing customers, specifically, those who had previously bought the Ferrari F40 and Ferrari F50. All 349 cars were sold in this way before production began. Later, after numerous requests, Ferrari decided to build 50 more Enzos, bringing the total to 399. All Enzos are listed as being built in 2003.
The Enzo Ferrari typically trades above $1,000,000 (Ł500,000) at auction.[3]
Notable owners of the Enzo include:
* Paul Allen, Microsoft co-founder[2]
* Sheik Hamad bin Hamdan of Abu Dhabi, also owns a Maserati MC12[3]
* Juan Barazi
* Gary Wood,Owner of an Enzo Ferrari, New Zealand.
* Gerald Barnes, Owner of Ferrari Maserati Southern California, and clothing importer. s/n 134278 Rosso Dino/Nero
* Nicolas Cage, American Actor. Owned two Enzos over different period of time, both have since been sold.
* Tom Celani, owner of Motor City Harley Davidson, Farmington Hills, Michigan, one of the largest motorcycle dealerships in the USA. s/n 130918
* Eric Clapton, guitarist, took delivery of the first Enzo imported to the UK. Parisian police also stopped Clapton when he was reportedly doing 145 mph on a highway in Paris while driving his Enzo.[2]
* Joe Cole, Football player for England and FA Premier League club Chelsea F.C.
* Luis Perez Companc, Argentine rally driver.
* Richard Coyle, Blazn' Digital Media LLC. Wealth accumulated through various controversial websites.
* Walter Curt[citation needed], Virginia businessman
* Jamel Debbouze, a French-Moroccan actor.
* Stefan Eriksson, Swedish criminal and former executive of Gizmondo Europe, reportedly owned two though a property of the company, red and black. The red Enzo was destroyed in a street racing/drunk driving incident. The Enzo was traveling on the Pacific Coast Highway at 162 mph (261 km/h) according to Los Angeles Sheriff's Department when the driver lost control and hit a pole. Both Enzos were involved in a bank repossession by the Bank of Scotland and were illegally imported to the United States. [4]
* Cameron Fioret: Writer, owns a red Enzo Ferrai.
* Sergei Fedorov, NHL player. s/n 130689 Now owned by LV Eric, Las Vegas NV.
* Josh Fleming, Green Bay business man
* Torsten Frings, Owner of black Enzo, and German International soccer star.
* Lindsay Fox, Australian transport magnate, owner of the only Enzo with a yellow roof.
* Michael Fux, foam mattress manufacturer, New Jersey. s/n 133024
* James Glickenhaus, film director and stock magnate, New York, had Pininfarina to convert an unregistered Enzo into a modern P4/5
* Armen Gugasian, former owner of Newport Autosport, exotic car dealership located in Newport Beach, California. s/n 134595 rosso corsa/rosso
* Yoshiyuki Hayashi, Famous Japanese Ferrari Collector
* Preston Henn, owner of Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop in Florida and former race driver. Henn loaned his Enzo to the editors of Motor Trend for use in their 2004 top-speed test. The car was driven to 211 miles per hour in this test.
* Tommy Hilfiger, clothing designer. Hilfiger is believed to have a partial stake in the Ferrari dealer in Montreal, Quebec, and thus, his car is registered in Canada. s/n 133026
* Shevaan Jayasinghe, Ferrari Collector has every Ferrari since 1990
* Suleiman Kerimov, Russian billionaire and member of parliament, crashed his unidentified friend's black Enzo on November 26th, 2006.
* Jason Kay, aka, "Jay Kay," front man of the band Jamiroquai. His Car is Black with dark green interior. s/n 132051
* Chris Kelly Premier Motorcars of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Red/Red s/n 13631.
* Marc Andrew Mendoza Mitsuwa Corporation of San Jose, California, s/n 133821.
* Sheikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince Of The Kingdom of Bahrain. Known to be the only in the kingdom.
* Frits Kroymans, Ferrari importer for The Netherlands.
* Charles Kwan, renown Hong Kong racing veteran.
* Aaron Kwok, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Cantopop.
* Cody Liebel, CEO, C-Note Records, hip-hop music label. Owns two Enzos. (Yellow and Red) s/n 133505 (Red)
* Richard Losee, philanthropist, Named the MM Enzo [1] for "most miles" included red-custom doors that had the wrap-around roof section and side windows removed creating a targa-style top on his car.[2] Registered in Provo, Utah, the car was destroyed on August 2, 2006 at the Utah Fast Pass Road Rally while traveling at nearly 200mph on a closed-off section of rural highway. Other significant cars owned include Ferrari 288 GTO and 550 Barchetta, Original Goldfinger Aston Martin DB5, Duesenbergs, Lamborghinis, Stutz Bearcat. This Enzo was also featured multiple times in Road & Track magazine. Richard let the magazine perform various performance tests on it. Used heavily for charity work, Richard's Enzo had more than 30,000 miles.
* Nick Mason, Pink Floyd drummer. His example was featured and driven on the UK TV show Top Gear. s/n 137445
* The Matsuda Collection, one of the largest private collections of Ferraris outside Europe and the US. Also have four 250 GTO in possession.
* John Menard and Paul Menard, father and son of Menard's Hardware Superstores. A chain of hardware stores located regionally in the Midwestern United States. John Menard negotiated the purchase of 3 Ferrari Enzos for a reported price of $2.2 Million dollars. The third yellow Enzo was sold to Nascar driver Robby Gordon.
* Frank Mountain, British based American property tycoon and amateur racing driver. (the car was side-swiped by a bus on the way to a Top Gear Magazine photoshoot with the Maserati MC12, the chassis cracked down the middle)
* Ian Nazareth, Sole importer for Ferrari in India and the Indian Sub-Continent. Multiple Ferrari owner. Collection includes 575M, F355, F430 and also involved in the Ferrari FXX program.
* Pope John Paul II was given the 400th Enzo model by the factory. He sold the car at a Ferrari auction in Maranello, where it was bought by Donald W. Wallace, whose first Enzo is the second Enzo to be involved in a crash.
* Roger Penske, motorsport legend, owns Ferrari dealership in partnership with Steve Wynn (developer). The dealership is located at the Wynn Las Vegas resort. s/n 131881
* Bernd Pischetsrieder, Chairman of the Volkswagen Group, ironically his company own Lamborghini. As companies, Ferrari and Lamborghini have been in heated competition for over forty years.
* Johnte Price, an American person living in Hawaii whose net worth is 275 million dollars.[citation needed]
* William J. Pulte, Owner of Pulte Homes. Car and Driver used his Yellow Enzo for their story.
* Kimi Räikkönen, Formula 1 driver Future Ferrari F1 driver Red Enzo.
* Zahir Rana, Owner of bright yellow Enzo, and ZR Auto in Calgary, AB, Canada.
* Rene Rasmussen, Danish racing driver.
* Michael Riemer, Hi-Tech entrepreneur. Owns three Enzos. One Yellow (Giallo Modena), one Red (Rosso Corsa), and one Black (Nero).
* Brian Ross, Ferrari Collector and Commercial Real Estate Entrepreneur and dealership owner (Vancouver, BC). Lives in Warren, Ohio.
* Dr Anil K Roy, owner of Nanotech.
* Justin Rubert, Owner of a Casino in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
* Fahed Al-Saad Al-Sabah, Member of the Kuwaiti Royal Family, Son of the Ex-Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah.
* Hamed Salem Al-Sabah, Member of the Kuwaiti Royal Family, Grandson of the late Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Al Sabah. Student at AUK (American University of Kuwait).
* Daniel Sadek — real estate investor turned film producer will feature his Enzo in the upcoming Eddie Griffin film, Redline
* Peter Schorno, Swiss slot machine manufacturer.
* Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 driver for Scuderia Ferrari.[2]
* Teemu Selänne, NHL player.
* Stefano Sidoli, Milanese entrepreneur, killed in the crash of his Enzo.
* Daniel Sielecki, Argentine Bussinesman. s/n 129761 rosso corsa/rosso
* Rod Stewart, Rock Star. s/n 136497[2]
* Mohammed Ben Sulayem, Middle East rally champion with a very large collection of exotic cars.
* Simon Tjong, A Ferrari Collector. Owns a red Enzo, Australia
* Jean Todt, Boss of Scuderia Ferrari and CEO of the road car branch of Ferrari. Owns a red Enzo.
* Giannis Vardinogiannis, Greek oil businessman and Panathinaikos FC shareholder, owns Ferrari dealership.
* Donald W. Wallace, founder and chairman of the board of Lazydays RV SuperCentre bought Enzo no. 400 at the Ferrari Auction in Maranello. This will be his second Enzo. Wallace's first Enzo was the second Enzo involved in a wreck, reports claim his son was at the wheel.
* Willi Weber, manager of Michael Schumacher. s/n 133021
* Frank Warren, Boxing Promoter - Car recently written off in collision with bus
* Bruce Weiner, former owner of Double Bubble Gum
* Greg Whitten, software engineer, one of the very first employees at Microsoft. Author of GW-BASIC. s/n 131632
* Pharrell Williams, music producer (The Neptunes), singer/rapper, frontman of the band N*E*R*D. Co-founder of the music label Star Trak.
* Steve Wynn, multi-billionaire casino magnate. Wynn's Enzo, Black w/ Tan interior, was recently offered for sale through Ferrari of Orange County. (Southern California) s/n 133118
* Torsten Jansson, Swedish entrepreneur.
* Zlatan Ibrahimović, Football player for Sweden,
* Loris Požar, owner of a slot machine company from Slovenia
* Gary Irwin Eisenberg, Noted Ferrari Collector. Fatally crashed his Enzo in California.
* Industriali Veneti, a lot of imprenditori del veneto[citation needed]

Sincer, daca nu si-o fi luat apartament Bill Gates in Floresti, nush cum o fi existand vreun ENZO in CJ...poate ma insel...

Uischi...I'll never forget you...
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Old 06-09-08, 13:44   #521

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Lista nu e completa, sunt enumerate doar persoane celebre. Mai sunt multi pana 399 (sa nici nu vorbim ca multe masini au fost deja vandute).
Totusi, as fi foarte curios daca chiar exista Enzo in Cluj.
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Old 06-09-08, 13:52   #522

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Originally Posted by ilegal View Post
de vanzare
asta-i cea mai LUXURY masina d'acilea
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Old 06-09-08, 13:58   #523

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o sa ma invart mai des prin oras , in speranta ca`l revad si ii fac poza, promit
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Old 06-09-08, 18:17   #524

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Nu cumva e vorba de F430?
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Old 06-09-08, 21:18   #525

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Default Re: Posh & luxury cars cu barfele de rigoare - CJ

azi am vazut si eu mustangul visiniu cabrio..
ieri am vazut un eclips GT modelul nou cu numere de state
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