Drift Section - Sideways Action Totul despre Drift: Proiecte, Evenimente, Poze, Filme, etc. |
31-07-07, 16:58
Nissan Driver
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
Originally Posted by AdiNX
nu e vorba de asta, ci de pericolul la care se expun soferii daca fac drifting pe intuneric.. intr-adevar, dupa ce ai facut asta ani de zile si cunosti traseul nu crezi ca e posibil sa fie vreo problema daca faci asta si pe intuneric, dar daca e ceva/cineva pe care nu reusesti sa vezi din timp si faci poc?
btw.. stie cineva cand se mai da drifting pe motors tv? am observat ca nu mai figureaza in program
ce risc sa fie ma ? sa iesi cu masina in decor ??? o poti face ziua cat si noaptea.. ori tu crezi ca noapte e ceva mai periclos ? .. cine stie vreo grapa ceva... nu ??
street racers never get old !
31-07-07, 20:01
Stage 5
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
da.. cred ca noaptea e mai periculos pt ca e mai greu sa-ti dai seama de ceva ce nu vezi prea bine
31-07-07, 20:01
Stage 5
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
Originally Posted by Xerius
ce risc sa fie ma ? sa iesi cu masina in decor ??? o poti face ziua cat si noaptea.. ori tu crezi ca noapte e ceva mai periclos ? .. cine stie vreo grapa ceva... nu ??
Riscul exista tot timpul ...zi ...noapte ....toata chestia e daca ti-l asumi sau nu ...asta e cheia succesului
01-08-07, 14:19
Kamikaze Racing Team Member
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
Originally Posted by Ali_ump
Riscul exista tot timpul ...zi ...noapte ....toata chestia e daca ti-l asumi sau nu ...asta e cheia succesului
Cine stie cunoaste
01-08-07, 19:35
Nissan Driver
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
Originally Posted by Keisuke
Cine stie cunoaste
cine ? eu ? da !!! ms ms
01-08-07, 19:38
Stage 5
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
you welcome! keep it real!!!
18-12-09, 12:52
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Cate ceva despre drift(engleza)
Theory: A tyre grips the road up to a maximum point of adhesion, when this point is exceeded the tyre will start to slide until adhesion is restored. So finding and pushing just beyond the point of adhesion is the name of the game.
Once a car begins to drift driver control comes into play – the exact amount of turn on the steering wheel towards the direction of travel to catch and control the drift. At precisely the right moment you have to catch the drift with a measure of opposite lock and use the throttle and steering to control the drift – a sustained drift on a straight is called ‘drift lock’.
Rear wheel drive cars are the only choice for drifting particularly higher-powered models but one of the key requirements is a limited slip diff. We've seen really impressive drifts from low powered cars. A quick burst of acceleration at the right moment is just enough to break the adhesion of the back of the car.
As a car decelerates the weight is thrown to the front wheels that is why the wheels lock up under heavy breaking. A front wheel drive car is harder to drift in but uses deceleration to lighten the back of the car and make it swing wide.
To perform a left tail drift in a front drive car – build up the speed. Decelerate fairly heavily but performing a simultaneous right flick on the steering wheel – a shock wave will shoot through the car (you can feel it happen there is no easy way to explain it.) As this shock wave passes the centre point of the car steer into the direction of the tail drift, if the tail does not swing out then a short flick of the handbrake will start the drift.
We then need to catch the drift and control it using gentle throttle control and smooth steering - opposite lock (so steer to the right, just enough to keep the drift going but without overcooking things causing a spin and without undercooking throwing the drift in the opposite direction.)
The following are the main drifting techniques and most are used in combination with each other.
Clutch Kick
To make the car start to slide you dip or kick the clutch suddenly causing the car to temporarily lose traction and starting a rear wheel slide whilst on or entering a bend. Effectively using engine braking - when the clutch is dipped engine speed drops when clutch is released the wheels are moving faster than the lower engine speed requires causing a pull and breaking traction. Alternative a blip of the throttle raises the engine speed so when the clutch is released the driven wheels spin faster than they should so traction is broken.
Dirt Drop Drift
This technique is banned on most tracks. You allow the rear wheels to leave the tarmac surface into a lower grip one such as dirt, gravel or grass. The cars speed will remain pretty stable through this technique as the rear tyre friction is much lower.
Jump Drift
Similar to a Dirt Drop Drift again banned on most tracks. The rear wheels hit the rumble strip at the side of the track. The vibration is enough to upset the delicate balance of grip momentum and traction and the rear of the car slides.
Handbrake Drift
The easiest technique, used by beginners and pros to initate a drift and pretty much the only guaranteed way of sliding a FWD (front wheel drive) car (Its still not a proper drift though!). The handbrake is jabbed on causing the rear wheels to lock up and slide. When a slide is attained the handbrake is released allowing more control of the car and preventing too much loss of speed.
Feint Drift
Requires a feel for the balance of a car and needs you to sense the shockwave of swing as it flows through the car. Coming up to a right hand bend you steer to the left. Then as the back of the car moves left you steer to the right, the back of the car loses traction and starts to drift, then you countersteer and catch the drift. This is a popular technique and is often combined with other techniques, like the clutch kick, to help break the rear traction. Practice this one in large open areas.
Inertia Drift
This requires a lot of speed. Approaching a bend you need to decelerate throwing the weight of the car to the front wheels. When the back wheels become light you can steer the front into the bend and let the back wheels drift. Control is maintained with careful steering control and throttle inputs. A good technique to start drifting but requires experience as the speed involved is not very forgiving.
18-12-09, 13:23
Stage 5
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Sfaturi pentru incepatori(engleza)
So you've bought you car, and have got used to the feel of it. You want to get more control in the car, and make it feel more sporty. Well there are a few parts you can get that will help your car stick better, and make yu more comfortable while drifting. The first thing i would suggest is making sure the car is in good running condition. Make sure all the belts are good, check all the fluids and do an oil change. If the airfilter is dirty, get a new one, i would suggest buying a MAF plate and cone filter. Most of the cars you guys will be tuning are higher miles, so they probably need a little tlc. Next thing your going to need to check is the brakes, make sure pads have life left and the rotors are not warped. If they are, go to Napa and buy pads. You dont need a 150 dollar set of endless or PMU pads, and with napa its lifetime replacement free.
So now your car is running like new. Your ready for your first mods. If you have the cash, spring for a set of coilovers, if not, get a set of springs (Tanabe GF 170@SA). You can also get sturt bars on ebay for cheap. Ive seen a 3 piece kit (front, rear, lower rear) go for around 70. Now your suspension is alot tighter. I would get used to this before doing any more suspension mods.
Now if this is your second car, or you dont do to much street driving, id strip out evertying you can. Get a heat gun and a putty knife and remove all the sound deading. I think its like 50+ pounds on an S13.
Next thing I would suggest is getting a good bucket seat. You can get a decent one for under 200, and the mounts and everything for about 70. You dont need harnesses right away, but id get them anyway. This well help keep you planted in the turns, and instead of fighting to hold on, you can concentrate on the driving at hand.
The next mod is going to be an LSD. These are pretty expensive. Sometimes you can find used ones, but make sure if you go the used route you get it rebuilt.
Now your car is ready to drift. Spend the rest of the money on tires, your going to need them.
18-12-09, 13:26
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Re: Sfaturi pentru incepatori(engleza)
Don't forget to check all your bushings. If your car is old chances are nobodys checked them since it left the factory so there proably worn out.
"Its all about balance" as a certin someone has been know to say. If your gonna get some coilovers then get them for both the front and the back. If you change only one end of the car your handleing could be worse then it was before. And harder springs aren't always better. Your spring rate is almost directly related to the weight of your car. So if you go to heavy it can cause problems.
15-04-10, 16:48
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
O sa mai treaca mult timp pana o sa se dezvolte driftul si la noi in tara momentan suntem la inceput de drum.
15-04-10, 19:32
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
eu zic ca s-a dezoltat chiar bine...in caz ca nuai vazut baietii se dau super bine.,..mai ales la timisoara a fost prea bine toti s-au dat frumos...inceputul a fost prin 2007 - 2008
Iubiţi-vă BMW-urile vechi, că altele la fel nu se mai fabrică !!!
NU exista viata dupa kitul de M de la BMW !!!
15-04-10, 23:48
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
Originally Posted by CJ-01-WOB
Urmareste filmuletul de mai jos si infecteaza-te cu virusul care deja face ravagii in toata lumea ! Observa cat de mult FUN pot sa aiba personajele din prezentare!
cum o da nebunul ,da si stia traseul bine
18-04-10, 13:42
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
nebun om )) ce le are ..si mai era si noapte..oricum..foarte tare!
20-04-10, 20:09
Stage 5
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
Da,pt cei care nu au parasit granitele tarisoarei noastre iubite,nu va faceti probleme ca nu dau peste nici o caruta,biciclist,betiv,remorca abandonata........sau ceva de genul acesta.
PT cei care nu stiu Tengu are un DVD cu mai multe filmari din Romania si Africa de Sud,si binenteles o "octurna"pe muntele FUJI.
este o sursa foarte buna de inspiratie.O recomand cu caldura.
Mai lasatima ca santem la inceput si bla bla bla.....
Avem opt piloti acceptarti la King of Europe etapa de la Cluj!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BRAVO LOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22-04-10, 23:52
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Re: Introducing DRIFT - Slide with Style
chiar merge bine treaba cu ''datu' dea latu' '' de ceva vreme, deja avem masinute japoneze foarte bune cum ar fi skyline.