Re: 5 masini cărora le sunt recunoscator ca exista
1. Toyota Supra MKIV Single Turbo
2. Toyota Supra MKIV Twin Turbo
3. Toyota Supra MKIV N/A - ca e mai ieftina si am putut sa o cumpar 
4. Mustang Cobra / Chevrolet Corvette - pentru ca are Supra ce sa bata in fiecare seara
5. Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R
BBC : Of the cars you've owned, which was your favourite?
The Stig : My Toyota Supra [Mk IV, 1992-2002, with three-litre, straight-six twin-turbo engine]. It was berserk fast, with hardened suspension and all the bells and whistles. I think in a track test with a Ferrari it would win. It was incredibly quick and it kept my attention the whole time.