Originally Posted by SEBASTIAN
Tocmai ca masuratorile pe care le facem sunt in conditii controlate.
Conditiile voastre controlate sunt de fapt conditii masurate, este o mare diferenta intre a masura/observa conditiile de mediu si de a le implementa. Nu stiu daca intelegi , nu trebuie sa observi ca umiditatea este de 42% ci trebuie sa aduci umiditatea la 42%, nu trebuie sa observi ca debitul atinge 350 CFM ci trebuie sa te asiguri ca este 350 CFM in mod invariabil si constant.
Originally Posted by SEBASTIAN
Se lucreaza conform SAE J726 si ISO5011.
Certificatul de calitate este conform ISO 9001:2000.
Noi nu vorbim din auzite sau din ce ne servesc altii pe net in functie de interesele lor.
Referitor la nivelul de filtrare in functie de marimea corpurilor care au acces prin acele suprafete discutia este mult mai ampla decat joaca cu un suflator de curatat frunze.
Daca chiar efecuati teste conform standardului ISO 5011 ne arati si noua ultimele rezultate ale filtrelor testate ? ISO 5011 este un standard universal pentru testarea elementelor de filtrare, stiai asta ?? Se refera numai la filtre, atat ! Nu dyno, nu power, nu subaru, nimic altceva decat filtre.
ISO 5011 Test:
The ISO 5011 Standard (formerly SAE J726) defines a precise filter test using precision measurements under controlled conditions. Temperature & humidity of the test dust and air used in the test are strictly monitored and controlled. As Arlen learned in attempting his own tests, there are many variables that can adversely affect filter test results. A small temperature change or a small change in humidity can cause the mass of a paper filter to change by several grams. To obtain an accurate measure of filter efficiency, it’s critical to know the EXACT amount of test dust being fed into the filter during the test. By following the ISO 5011 standard, a filter tested in Germany can be compared directly compared to another filter tested 5 years later in Rhode Island. The ISO 5011 filter test data for each filter is contained in two test reports; Capacity-Efficiency and Flow Restriction.
Capacity and Efficiency:
The Capacity and Efficiency test report presents the test results of feeding an initially clean filter with PTI Course Test Dust (dirt) at a constant rate and airflow. The course test dust has a specific distribution of particle sizes ranging from less than 2.5 microns to greater than 80 microns (see table below). Every filter is initially tested at 350 CFM and the Initial Restriction or differential pressure across the filter is recorded in IN-H20 (Inches of Water). The filter is then tested by feeding test dust at a nominal rate of 9.8 grams per minute with a constant airflow of 350 CFM. The test is continued until the flow restriction exceeds the Initial Restriction + 10 IN-H20. At this point the test is terminated and the amount dust passed through the filter - Accumulative Gain - is measured. Dirt passing through the filter is captured in the Test Station’s Post Filter. The exact amount of dirt passed is determined by measuring the before and after weight of the Post Filter. Similarly, the amount of dirt retained by the Filter under test - Accumulative Capacity – is measured by taking the difference between the before and after weights of the Filter. From these results the overall % Efficiency of the filter is calculated. This test also indicates how long a Filter will last before replacement is required (or cleaning for reusable filters).
Flow Restriction:
This report presents flow restriction of a clean filter resulting from an increasing airflow. The differential pressure restriction across the filter is reported in inches of water (IN H2O) versus Air Flow in cubic feet per minute CFM.
Si un nou test pentru cei care chiar sunt interesati de acest aspect pentru cresterea performantelor :