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Test Drive Unlimited 2 – Ibiza Confirmed
Now, Atari has confirmed initial rumors that the island that will be included in the upcoming title is indeed Ibiza. Located in the Mediterranean Sea, Ibiza is one of the Balearic Islands, a popular tourist destination among Europeans.
The island is 571.04 square kilometers in size and inhabits 114.000 people. That makes the virtual world in Test Drive Unlimited 2 more than two times as big as the Hawaiian Island of Oahu that was featured in the first Test Drive Unlimited title.
Test Drive Unlimited will be coming to the PC, the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 this fall. New features include the brand-new island of Ibiza, vehicle damage, weather and a full 24-hour day & night cycle.
Abia astept. Test Drive Unlimited a fost un joc pe care l-am jucat cu placere multa vreme, din trailer pare ca o sa fie cel putin la fel de bun ca si TDU 2.
Din ce vad in acele fotografii, se pare ca cerintele vor fi destul de mari, insa masinile mi se par ceva mai prost realizate ca in primul. Un punct in plus fata de primul ar fi ca sunt 2 insule, si vei putea zbura de pe una pe cealalta!
salut baieti am si eu o problema cand intru sa vrea sa joc test drive unlimited 2 imi apare chestia aia unde sa ii dau play dar nu pot ca nu se incarca bara aceea cu % imi zice checking files please wait daca ma puteti ajuta