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Old 20-11-08, 11:02   #1

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Thumbs up Evolutia logo-urilor auto si a automobilelor in general

O sa incep cu Evolutia logo-urilor auto dupa care pe masura ce mai gasesc informatii si poze despre evolutia fiecarei marci sau model am sa le postez aici
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Istoria Peugeot incepe in 1812, cand fratii Jean-Pierre si Jean-Frederic Peugeot au inceput sa produca piese din metal. Mai tarziu, in 1889, Armand Peugeot a construit o masina dotata cu un motor cu aburi, dupa ce Peugeot devenise celebra in toata Franta pentru bicicletele sale. 'Leul' a fost desenat de catre bijutierul Justin Blazer in 1847, inspirandu-se din steagul Region Franche-Comte.

Istoria Alfa Romeo incepe in 1910, cand Cavaliere Ugo Stella a colaborat cu o companie franceza (Darracq) pentru a produce un automobil sport destinat pietei din Italia. Parteneriatul s-a incheiat prematur insa si Stella a redenumit fabrica sa in Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili sau A.L.F.A. Mai tarziu, in 1916, Nicola Romeo a cumparat compania si a inceput sa produca munitie pentru Primul Razboi Mondial. Dupa sfarsitul razboiului, fabrica a trecut la productia de autovehicule si a luat numele Alfa Romeo.

Audi are o poveste interesanta. Inginerul german August Horch si-a dorit propria companie si a fondat A. Horch & Cie in 1899. Dupa probleme serioase cu partenerii de afaceri, Horch a fost dat in judecata, i s-a interzis sa utilizeze numele 'Horch' si s-a vazut nevoit sa caute un alt nume. In casa noului partener Franz Fikentscher, August l-a auzit pe fiul lui Franz repetand la limba latina: 'audiatur et altera pars'. Asa le-a venit ideea cu Audi. In 1910 a aparut Audiwerke GmbH. In 1932, Audi, Horch, DKW si Wanderer au fuzionat formand Audi Union. Din 1985, a ramas numai Audi.

Hitler si-a dorit mult o masina ieftina si buna pentru poporul sau. In 1934, cancelarul s-a intalnit cu Ferdinand Porsche si au pus totul la punct. Adolf Hitler vroia o masina cu un top speed de 100 km/h, capabila sa transporte doi adulti si trei copii. De fapt, Hitler vroia o masina buna sa transporte trei adulti, o mitraliera si multa munitie..Dupa incetarea razboiului si infrangerea Germaniei, britanicii au luat controlul asupra Volkswagenwerk GmbH si au scos modelul Beetle. Dupa lungi dispute cu Franta si Italia, Marea Britanie a lasat VolksWagen pe mana nemtilor. Logo-ul VW a fost facut de catre Franz Xavier Reimspiess, un angajat Porsche.

Louis Renault a construit prima masina in spatele casei. In scurt timp, impreuna cu fratii sai, a infiintat Societe Renault Freres. Initial, logo-ul avea trei litere: L, F si M de la numele Louis, Ferdinand si Marcel.

La baza Mercedes-Benz au stat doua companii: Daimler-Motored-Gesellschaft si Benz & Cie. Germania era in criza in Primul Razboi Mondial si cele doua companii au fuzionat in 1926, formand Daimler-Benz. Oamenii din spatele acestei companii erau Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach si Karl Benz. Se pare ca un european instarit (Emil Jellinek) a vorbit cu Maybach sa-i produca o masina impresionanta, cu un anume motor dorit de Jellinek. Masina a fost numita Mercedes, dupa numele fetei de 10 ani a lui Jellinek. Cat despre logo, el reprezinta ambitia Daimler de a construi vehicule pentru sol, aer si apa (trei sageti).

Prin 1913, Karl Friedrich Rapp si Gustav Otto au pus bazele unor companii de aeronautica care mai tarziu au fuzionat in Bayerische Motoren Werke AG. In realitate, cei doi mentionati mai sus au avut putin de-a face cu industria constructoare de masini. Josef Popp, Max Friz si Camillo Castiglioni au fost cei implicati cu adevarat in tot ceea ce a insemnat BMW ca si firma producatoare de autovehicule.

Henry Ford nu prea a avut succes cu masinile. A infiintat trei companii si abia a treia a rezistat, cu chiu cu vai, pe piata. In 1902 a aparut Ford & Malcomson, insa vanzarile erau destul de slabe si Ford nu-si putea plati datoriile. Cu greu, investitorii au reusit sa-i convinga pe fratii Dodge sa ajute compania si astfel Ford & Malcomson s-a stabilizat. Fratii Dodge au parasit in scurt timp compania pentru a-si infiinta propria firma. Dodge.

In 1920, a aparut Toyo Cork Kogyo Co. in Hiroshima. Aici se produceau unelte pentru Primul Razboi Mondial. In 1927, Jujiro Matsuda a venit la conducere si fabrica a inceput sa contruiasca piese, camioane si apoi masini. Nu se stie exact daca numele de 'Mazda' provine de la zeul Ahura Mazda sau de la o pronuntie stalcita a numelui Matsuda.

Fiat vine de la Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino si a fost fondata in 1899 de catre un grup de investitori italieni, printre care si Giovanni Agnelli .

Mitsubishi are in spate o lunga istorie a familiei Isawaki. In 1868, Yataro Iwasaki a cumparat Tsukumo Shokai, pe care a denumit-o Mitsubishi in 1873. Grupul Mitsubishi cuprinde si Mitsubishi Motors. Mitsubishi vine de la mitsu=trei si bishi=romb. Cu toate acestea, fondatorii au vrut ca lumea sa stie de trei diamante si nu de trei romburi.

In 1913, Lionel Martin si Robert Bamford au fondat Martin & Bamford Limited, companie care a construit masinile de curse Singer. Prima masina Aston Martin si-a primit numele de la fondatorul Lionel Martin si dealul Aston Clinton unde Singer castigase o cursa importanta.

Henry M. Leland a preluat o companie muribunda care apartinea de grupul lui Henry Ford si a denumit-o Cadillac, dupa aristocratul Antoine de La Mothe, Seigneur de Cadillac.

Marca suedeza SAAB isi are originile in aer. La inceput a fost Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget, o companie producatoare de avioane. Dupa Al Doilea Razboi Mondial, SAAB a dorit sa-si diversifice afacerea si sa intre in industria constructoare de masini, asa cum si alte companii aeronautice facusera. Logo-ul are un animal cu trup de leu si cap de vultur, care a apartinut companiei Vadis-Scania, producatoare de camioane. Aceasta a fuzionat cu Saab, urmand sa faca masini impreuna.

David Dunbar Buick nu prea le avea cu scoala si a renuntat de tot la ea, dedicandu-se unei pasiuni mai vechi, motoarele. A fondat Buick Motor Company impreuna cu William "Billy" Durant, in 1906. Durant a avut alte intentii insa si l-a scos pe Buick din afacere, dandu-i 100.000 $. In mod ironic, si Durant a murit sarac dupa ce General Motors, companie pe care o fondase, nu i-a acordat nici macar o pensie modesta.
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Old 20-11-08, 11:28   #2

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The Golf GTi

October 1976 was a memorable month for anybody buying a Volkswagen, for UK buyers could at last get their hands on the brand new Golf GTi. OK, the first GTis were all left hookers (the first RHD GTis only came in 1979) ; but here at last was a Volkswagen that was all the usual things; reliable, well built, low depreciation etc., but now had the sort of performance usually reserved for two seater sports coupes.

However, the story of the GTi ; like all the best cars- was not a tail of management inspiration ; but came about because committed and enthusiastic VW employees decided that the Golf could be made into a real goer, and had all the potential to make a great performance car.

The original Golf grew out of a series of attempts by Volkswagen to create a successor to the Beetle. While the Beetle had proved a massive success, building up the company from nothing to a world presence, by the late sixties it was a blessing and a curse. Sales were still solid but would not keep up volume forever, and VW were increasingly seen as a builder of somewhat archaic, if reliable, cars. The Beetle, and its aircooled successors', the type 3 and type 4 were becoming a noose around the VW neck.

By the 1970s VW were dipping their toes into the watercooled car market. The first water cooled model was the VW K70; not really a true VW since it was just a badged NSU K70, whom Volkswagen had taken over. Next came the Audi 80 based VW Passat (1973) and while the Passat proved to be a solid seller it was just that, solid and reliable. The big irony is that even before the Golf, VW launched the Sirocco ; a baby of Italian designer Giogetta Guigiaro. The Sirocco was based on the forthcoming Golf and built by Karmann, but was launched at the Geneva motor Show in early 1974, and was in part an attempt to test the Golf mechanics before the Golf itself went on sale. The Golf entered production in July of that year and was on sale by the second half of the year. The Giogetta Guigiaro designed Golf was here at last at a time when everybody was expecting Volkswagen to go bankrupt if it could not produce a winner, fortunately ; the Golf was just that.

Rewind 2 years and the Golf was internally known as project EA337, and it was in 1973 that Volkswagen engineers started looking at the motorsport potential of VW's new Beetle killer. VW engineers, foremost amongst them was Dr. Friedrich Goes (there's a pun in there) ; who later went on to engineer the 1990s SEAT Ibiza. In their spare time they developed a sports Golf, raiding the VW Audi parts list and building the forerunner of the GTi unofficially. At the heart of this all-new high performance Golf was an engine first used in the Audi 80 GT. The original 1471cc unit was bored out from 76.5 to 79.5 mm, resulting in an increase in capacity to 1588cc and 110 hp. There were larger diameter inlet valves, as well as revised inlet and exhaust manifolds. The Bosch K-Jetronic fuel injection system was previously used on American-spec Audi 80s, but now found itself a new use. Other modifications included an oil cooler, oil temperature gauge and rev counter.

The project was unveiled to management in 1973, but was given a lukewarm reception. VW were struggling financially and the last thing on their minds was a sports hatchback. Volkswagen were well known for extremely reliable family cars and had little history of performance motoring. Other manufacturers had beefed up production models, Ford had teamed with Lotus to create the Lotus Cortina, and later on the RS (rally Sport) Escorts, but most of the motorsport models came from the likes of Triumph, Alfa Romeo and Jaguar. Perhaps management should have been looking at the success of the Mini Cooper ; which transformed the original BMC Mini into a serious motorsport contender.

Friedrich Goes went on to VW of America, but by 1975 ; the Golf was receiving rave reviews, and the VW sales department had warmed to the idea of a sporting model. In May 1975 Herbert Schuster was transferred from Audi to head up the new GTi project, and was lucky enough to inherit 2 years of development ; much of the ground work had already been done ; which explains why the GTi went to market only a year after the appearance of the Golf.
It is a pity that VW never copyrighted the GTi badge ; since now so many manufacturers have stolen' it. GT stands for Gran Turismo and had been used by the likes of Aston Martin (DB4 GT Zagato) and even Audi (the Audi 80 GTE). VW married the sports GT badge to the projects injection engine to make the classic GTi, which has proved a popular combination of 3 letters.

The GTi was shown to the world at the 1975 Frankfurt Motorshow and the go ahead was given for an initial 5000 production run, a figure that was the minimum needed to enter a production car for motorsport. This initial figure sold very swiftly and was soon upped to 5000 per month.

Perhaps hard to imagine now, with a world full of hot hatchbacks, but when the Golf GTi went on sale in 1976, the only cars that it could be reviewed against were real sports coupes. Here was a practical hatchback, but with the ability to put many sports cars to shame. The Golf GTi changed what could be expected of production cars and remains the first 'Hot Hatch', the first of many.

The Golf The GTi's 110bhp of power was delivered through a larger clutch to a standard Golf gearbox; although the final drive ratio was changed from 3.9:1 to 3.7:1. Specially rated shock absorbers, backed up by anti-roll bars all round kept it going straight ahead on the road. The suspension remained at the original ride height, but was soon lowered by 20 mm. Providing the grip were 175/70HR tyres attached to 5.5 inch wheel rims. Ventilated discs at the front, backed up by a larger servo, brought the Golf to a halt.

It was available to special order only in the UK, in left-hand drive. Specialist companies like GTi Engineering offered conversions, but the official imports arrived in July 1979, complete with wrap-a round bumpers. January 1980 saw the introduction of the five-speed gearbox, with closer ratios, dropping the 0-60 mph time from 9.1 to 8.5 seconds, and increasing top speed from 112 to 113 mph. Alloys were also standardised. September 1980, and along came a new dash with warning lights, digital clock, extra fresh-air vents and striped, rather than checked trim. September 1981 saw the arrival of windscreen pillar air deflectors, larger rear light clusters, angled door pulls and bigger door bins.

In September 1982, the GTi got a major upgrade when the 1600 was bored out from 79.5 mm to 81 mm. The stroke went up to 86.4 mm and the 1781cc unit was born. Also the pistons and connecting rods were lightened. The valve size was increase d and cylinder head modified. With a compression ratio of 10:1, mid-range torque improved. Its peak 109lb ft. was delivered at 3500 rpm, whilst the full 112 bhp arrived at 5800 rpm. The 0-60 mph dropped to a startling 8.2 seconds, and top speed climbed to 114 mph. Inside there was a temperature and economy gauge, showing mpg, and the legendary windscreen wiper stalk-operated MFA on board computer. August 1983 saw the Campaign model, the swan song of the MkI and designed to keep sales up while the imminent MkII went into production. This had a four-headlamp grille, Pirelli 6Jx14 in P slot alloys with 185/60HR-14 tyres. Standard equipment included sunroof, tinted glass, metallic paint and a leather-trimmed steering wheel.

The Golf MkII GTi arrived in February 1984, a bigger and heavier model and while it lost some of the original lines, it updated the model and took the Golf into the 1980s ; indeed it is one of the cars that defines the 1980s. The wheel-base was lengthened by 75 mm, and the overall length increased by

170 mm and the width by 55 mm. The car's weight increased from 840 kg to 920 kg, yet it wasn't any the more sluggish for it. Indeed, thanks to its new rounded edges, drag was dramatically reduced from 0.42 to 0.34 cd. The GTi was pretty much as the standard car, except for disc brakes fitted all round. The 1.8 engine still produced 112 bhp at 5800 rpm, reached 60 mph in just over eight seconds and had a new top speed of 119 mph.

The spec for UK cars was generous at first, including P slot alloys and sunroof - although these were deleted from the three-door and transferred to the five-door version, which arrived in February 1985. From February 1987, ABS brakes became optional.

In August, in came a new shape grille, left-hand parking wipers and central rear VW badge, while out went the front quarter-light. The 8-valve now had Digifant engine management and new trim, and the five-door got steel wheels as standard. Special equipment models in the summer of 1988 celebrated production of 10 million Golfs. The spec included seven-spoke alloys, central locking, and multi-stripe trim and tinted rear lights. Available in Helious Blue, metallic black and Oak Green, they proved a

big success.
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Old 20-11-08, 11:30   #3

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In August 1989, the so-called big bumpers arrived; whilst on the mechanical front, a catalytic converter became optional - but 12-hole steel wheels were now standard. October 1990 and power steering, tinted glass and central locking were fitted to the 8-valve. 1991 was the run-out year for the model, so in October the equipment package was up-rated to include BUS alloy wheels, partially smoked rear light lenses, electric front windows and 16-valve-style rainbow upholstery. Metallic paint finish was now a no-cost option. The MK2 model range was officially discontinued in February 1992.

September 1986 was when Wolfsburg gave us the 16-valve Golf. The only clue that this had eight valves more than the standard GTi was a bright red badge below the logo - and if you took a tape measure to it, you'd find it 10 mm closer to the ground. Under the arches sat stiffer springs - 10 per cent more (front), 20 per cent more (rear) -with modified shocks and anti-roll bars. Even the ventilated front discs were larger, at 265 mm, helped out by beefier brake pistons all round. The 6 inch rims wore 185/60VR-14 tyres, and the standard spec included central locking, electric windows and sunroof. The really important component though, lay beneath the bonnet. A cast alloy, thermally hardened 16-valve cylinder head, operated by two counter-rotating, chain-driven camshafts. Both shifted competition-spec inlet and exhaust valves and were mated to hydraulic tappets. The set-up needed an oil pump from a diesel engine to stay lubricated. A 10:1 compression ratio and Bosch K-Jetronic fuel injection system helped increase power by more than 24 per cent over the 8-valve. A bhp of 139 at 6300 rpm and peak torque of 121.5lb ft at 4600 rpm, translated into a 129mph top speed an d 60mph in just over seven seconds. Developments were pretty much as the 8-valve, although in February 1987, 16-valves were offered with digital dashboards - but few were actually ordered. Everyone wanted the special equipment versions in summer 1988. In August 1989, big bumpers arrived, with front fog-lamps and larger side rubbing strips. Although smoked rear lamp clusters and BBS alloys were fitted, out went electric windows. Power steering was now part of the spec. January 1990 welcomed the five- door 16-valve. In November, electric windows reappeared on the spec sheet. October 1991, and a Panasonic RDS pull out radio/cassette became standard. Like the 8-valve, the model was discontinued in February 1992.

The all-new MkIII Golf arrived in 1992, and was promptly christened 'Car of the Year' - but not 'Hot Hatch of the Year'. That's because it was bigger, safer and heavier. Despite the body being very slippery, with a drag factor between 0.30 and 0.33, it was seriously heavy . The original GTi weighed 844 kg, and the MK3 was up to 1032 kg. The power-to weight ratio had slipped from 133 bhp per ton to 113. That translated into a top speed of 124 mph and a sluggish 0-60 mph time of 8.7 seconds -surprising, as the new GTi had a larger 2.0 litre engine with Digifant multi-point electronic fuel injection system and regulated catalytic converter. With an enlarged bore and stroke at 82.5 mm and 92.8 mm respectively, the output rose to 115 bhp at 5400 rpm. At least it looked the part, with its colour-coded two-bar grille, black wheelarches and bumper extension, rear spoiler, tinted rear light clusters, 6.5Jxl 5 inch Long Beach alloys and twin exhaust pipes. Inside came sports seats, electric windows, on board computer and height-adjustable sports steering wheel. Handling wise it was a lot softer and more refined. Basically, it was a modified Mk2 set-up with standard power steering. From September 1992 came split rear seats and, a year later, passenger seat height adjustment formed part of the package. October 1994 was safety month, as ABS brakes, driver's airbag and immobiliser were included - but a sunroof became a cost option.

July 1995 saw the arrival of rounded side indicators and a bee-sting aerial. May 1996 marked the 20th anniversary of the GTi, hence the 600 limited edition Anniversary, with red alloys and traditional golf ball gear knob. King of the limited editions though was the Colour Concept, in April 1995, available in yellow, red, blue or green, with matching leather Recaros, silver-faced instruments and 6.5 in Solitude alloys. The eight valve was deleted in November 1997.

Two years after the 2.0-litre 8-valve GTi failed to impress anyone greatly, Volkswagen decided that what the world needed was another 16-valve version, which was launched in January 1993. Beneath the familiar 16 valve head was the 2.0 litre unit, which produced 150 bhp at 6000 rpm and was quite different from the units fitted to the Corrado and Passat. New valves and revised breathing were intended to provide extra power and Low-down torque. Acceleration improved, which meant that 60 mph arrived in around eight seconds. Top speed was a useful 134mph. The five-speed gearbox was a carry over from the GTi, as was the suspension. So it was secure, safe, but a bit roly-poly, and still not enough fun. Interestingly, it came with the traction control system, as used on the VR6, which meant that it worked with the ABS system to eliminate torque steer (weaving as you bury the throttle) by monitoring the speed of the driving wheels. Standard specification was pretty much as the 8-valve, plus 6.53x15 inch Monte Carlo alloy wheels with 205/50R-15V tyres, but still a space saver in the boot, bee-sting aerial with amplifier, plus a brake lining wear indicator. September 1993 heralded the arrival of passenger seat height adjustment, as the five-door model got rear electric windows. For October 1994, a driver's airbag and engine immobiliser were fired. July 1995 saw the arrival of those neat rounded wing-mounted indicators.

1998 saw the MkIV come into production. If you take a close look at the fourth generation Golf, you won't notice anything tremendously different from the car's predecessor. The Golf is the VW Group's top selling automobile, and the wildly successful (worldwide) Golf was basically fine-tuned.

The new corporate A-chassis features many new improvements, namely chassis rigidity. The car has grown in size, normally not a popular change for the European enthusiast scene though with the added rigidity, the move has been widely accepted.

Since build quality has improved by leaps and bounds with the new chassis, the Golf has moved almost to another level. The luxurious interior specifically makes the car surpass many of its traditional competitors.

By 2000 20 million Golfs had been made, many of them GTi models. For many, the MkIV sees the GTi become a rather tame and safe beast compared to the old MKIs and IIs. While the Golf was the original Hot Hatch, in many ways it has been overtaken by hotter hatchbacks from Renault and even fellow VW Group company SEAT. But the Golf GTi remains the original and a benchmark in its class.

To celebrate the success and 25 year reign of the GTi, Volkswagen have produced an anniversary edition,
The Golf GTi family has a new addition. To mark the 25th birthday of the Golf GTi, Volkswagen is launching the Golf GTi 132 kW (180 bhp). This is a special model that will only be produced in a limited number. All other GTi models are unaffected and will remain in the range.

Bearing the technically precise designation 'Golf GTi 132 kW (180 bhp)', this is a GTi like none before - with a beefy 1.8-liter turbocharged engine, awesome 18-inch BBS alloy wheels, special Recaro sports seats and a great many more technical details which make this special model really special - a new highlight in the proud history of the GTi, a history that now spans four generations. With perforated leather and red stitching, the steering wheel, handbrake lever and gearstick of the 2001 GTi 132 kW (180 bhp) are reminiscent of the first GTi in 1976.

With its striking appearance, the special model Golf GTi 132 kW (180 bhp) is a real eye-opener. The front and rear bumpers have been clearly modified from the standard model. Equally grandiose are the 7.5-inch-wide, 18-inch BBS alloy wheels with 225/40 R18 tires The typical four-spoke design gives an unobstructed view of generously dimensioned disc brakes on the front and rear axles, hugged by red brake callipers. The stately front and rear wheels are visually connected by conspicuously widened sills. Together with the body elements of the rear spoiler and rear apron in the same color as the vehicle, the Golf GTi 132 kW (180 bhp) gives a powerful, sporty overall impression, an image that is rounded off by the prominent chrome-plated tailpipe with a substantial 90 mm (3.5 inch) diameter.

A love of detail can also be seen in other areas. The "GTi" logo in the front grille and on the tailgate are reminiscent of the type set used on the original GTi 25 years ago. The Golf's typical twin headlights with clear glass optics are accentuated by a sporty black surround. The gas-filled struts on the bonnet and tailgate glitter stylishly in silvery aluminium. Rational - the elegant wheels are safeguarded against tampering by unauthorised persons with anti-theft wheel bolts.
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Old 20-11-08, 11:31   #4

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Default Re: Evolutia logo-urilor auto si a automobilelor in general

The name 'Golf GTi 132 kW (180 bhp)' is borrowed from its heart - the 1.8-liter, 4-cylinder engine whose state-of-the-art technology makes it an object of interest. A lightweight alloy cylinder head, two overhead camshafts, five valves per cylinder, exhaust gas turbocharger with charge air cooling, electronically controlled independent fuel injection and a mapped, distributorless ignition system. The engine, installed in a Volkswagen for the first time, not only impresses with its power (132 kW / 180 bhp at 5 500 rpm), but also with its outstanding torque of 235 Nm (173 lb/ft of torque) in the wide speed range between 1,950 and 5,000 rpm.

Such power demands adequate transmission: The Golf GTi 132 kW (180 bhp) is equipped as standard with a harmoniously tuned, driver-friendly 6-speed gearbox with short, precise gear gates. Shift through the first few gears under ideal conditions and in just 7.9 seconds you will have reached a speed of 100 km/h (approx. 62 mph). The top speed is 222 km/h (approx. 139 mph).

Despite its exceptional performance data, the modern turbocharged engine proves to be remarkably economical, befitting of the times. Its overall average fuel consumption, measured by EU standards, is just 8.4 liters of premium-grade petrol per 100 km. At the same time, it proves to be extremely clean: it already meets the Euro 4 exhaust emissions standards, not due to come into force until 2005. In Germany, such environmental compatibility is rewarded with a tax reduction of DM 600.

Like all other models in the Golf range, the special model Golf GTi 132 kW (180 bhp) is equipped as standard with electronic stability program ESP and ABS with electronic brake pressure distribution (EBPD). Compared to the standard GTi, the sports running gear is lowered by an additional ten millimetres.

The Golf GTi 132 kW (180 bhp) impresses not only with its individualistic looks. Its special role is also embodied decently, yet concisely by the interior. Particularly prominent are the two ergonomically formed Recaro sports seats with black upholstery for the driver and front-seat passenger. Like the outer rear seats, these bear the GTi logo in brilliant red embroidery. Similarly, the silver-colored sill panel trims boldly state that they belong to a GTi. And then there are the other little reminders of the original GTi: the three-spoke steering wheel, the gearstick knob in the design of a golf ball, the gearstick gaiter and handbrake lever with perforated black leather mantle and the typical red stitching. Even the black three-point inertia reel seat belts are accentuated with a red edging.

The instrument cluster in the Golf GTi 132 kW (180 bhp) has been completely redesigned: round dials with a modern, aluminium look provide the driver with the information he needs - two large ones for speed and rpm, two smaller ones for coolant temperature and fuel level. In-between, there is space for the display and warning lights.

The complete interior, that is the roof lining, sun visors, door trim, the finish of window pillars and the carpets are presented in black, typical for the GTi. This is in bold contrast to the brushed aluminium decorative finishing around the center console, and the aluminum-look interior door handles and pedals.

In all other equipment fitted, the special model Golf GTi 132 kW (180 bhp) corresponds to the standard GTi. With one exception. Instead of the sliding/tilting glass sunroof, there is the "Climatronic" air conditioning system. The list of options is relatively short, limiting itself to different radio and navigation systems, the installation of a carphone and a "technology package" that includes an anti-theft alarm system, a radio remote control for the central locking and a multi-function display.

Just like the original GTi, the special model is only available with two doors and will only come in the colors tornado red, reflex silver or black magic.
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Old 20-11-08, 11:46   #5

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Default Re: Evolutia logo-urilor auto si a automobilelor in general

Editie speciala VW Golf 5: GTI Limited Edition 240
Chiar daca a prezentat de curand cea de-a 6-a generatie a modelului de succes Golf, Volkswagen nu renunta, inca, la ideea de a stoarce tot ce se poate de pe urma precedentului model. Astfel, constructorul din Wolfsburg lanseaza o noua editie speciala bazata pe versiunea GTI a lui Golf 5.

Intitulata sugestiv GTI Limited Edition 240, aceasta dispune de acelasi motor de 2.0 litri FSI prezent pe toate GTI-urile, insa "gadilat" sa scoata 10 "cai" in plus, ajungand pana la 240 de CP. Pe langa puterea marita, GTI Limited Edition 240 are in dotare faruri bi-xenon, un nou sistem audio si sistem de navigatie Pioneer cu tehnologie "touch screen".

Normal, pretul pentru un astfel de autovehicul este pe masura: 32.000 euro. Un fleac, insa, pe langa cei 35.000 de euro platiti in schimbul unui VW Golf GTI Edition 30, de numai 230 CP. Insa avem si o veste proasta pentru doritorii unui Golf GTI Limited Edition 240: toate cele 300 de exemplare produse vor fi comercializate exclusiv pe teritoriul Germaniei.

Cel mai extrem golf din istorie: gti w12
Masina se numeste GTI W12 si este un exercitiu care demonstreaza ca, daca se doreste, un Golf poate concura cu Bugatti Veyron. Pentru a pune sub micuta capota a Golf-ului un motor W12 de sase litri este o dovada de nebunie.

Inginerii au anuntat ca acest Golf GTI W12 este capabil sa atinga 100 de km/h in doar 3.7 secunde, fapt care apropie aceasta compacta de performantele unui Ferrari Enzo sau Lamborghini Murcielago LP 640. Viteza maxima data de constructor este si ea la nivelul unui supercar si anume 325 km/h.

Motorul W12 are o putere maxima de 650 CP si dispune de un moment motor de 750 Nm. Pentru a arata cat de rafinat este acest motor trebuie mentionat faptul ca acesta se mai gaseste si sub capotele unor modele exclusiviste precum Bentley Continental, Volkswagen Phaeton sau Audi A8.

Acestea sunt limuzine de lux cu o greutate de peste doua tone in timp ce noul concept GTI W12 nu depaseste granita celor 1.5 tone.

Jantele sunt pe 19 inch iar plafonul are menirea de a directiona calculat curentii de aer, acesta fiind pur si simplu un imens difuzor de aer.

Volkswagen a dezvăluit conceptul noului model Golf 6 GTI, propulsat de un motor TSI de 2.0 litri în 4 cilindri care dezvoltă 210 CP. Versiunea sportivă a noului Golf are o acceleraţie 0-100 km/h de 7,2 secunde şi o viteză maximă de 238 km/h.
Update: 26 septembrie 2008 În anul 1976 a fost lansat modelul Volkswagen Golf 1 GTI, iar acum la 32 de ani după ce prima generaţie Golf şi-a făcut apariţia, a fost prezentată în formă de concept cea de a şasea generaţie Golf GTI, înainte de a-şi face debutul la salonul Auto de la Paris.

Noul concept VW Golf GTI păstrează caracteristicile specifice GTI: dinamism, stil şi practicabilitate şi foloseşte cele mai noi tehnologii în materie de trenuri de rulare şi şasiuri.

Suspensiile multi-link ale modelului standard Golf 6 au fost modificate special pentru a se adapta cu performanţele dinamice al noului GTI. Pentru prima oară pe un GTI au fost integrate arcuri şi amortizoare speciale alături de bare antiruliu şi sistemul ACC (Adaptiv Chassis Control) cu ajustare pneumatică a amortizoarelor. Sistemul ACC dispune de trei moduri de funcţionare - confort, normal şi sport.

Pentru prima dată noul Golf GTI a fost dotat cu un diferenţial cu alunecare limitată (XDS) conectat la un sistem sofisticat ESP pentru a maximiza răspunsul tracţiunii.

Conceptul VW Golf 6 GTI este propulsat de un motor TSI de 2.0 litri în 4 cilindri care dezvoltă 210 CP - mai mult cu 10 CP decât modelul precedent. În ciuda plusului de putere noul motor este mai eficient decât predecesorul său având un consum de
6.2 litri/100 km cu emisii de CO2 de 189 g/km. Noul Golf 6 GTI ajunge de la 0-100 km/h în 7.2 secunde şi are o viteză maximă de 238 km/h, fiind cel mai rapid model Golf GTI produs vreodată.

La noul concept GTI a lucrat o echipă formată din 3 designeri: Walter de Silva, Klaus Bischoff şi Marc Lichte. Conceptul dispune de o grilă cu traverse colorate în roşu, şi noi faruri mai elegante cu lămpi individuale în spatele geamului translucid. Din profil se remarcă pragurile laterale şi jantele de 18 inch cu designul specific modelului Golf 5 GTI. La partea din spate conceptul este echipat cu stopuri fumurii, şi cu un difuzor în care sunt integrate două ţevi de eşapament cromate.

Modificările sportive ale exteriorului se continuă şi în interiorul maşinii, acolo unde întâlnim volanul aplatizat îmbrăcat în piele neagră îmbinată prin cusături roşii. Interiorul este dotat şi cu scaune sport, un panou de instrumente special şi inserţii cromate pentru panourile uşilor.

La fel ca toate modelele Golf 6 noul GTI este echipat cu 7 airbag-uri, un CD player, climatizare şi ESP.

Noul Volkswagen Golf 6 GTI va intra în producţie în primăvara lui 2009.

Update foto: 25 septembrie 2008 Volkswagen va dezvălui la salonul Auto de la Paris versiunea GTI a noului Golf 6. Dar planurile companiei au fost date peste cap şi au apărut deja primele imagini cu versiunea sportivă a hatchback-ului german.

După cum ne aşteptam stilul maşinii a rămas similar cu versiunea standard diferenţiindu-se doar prin designul spoilerului faţă. Conform surselor din interiorul companiei, versiunea GTI a modeleului Volkswagen Golf 6 va fi dotată cu un motor turbo în 4 cilindri pe benzină ce dezvoltă 207 CP. Dacă acest se lucru se va dovedi a fi adevărat, atunci noul GTI va fi mai puternic decât versiunea precedentă cu 10 CP.

De la noul Golf 6 GTI ne putem aştepta să fie dotat cu discuri de frână mai mari şi mai performante. Printre alte modificări este posibil modelul sportiv să fie dotat cu jante din aliaj de 18 inch, şi LED-uri pentru luminile de zi.

Original: 22 august 2008 La câteva zile de la apariţia datelor oficiale despre noul Volkswagen Golf 6, au început deja să apară discuţii si chiar primele fotografii spion cu varianta GTI. Conform surselor din interiorul companiei ce au discutat cu revista engleză CAR, versiunea Golf GTI va primi un plus de 11 CP, ajungând la 211 CP. Creşterea puterii se va datora noului motor turbo de 2.0 litri EA888 care este echipat cu sistemul Audi „variable valve-lift”.

Modelul GTI se va diferenţia de versiunea simplă printr-un nou body kit, jante din aliaj de 18 inch şi noi blocuri optice dotate cu LED-uri stil Audi.

Din păcate la modelul R32 cu motor V6 s-a renunţat datorită legislaţiei europene de poluare. Însă în schimb VW va introduce un model GTI-R cu tracţiune integrală ce va fi propulsat de motorul 2.0 TFSI ce dezvoltă 265 CP cu care este dotat şi modelul Audi S3.

Conceptul noului Volkswagen Golf GTI este aşteptat să fie prezentat publicului în luna octombrie la Salonul Auto de la Paris, iar vânzările vor începe în primăvara anului 2009.
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Old 20-11-08, 13:29   #6

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evolutia Dacia de la Uzina Auto Pitesti la Dacia si logourile aferente, daca cineva cunoaste povestea este invitatul meu
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Old 23-11-08, 13:58   #7

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foarte tare threadul.felicitari flow si astept cu nerabdare sa ajungem si la litera H in domeniul auto(cunoscatotii stiu de ce).
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Old 25-06-09, 16:13   #8

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Vezi un site romanesc specializat pe evolutia logourilor si istorie auto c b x . r o

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Old 25-06-09, 16:24   #9

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Aveam ceva si de pe la h parca
Sper ca sti de gluma lucica , de fapt sunt sigur ca sti si o sa o savurezi pe asta asa cum se cuvine
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Old 28-06-09, 16:20   #10

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super tare
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Old 21-12-09, 23:24   #11
dA Alen

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Honda Motor Company Limited, pe scurt Honda este o corporaţie multinaţională cu sediul în Japonia. Compania produce automobile şi motociclete, camioane, scutere, roboţi, avioane cu reacţie şi motoare pentru aceste avioane, ATVuri, bărci cu motor şi motoare pentru ambarcaţiuni, generatoare de electricitate, utilaje pentru îngrijirea gazonului şi a grădinii, etc.
Soichiro Honda a inceput cu fabricarea pistoanelor in noiembrie 1937. In scurt timp a devenit sub-contractant la Toyota, iar apoi si-a extins domeniul de activitate pe alte parti de motor.
Pe 24 septembrie 1948 a fost fondata Honda Motor Co. Soichiro Honda a profitat de lacuna din piata japoneza, cauzata de Al doilea razboi mondial. Desi aflata intr-o mare lipsa de bani si carburanti, Japonia tot mai avea nevoie de transportul de baza. Honda, utilizand facilitatile de fabricatie, a atasat un motor unei biciclete, realizand astfel cel mai ieftin si mai eficient mijloc de transport de care era nevoie la acea data.
Instalatiile de fabricare a pistonului Honda fusesera aproape complet distruse. Soichiro Honda si-a creat astfel o noua companie din ceea ce ii mai ramasese, numita Honda Research Institute Co. Ltd. In ciuda numelui plin de grandoare, primul bun detinut de companie a fost o baraca de lemn unde Dl Honda si asociatii sai fixau motoare la biciclete. Si astazi, numele oficial al producatorului Honda a ramas acelasi, in onoarea eforturilor lui Soichiro Honda.
In imagine primul produs Honda
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Old 01-06-10, 20:03   #12
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Foarte tare threadul.felicitari ...pentru alfisti sau cei interesati de...
Istoria Alfa Romeo
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Old 14-06-10, 09:08   #13

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Originally Posted by Bigu View Post
evolutia Dacia de la Uzina Auto Pitesti la Dacia si logourile aferente, daca cineva cunoaste povestea este invitatul meu
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