Laser Defuser g5, standard US/Canada license, minim 420 euro fara taxe ...
K40 RL360i with Laser Defuser g5 installation in a 2013 Tesla Model S.
the most advanced radar detection and laser protection systems available today. ADRESE:
Bruiaza toate tel.gsm camerele spy si wireless, cu transmitere prin bluetooth sau ip si generatoare zgomot anti interceptare.Special conceput pentru bruiajul camerelor video spy folosite la flagrante.Functia principala :
bruiaj gsm-gps prin wi-fi , bluetoth si wireless. Pachetul contine: Aparat de bruiaj.Greutate: 300 grame.Dimensiuni maxim: 120x60x40mm.Acumulator intern minim 2000mA, maxim 4200mA.AC Adaptor 220v.Adaptor auto bricheta.3 Antene.Tel:+40740332828(10mil negociabil)
Product UK CE approved.