Politicianul de extrema-dreapta din Austria, Joerg Haider, a murit intr-un accident de masina, informeaza BBC. Politia a anuntat ca guvernatorul in varsta de 58 de ani al provinciei Carinthia a murit in primele ore ale diminetii, cand masina sa a iesit de pe carosabil, in apropiere de orasul Klagenfurt, in sudul Austriei.
Haider circula singur in masina de serviciu pe o sosea nationala la sud de capitala Carinthiei, Klagenfurt. Vehiculul a parasit carosabilul din motive necunoscute. Cu putin inainte de accident, tocmai depasise un alt vehicul al carui conducator auto, o femeie, a alertat apoi politia, informeaza agentiile internationale de stiri.
Haider was killed in a car crash in Köttmannsdorf near Klagenfurt, in the state of Carinthia, in the early hours of 11 October 2008. Police reported that the Volkswagen Phaeton that Haider had been driving came off the road, rolled down an embankment and overturned, causing him "severe head and chest injuries". Haider, who was on his way to a family gathering in honour of his mother's 90th birthday, was alone in the government car and no other vehicles were involved. An initial investigation uncovered no signs of foul play.