Re: Midnight Race and Show ...11.05.2008
Originally Posted by IonutzMFF
Cronometrarea se va face cu fotocelule iar startul cu semafor...oricum suntetzi baietii mei de baza 
din cate imi aduc eu aminte anul trecut tot cu semafor a fost startul si s-a cam comentat ca nu s-a prea vazut de soare etc... sper sa nu se repete faza si anul asta... o sa gasesti tu o solutie
Rule 1: Always win.
Rule 2: Never lose.
Rule 3: Never back down.
“On a given day, a given circumstance, you think you have a limit. And you then go for this limit and you touch this limit, and you think, 'Okay, this is the limit'. And so you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high.” (Ayrton Senna)