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Old 24-08-07, 12:54   #916
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cine eshti ureche mica???da si tu niste detalii...
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Old 24-08-07, 13:03   #917
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care stie cine e ureche mica?ca a postat acelasi lucru pe onesti , pe bc_01_ftu , pe vand 1310 , pe BMW 320d ,
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Old 24-08-07, 13:25   #918

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nu va mai agitati din cauza unuia care nu-i functioneaza imitatia de creier. mai bine v-ati gandi cat de repede sa ajungeti diseara ora 20.00 la intrarea in parc( mon ami). preferabil sa veniti fara masini
I rise and u FALL!!!
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Old 24-08-07, 14:20   #919

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om` trai si`om vedea
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Old 24-08-07, 16:05   #920
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atunci ne vedem la 20.00 in fatza la mon ami....oricum veneam fara mashina...
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Old 25-08-07, 10:24   #921
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a fost frumos la festival...si faza cu masinutele...am scapat teafar...foarte foarte tare
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Old 25-08-07, 10:38   #922

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am condus in stare de ebrietate....si am busit tot ce imi aparea in cale
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Old 25-08-07, 19:37   #923

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intradevar a fost misto.....dexter numa la mijloc era prins si era busit din toate partile
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Old 26-08-07, 18:39   #924

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nu avem noi norocu asta ?
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Old 26-08-07, 19:38   #925
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dexca de obicei a bushiyt mashina de cele mai multe ori...)
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Old 26-08-07, 19:41   #926
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oricum si-a luat-o urat de la noi...cand l-am prins la mijloc))
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Old 27-08-07, 00:05   #927

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lasa ca la anu va arat eu cine pe cine buseste
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Old 27-08-07, 22:37   #928
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Originally Posted by dexter_20 View Post
lasa ca la anu va arat eu cine pe cine buseste
tu busesti mashina)
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Old 28-08-07, 09:13   #929

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la intalneala de vineri sper sa vina cat mai multa lume pt ca vom face procesul verbal de infiintare a clubului nostru si vom alege un presedinte, vice-presedinti, un purtator de cuvant si ce-o mai fi nevoie. tot atunci vom alege numele,logo-ul, sediul si punctul de lucru.vom scrie si cererea care va fi depusa impreuna cu procesul verbal di infiintare la judecatorie si apoi asteptam rezultatul. nimic mai simplu. astept propuneri pt nume si logo. pana acum avem:
1. 4 fun racing
2. 4 fun club
3. racing fever motorsport
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Old 28-08-07, 09:40   #930
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eu aleg 3.Racing Fever Motorsport
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