Degeaba sNap7 BMW i-a batut doar cu un singur cuvant ( Checkmate ), tu ia-ti audi eu imi iau BMW

Iti pun niste comentarii legate de reclamele alea:
-Interesting… Audi are spending Millions and Millions on creating a negative image of all their competitors. Audi should focus on promoting the positive image of their products, than trying to face off with the other brands all the time.
-Its easy, whose trying to catch who, Audi is trying to catch BMW, BMW is the benchmark then BMW is not better, is THE BEST.
-They can try as hard as they want to, but an Audi will always be just another VW inside. The interior may “perceive” to be neat and well built, but it’s a pity it doesn’t last. The 4 wheel drive system may be well marketed by the marketers, but the fact is that it is such an old technology like you cannot believe except for one or two additions to the system. Compare that outdated Quattro system with BMW’s xDrive, sorry but it is like comparing a flat screen box TV with the latest HD LCD!
Go do yourself a favour, drive the Quattro cars of Audi, yes they accelerate quickly. But everytime you take your foot off the accelerator, it feels like you are tapping on the brakes slightly due to the tremendous amount of extra friction of this 4 wheel drive system from Audi - I drove the S5. This sort of thing is certainly unacceptable at a sports car level like an M3… not to mention the extra heavy fuel consumption with no extra pleasure.
Not too long ago, we’ve had another major recall from VW’s (goes with Audi as well as they use the same engines) turbo’s. Judging from quality surveys and what people’s experiences are, I’d stay clear of any VW’s Audi Quattro and turbo let alone twin turbo. It’s like: why buy that RR inspired Geely when you can buy a true Rolls Royce at the same price?
-Just because Audi will price the car in the premium segment does not make it a premium vehicle,"
I January of 09 I bought an Audi s5, the “s” stands for SLOW! The steering is like mush, the road noise is way too loud, the rear view mirror is of no use, the seat are like old park benches, the windshield wipers are so bad they drag the water back over part of the windshield, I think it’s really powered by two very old chipmunks, the top of the line sound system is almost as nice as my old close and play, the doors close like a 78 pinto! This car is just a VW jetta with pretty led lights! After two months of driving this way overated car, I traded it in for a 2009 M3! You just can’t not compare Audi to BMW, they are two very seperate beast! The BMW M3 has less horsepower, but is still quicker! Every component is of better quality and it shows! The M3 handles better than the the S5 and looks better also. You cant build a car around two pretty led head lights!
BTW took 3 years (Same time that took cady to reach the m5 with the cts-v) to audi to make *cof* copy *cof* an engine that could compete with a BMW engine, meanwhile, BMW is creating something new, something that audi will emulate, and well will know how the story will continue.
Call me when audi does something new, from zero, and not based on anything developed by any other car company
I can’t understand what is the difference in driving between a VW and an Audi?!? I can see a difference in terms of quality, but the driving dynamics are almost identical! Audi would be nothing if it wasn’t for VW.
And for their V-10 engine, they used the same one found in the Lamborghini Gallardo. Give me a break!