ma..tek..ti-am zis ca am fost f generoasa si deja ai tricou...adica tricoul tau exista..hai dupa el(cu banii evident) hehehe...ti-l trimit ma..dai banii cand ai... nu stiu de ce va intindeti la povesti din astea pe topicu asta..loolz...
atata va trebe sa va vindeti altele nuva mai cunosc f bine pe tipu care le face..asa caaaa..aveti grija!!!..hehehehe..
reveniti la subiect mey.... tekno..ramai dator cu un suc..2-3...
So what you pushing a nice car - Don't you know there's no such thing as superstar
We leave this world alone, So who gives a fuck about the things you own?
Certainly not me,'Cause baby personally I like to be challenged mentally, I've heard it all before Gangsta's pimps and whores... Quality is poor
A girl like me needs more...