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Cum facem rost de mai multi cai putere ? Vrei sa maresti puterea masinii tale ? Afla daca se poate, si ce trebuie sa faci.

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Old 31-07-08, 12:14   #1

Stage 1
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 19
Default Chiptuning 3 stage-uri?

Salut.Am auzit de la un tip(de pe acest forum) ca ar avea un passat 1.9 tdi chipuit de la 130cp pe care ii avea stock...pana la vreo 180cp!Mi-a explicat ca exista 3 stage-uri de chiptuning,care forteaza motorul din ce in ce mai mult(stage 1-163cp,stage 3-196cp),iar el a ales stage 2 care i-a dat 50 cp in plus.
Ieri am intrebat un baiat care se ocupa cu chiptuning si mi-a spus ca nu se pot obtine mai multi cai decat in mod uzual.
Vreau sa stiu daca chiar este posibil sa duci doar din chiptuning un turbo-diesel,mai mult decat cresterea de 25%-30% clasica,pe care o practica chiptunerii in mod obisnuit.Chiar exista 3 stage-uri de chiptuining?
Sunt convins ca daca ar exista ar fi facuta pe riscurile posesorului,ca ar scadea fiabilitatea etc,ok,vreau sa stiu doar daca este posibil.
P.S.Sunt cam incepator in domeniu,sper ca nu este o notiune banala de mai toata lumea stiuta,asa ca va rog nu dati cu pietre
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Old 31-07-08, 20:52   #2
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Stage 5
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Default Re: Chiptuning 3 stage-uri?

exista 10.5 stage-uri

satge 1 ..... 140cp
stage 1.5 .. 145cp
stage 2 ..... 150cp
stage 3 ..... 157 cp


si tot asa

numerotati difera de la tuner la tuner si reprezinta diverse grade de modificare a masini

stage x la tunerul y poate sa dea 100% CP in plus iar pachetul respectiv inafara de soft poate sa constina si o alta turbina + alte piese

mai mult stage 1 de la tunerul x nu este acelasi lucru ca stage 1 de la tunerul y

uite un exemplu aicea (la baza masian are 2l turbo 200cp) (mai mult in exemplu de fata nu se zice nimiak daca internele motorului rezista sau nu, daca ambreiajul stock cedeaza la prima forja mai serioasa, sau ca e posibil sa ai nevoie si de un upgrade la frane sau ), unii tuneri ofera la aceiasi putere pachete diferite unii doar softul altii ofera softul + piese.
depinde ce vrei (multi prefera sa cumpere piesele si apoi sa faca un soft custom)

S14/S14a Stage 1 ECU upgrade (260-280bhp)

The S14/S14a Stage 1 ECU upgrade is designed to optimise the fuelling and ignition for an S14 with the following modifications: The chip removes the fuel cut and 250km/h (155mph) speed limit. It smooths out power delivery and should improve fuel economy when cruising. The graph below is a power run on an S14a with the modifications listed above

S14/S14a Stage 2 ECU upgrade (280-300bhp)

The stage 2 ECU upgrade is designed to optimise the fuelling and ignition for an S14 with the following modifications:
The ECU upgrade removes the fuel cut and 250km/h (155mph) speed limit. It smooths out power delivery and should improve fuel economy when cruising. The graph below shows a power run on an S14a with the modifications listed above
The peak power measured here was 289.1bhp and a 295ft/lb of torque. Obviously results will vary depending on engine condition, rolling road, air temperature and so on.

S14/S14a Stage 3 ECU upgrade (310-330bhp)

The stage 3 ECU upgrade is designed to optimise the fuelling and ignition for an S14 with the following modifications:
The ECU upgrade removes the fuel cut and 250km/h (155mph) speed limit. It smoothes out power delivery and should improve fuel economy when cruising. Below is a graph showing a power run on an S14a with the modifications listed above
The peak power measured here was 319.7bhp and a 337ft/lb of torque. Obviously results will vary depending on engine condition, rolling road, air temperature and so on.

S14/S14a Stage 3a ECU upgrade (340-360bhp)

The stage 3a ECU upgrade is designed to optimise the fuelling and ignition for an S14 with the following modifications:
The ECU upgrade removes the fuel cut and 250km/h (155mph) speed limit. It smoothes out power delivery and should improve fuel economy when cruising. Below is a graph showing a power run on an S14a with the modifications listed above
The peak power measured here was 347.6bhp and a 359ft/lb of torque. Obviously results will vary depending on engine condition, rolling road, air temperature and so on.
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