Care a spus de pe aici ca Pagani Zonda e masina Super tare si vai vai aaa?
Ca ma pish pe mine de ras pe scaun aici !!!!!!
Ia luati filmul de la TOPGEAR in care testeaza Ferrari ENZO Porche Carrera GT PAGANI ZONDA Jaguar XJR220 Ferrari F40 si McLaren F1
La Inceput Prezinta Zonda si spune despre ea .. 7.3L V12 si cum zicea in film
\"It`s Been Build From SpaceAge Material That have To Be Made In Laboratories By Scientists In White Coats\"
si Apoi Urmeaza Prezentarea la Jaguar XJR220! \"This Is A Jaguar XJR220 From 12 Years Ago .. It`s has been build from stuff that`s dug out of the ground by men in cek shirts and hard hats , it is sofisticated and advanced as a telegraf pol\"
si Urmatoarea scena le pune amandoua cap la cap si spune :
\"And Because THe Jaguar XJR220 Engine Is Less Than Half - TINETI CONT \"---LESS THAN HALF---\" Mai putin de jumate ! Than the one on the zonda you know witch one will win this simple black and white drag race!! But .... You would be WRONG !! IS THE JAGUAR ! ... A car concepted in the power crazed `80s that`s much much faster ! BWHAHAHHAHA CU PAGANI ZONDA ! Saleen S7 Parerea mea e o masina de jucarie!
In Acelasi Film spune .. Ferrari ENZO Si Porche Carrera GT prind amandoua 220 MPH dar sunt spulberate la viteza de asa spusul \" Eleven Year Old Car .. The McLaren F1\" This Can Do 241MPH
Saleen S7 am citit pe prinde 300KMH viteza maxima.... Enzo se duce in 350 ... so...
Iar McLaren F1 385Kmh
Dar Toate masinilie astea sunt spulberate ! SPULBERATE de catre Bugatti Veyron ! Bwhahahah
Bugatti Veyron cu motor de 7L V16.2 1001CP
100Kmh - 2.5SEC
Luati revista TopGear De la chiosc si cititi ca luna asta spune tot despre el