Dyno Tuning Colectie de grafice Dyno: Afla cati cai au castigat altii in urma modificarilor, si cum. |
04-02-09, 12:59
Stage 4
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Locatii si alte discutii adiacente dyno tuning
avem ceva rolling road-uri (dynomometre) in zona moldovei in romania?.. sau doar in bucuresti?
04-02-09, 16:33
Join Date: Feb 2009
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Re: Citeste aici inainte
baieti, am cumparat recent un bmw 320 d din 2001 de la cineva, si mia zis ca are tuning si la motor cred ca chip sau ma rog nu stiu ca exterior se vede ca are si suspensii si tot, el imi mi-a spus ca are cam 180 de cai acum in loc de 136 cat avea inainte, am simtit si eu un pic de forta dar totusi cum pot verifica daca are chip sau, ceva tunning la motor?
si as mai avea ceva de intrebat de ce oare cand pornesc masinia se aude in spate la toba de parca ar porni un reactor de avion adica tiuea asa crescator, ca si cum ar fi un avion... iar cand merg pe strada si schimb vitezele in momentul cand apas ambreiajul face un chiuit in toba la fel ca un avion.. va rog la muritima si pe mine
04-02-09, 17:02
Stage 4
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Re: Citeste aici inainte
ti-ai luat avion!
04-02-09, 18:20
2 Roti
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Re: Citeste aici inainte
Originally Posted by andiriciu
baieti, am cumparat recent un bmw 320 d din 2001 de la cineva, si mia zis ca are tuning si la motor cred ca chip sau ma rog nu stiu ca exterior se vede ca are si suspensii si tot, el imi mi-a spus ca are cam 180 de cai acum in loc de 136 cat avea inainte, am simtit si eu un pic de forta dar totusi cum pot verifica daca are chip sau, ceva tunning la motor?
si as mai avea ceva de intrebat de ce oare cand pornesc masinia se aude in spate la toba de parca ar porni un reactor de avion adica tiuea asa crescator, ca si cum ar fi un avion... iar cand merg pe strada si schimb vitezele in momentul cand apas ambreiajul face un chiuit in toba la fel ca un avion.. va rog la muritima si pe mine
Poate ai Blow-of......
04-02-09, 23:06
Stage 4
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Re: Citeste aici inainte
blow off valve la evacuare ma indoiesc...
"iar cand merg pe strada si schimb vitezele in momentul cand apas ambreiajul face un chiuit in toba " probabil vrei sa spui cand iei piciorul de accelaratie,face zgomotul si cand esti pe liber si accelerezi?
din cate stiu eu si am vazut, dump valve se pun pe teava care duce la interculer sau le inlocuiesc pe cel standard cum am pis la a mea,si la diesel dump valve am...nu mi-as pune
mai multe explicatii
Also known as:
Blow Off Valve
Dump Valve
What is it?
When you take your foot off the accelerator to change gear or whatever there is suddenly a lot of pressurised air from the turbos that has nowhere to go as the throttle plate is shut. A BOV is a valve that is triggered by the pressure difference in the manifold and gets rid of this excess air. If this didn't happen it would cause the turbos to suddenly stop spinning, which would not only knacker them in short order but mean they had to spin up from a standstill when you got back on the throttle again.
There are two types of BOV, one vents the air to the atmosphere (atmospheric) and the other vents it back into the air intake (recirculating). The standard BOV is a recirculating job and is generally regarded to work fine up to around 18psi of boost. After this or when they get a bit old, they have been known to leak.
The main reason for changing to an aftermarket one is to make a nice loud whoosh when you back off the throttle as nearly all of them are the atmospheric type. Sometimes it’s out of necessity, such as with a single turbo conversion which removes all the stock BOV plumbing. You can mount them in the same place as the stock one (kits are available to do this for most BOVs), or have a flange welded to a hard pipe somewhere (typically the one that goes into the throttle body, but anywhere between turbo and throttle body is OK). You can also keep the stock one and add an aftermarket one as well.
Makes a cool whoosh noise when you back off the throttle .
A well made one can hold more boost than the standard one without leaking.
In theory recirculating the hot pre-intercooled air back into the intake like the standard BOV could heat up the intake air whereas venting it does not but this is very unlikely to make any difference in practice.
Looks 'bling' under the bonnet.
A necessity with a single turbo conversion due to removing all the stock plumbing.
If you have a UK car, an atmospheric BOV can confuse the ECU because they use a MAF airflow sensor which is ahead of the BOV. This sensor registers that a certain amount of air is flowing in, so the ECU reacts accordingly by supplying the correct amount of fuel. That air then gets vented by the BOV, so the engine runs very rich. This creates two problems – one, the car may stall if the throttle doesn’t come back on, two, if the throttle does come back on the ECU is trying to compensate for an over-richness and may lean the mix off to undesirable levels, potentially causing detonation.
The j spec cars have a manifold pressure sensor and don't suffer from this problem.
getrag 6 speed,twin turbo SUPRA `96 "fun only"
audi a4 tdi `02 "every day use"
fw/hp 332 cai
fw/torque 276 ft
05-02-09, 11:56
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 2
BOV e ok
multumesc magnos pentru explicatie, acum inclin sa cred ca bov este fiindca asa e cum scrie si acolo cand iau piciorul de pe acceleratie scoate vuietul acela, acum daca imi puteti spune unde gasesesc daca are chip la motor. cum arata ala sau am mai auzit de unichip...dar important e sa ma uit io sa vad daca are unde are... ca cel care mi-a vanduto a zis ca are...
Bov deci nu are nici o functie in cresterea puterii ci doar sunetul acela periculos
05-02-09, 12:46
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Re: Citeste aici inainte
cu placere
05-02-09, 20:55
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Re: Citeste aici inainte
stie cineva unde pot face un test dyno si cam cit ar costa?multumesc
05-02-09, 22:18
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Re: Citeste aici inainte
Originally Posted by powerbmw2001
stie cineva unde pot face un test dyno si cam cit ar costa?multumesc
Bucuresti din cate stiam eu si costa in jur de 170 ron sau daca mai astepti putin in Iasi
07-02-09, 08:46
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Re: Citeste aici inainte
sau daca mai astepti putin ... in Cluj
27-02-10, 17:43
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Re: Citeste aici inainte
in cluj cat costa si unde este?
27-02-10, 20:54
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Re: BOV e ok
Originally Posted by andiriciu
multumesc magnos pentru explicatie, acum inclin sa cred ca bov este fiindca asa e cum scrie si acolo cand iau piciorul de pe acceleratie scoate vuietul acela, acum daca imi puteti spune unde gasesesc daca are chip la motor. cum arata ala sau am mai auzit de unichip...dar important e sa ma uit io sa vad daca are unde are... ca cel care mi-a vanduto a zis ca are...
Bov deci nu are nici o functie in cresterea puterii ci doar sunetul acela periculos
ai evacuare goala cap coada, nicidecum bov