Originally Posted by \"jimmyboy250\"
salut! am si eu un nissan 100 nx 2000 targa . e o masina foarte buna nu?spuneti-mi stiti cum se pune turbo la masina asta?am inteles ca se poate lua de la nissan 2oo sx. stiti ceva date exacte despre asta?eu locuiesc in madrid.
The NX is a great car! It is not hard to turbo the car. But you need the turbo, and manifold from a fwd car like the pulsar gtir, or nissan bluebird. If your car has the sr20 motor...go to
www.sr20forum.com you can find EVERYTHING you need there.
I hope you can understand what I wrote, it is hard for me to write in Romanian, let me know if you need any help with turbo stuff. I have done it a few times on a sr20 motor.