25-03-10, 13:01
Stage 1
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Posts: 11
Re: Here from the US
Ahhh you dont think i actually worked at Hennessey. Or I could have translated wrong haha. No problem, I can understand that. I have several ways to prove that one if you would like to see. But im not here to prove anything, just to hang out and have some fun with cars.
25-03-10, 13:37
Observator 4tuning
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Re: Here from the US
Asa am fost noi invatati, sa punem totul la indoiala. Poate ca de data asta nu e asa si totul e normal. Vom vedea
Maybe you're right needforspeed502 but we must meet to convince ourself 
Anyway there is no problem if you are "undercover"
Toata lumea e "illest" acum, insa doar pe stickere
"low&slow" dar mai mult slow decat low 
Euro Corsa C
25-03-10, 22:37
Stage 2
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Posts: 36
Re: Here from the US
Originally Posted by needforspeed502
Ahhh you dont think i actually worked at Hennessey. Or I could have translated wrong haha. No problem, I can understand that. I have several ways to prove that one if you would like to see. But im not here to prove anything, just to hang out and have some fun with cars.
I'm not saying that you're not true, but you know, sometimes cops get crazy in this country and you can't know at who you're talking to even face to face, ... and on the internet it's much more difficult to know who's behind the computer. Anyway, how did you discover this community ? What car are you driving ?
Did you work on some Muscle Cars in the States ?
25-03-10, 23:10
 Stage 5
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Re: Here from the US
Originally Posted by needforspeed502
Ahhh you dont think i actually worked at Hennessey. Or I could have translated wrong haha. No problem, I can understand that. I have several ways to prove that one if you would like to see. But im not here to prove anything, just to hang out and have some fun with cars.
deci doar citind cele de mai sus,nu cred nici in ruptu capului ca tipu e american,si asta din numeroase motive:mod de exprimare,contextul in sine,varsta,etc
man if what you say is true,friday or saturday night when you cruze thru town,if you see some modified cars and the drivers on a parking,stop an introduce yourself,and then we see from there who's right or wrong
25-03-10, 23:58
Stage 1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 11
Re: Here from the US
Originally Posted by Fabi.
I'm not saying that you're not true, but you know, sometimes cops get crazy in this country and you can't know at who you're talking to even face to face, ... and on the internet it's much more difficult to know who's behind the computer. Anyway, how did you discover this community ? What car are you driving ?
Did you work on some Muscle Cars in the States ? 
Oh I know, I understand, no problem. Its actually the second thing that pops up when you type in "Romanian Tuning" on google, which is very good for yall for sure. My company here has me driving an Opel Frontera 4x4 diesel. Its also a manual, which is the only thing i drive in the States, but they are much more rare there, so its quite fun. And ive read online they are actually pretty good off road, so well have to see haha. When i worked at Hennessey we mainly worked on the new model muscle cars, 2010 Camaros, 09 Challengers, Corvettes, Ford GT, GTR R35 so i drove a lot of those and worked on them. Buy on my own I like the old muscle cars a lot too, plus the 80's and 90's european cars as well. I have a 68' AMC AMX back home, but had to sell all my others before I came here
Originally Posted by roby wws
deci doar citind cele de mai sus,nu cred nici in ruptu capului ca tipu e american,si asta din numeroase motive:mod de exprimare,contextul in sine,varsta,etc
man if what you say is true,friday or saturday night when you cruze thru town,if you see some modified cars and the drivers on a parking,stop an introduce yourself,and then we see from there who's right or wrong
Cool, that sounds good to me, I will be looking for yall. Any specific spot usually? Only problem is I dont know my way around here at all yet haha.
Originally Posted by tng
Asa am fost noi invatati, sa punem totul la indoiala. Poate ca de data asta nu e asa si totul e normal. Vom vedea
Maybe you're right needforspeed502 but we must meet to convince ourself 
Anyway there is no problem if you are "undercover" 
Haha no problem
26-03-10, 00:08
 Stage 5
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Re: Here from the US
dude...i speak english better than u....so...my guess is that u're just another cop trying to know more things about us.
26-03-10, 00:15
Stage 1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 11
Re: Here from the US
Wow are yall really that scared of cops here? They will chase you down on the streets in the US, and have undercover cars, but they sure as heck dont get on the internet.
You might find my english a little weird because I am from Texas, our accent and words are a little different in the south then what you might be used to.
Anyways like I said I have nothing to prove, after the first of yall meets me you will see I am no undercover cop, I'm definitely American and just here for awhile on business.
Is that your E30 in your signature? One of the guys I work with, Alex, says he has a friend with an E30 and an engine swap with a turbo. Im going to meet him this weekend I think, it might be one of yall I dont know. Hes a lawyer for his job.
Do any of yall have Facebook? Its big in the States, I dont know about here. You can check me out on there if you like.
26-03-10, 00:24
 Stage 5
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Posts: 2,320
Re: Here from the US
do yourself a favor...buy a ps3....and u'll find some action there....and tuned cars too
26-03-10, 00:46
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 1
Re: Here from the US
Originally Posted by bmw_motorsport
do yourself a favor...buy a ps3....and u'll find some action there....and tuned cars too 
Rudeness and communist paranoia at its best.
@needforspeed502 - Welcome to Borat country...
Si va mai intrebati de ce suntem cacatii europei....marfa. Se pare ca majoritatea romanilor nu au scos capul de dupa cortina de fier...trist
26-03-10, 01:04
 Stage 5
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Posts: 2,320
Re: Here from the US
Originally Posted by domnulnimeni
Rudeness and communist paranoia at its best.
@needforspeed502 - Welcome to Borat country...
Si va mai intrebati de ce suntem cacatii europei....marfa. Se pare ca majoritatea romanilor nu au scos capul de dupa cortina de fier...trist
mai domnul nimeni...daca tu te simti cacatul europei e problema ta....si daca la primul strain aparut esti gata sa-l primesti cu bratele deschise...iar e tot problema ta....iar cand eu scoteam capul afara.....cred ca tu nici nu te nascusei....asa ca stai parcat
new cali in town
26-03-10, 01:18
Observator 4tuning
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Re: Here from the US
sa pastram un dialog civilizat totusi. vom vedea cum sta treaba mai exact. nu trebuie sa ne dam cu presupusu
26-03-10, 01:44
BMW Driver
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Re: Here from the US
traducerea bah.......  )  )
zau bengaules sa inteleaga si tiganii..temerel..  )
sau unchiu paga e la mijloc........
26-03-10, 09:30
 Stage 5
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Re: Here from the US
Originally Posted by jakal
traducerea bah.......  )  )
zau bengaules sa inteleaga si tiganii..temerel..  )
sau unchiu paga e la mijloc........ 
E greu cu traducerea dintr-o limba internationala in alta limba internationala.
Nu e stilu' lu' Paga.
26-03-10, 12:11
Stage 3
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 120
Re: Here from the US
acu sa fim seriosi.... uitati-va la profilu lui de facebook. oricat de sceptici sunteti, pare cam real. Si nu ii duce capu pe idiotii de politai romani sa creeze un profil atat de complex si cu peste 800 de friends. Si coincidenta ar fi cam mare sa fi gasit ei exact un om cu caracteristici de genul si sa le afiseze pe forum. daca vrea cineva neaparat sa se convinga decat sa il puneti sa va caute prin oras mai bine doritorii se intalnesc cu el intr-un loc unde nu e locul de intalnire obisnuit ( la hipodrom sau o benzinarie lipsita de importanta) si gata. asa nici nu furnizati vreo informatie reala. Plus ca omu nu a tras pe nimeni de limba , singura intrebare a fost de un skiliner care ar visa multi la el dar nu il are nimeni ( din cate am vazut). parerea mea...nu ma injurati prea rau
26-03-10, 19:45
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Re: Here from the US
Originally Posted by bmw_motorsport
mai domnul nimeni...daca tu te simti cacatul europei e problema ta....si daca la primul strain aparut esti gata sa-l primesti cu bratele deschise...iar e tot problema ta....iar cand eu scoteam capul afara.....cred ca tu nici nu te nascusei....asa ca stai parcat
tu nu faci decat sa pledezi vinovat.
faptul ca ne vedem cu un om sa facem cunostintza nu inseamna nimic.
nu a spus nimeni ca va fi ''in mijlocul nostru'' 
nu vad ce e rau sa cunosti persoane noi,fie ele si politisti sub acoperire.ai motive sa iti fie frica de politzie?
eu unul nu am.
ps.si eu sunt sceptic in privinta lui,dar pana la proba contrarie nu poti fi sigur de nimic.
eu oricum il banuiesc pe paga de ''situatia'' asta