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fuscobal 20-08-05 13:50

Cele mai performante HU de pe planeta
Am sa incep eu :

Este acelasi cu DRZ-9255 din state. Enumerati si voi altele mai mult sau mai putin cunoscute ( eventual cele la care visati voi ) !

saxo 20-08-05 18:14

Cu toate ca eu visez la Clarion,nu pot sa nu aduc aminte si de :
care,combinat cu:
Iese o bijuterie.....

xxdadixx 20-08-05 23:37 :dribble:
Combinat cu: :ihearu:

fuscobal 21-08-05 00:01

Al 4-lea candidat :

ReLLaXX 21-08-05 01:12

:!: 115 db s/n ratio la Denon. Problema e gasirea unui amplificator pe masura. Stie cineva un pret la aparatul asta? Eu folosesc acasa un cd-deck Denon si sunt cat se poate de multumit de el. Nu stiam ca fac si car-audio... Chiar as fi curios sa-l ascult o data.

fuscobal 21-08-05 01:57

Retail : 2500$ . Se gaseste pe la 1600$ sau chiar si mai putin second-hand pe forumurile de specialitate !

fuscobal 21-08-05 02:06

Alt candidat :

saxo 21-08-05 08:33


Originally Posted by \"fuscobal\"
Retail : 2500$ . Se gaseste pe la 1600$ sau chiar si mai putin second-hand pe forumurile de specialitate !

Daca mai pui -ca TREBUIE !- si un DSP,ajungi la \"2mii s'un pic\",care e de fapt suma minima pentru un HU adevarat.

dj81bas 21-08-05 16:37

Un aparat cu care nu mi-ar fi rusine sa ma afisez :D :D :D, chiar daca e mai vechi. Alpine F1 Status CDA 7990

Sunt interesat de un astfel de aparat. daca stiti ceva dati un PM. 10x

fuscobal 27-08-05 11:00

Inca un candidat :

fuscobal 27-08-05 11:15

Ar mai fi si Eclipse 8443 si 8053 da nu prea gasesc linkuri catre ele decat pe e-bay !

fuscobal 28-08-05 14:44

Cel mai tare test pe care l-am vazut pana acum :
Concurentii : Alpine F1, Clarion DRZ9255, Pioneer P9, Nakamichi CD 700 II
Juriul a fost format din 3 judecatori IASCA iar auditia s-a facut in CASA, nu in masina !!!

Ground Zero 28-08-05 14:58

Felicitari Fuscobal pentru research,

Folosind copy-paste...

The testing order was: P9, F#1, Clarion & Nak. Didn't have enough time to test the RF 8250 or the 7969

ATC 2 way speakers and a Tag McLaren amp were used.

Test disk was the Ultimate Test CD by Chesky.

I rated them after listening in this order:

1) Clarion
2) Nak
3) F#1
4) P9

The Clarion and great stage depth and tonal accuracy without being coloured or bass heavy. Great focus and separation between instruments. Lovely top end and gave a linear sound.

The Nak was very similar to the Clarion, but had slightly more midbass. The depth wasn't as good, but sounded slightly warmer. Good focus, but not quite the detail of the Clarion.

F#1 was very warm, but lacked depth. Maybe too midbass heavy, but was full of energy. Focus was good, but lacked some detail. Slightly sibilant and the top end wasn't quite as good as the others.

P9 was clinical and accurate with good depth. But lack midbass and emotion. Good focus, but separation was relatively poor.

I rated the Clarion as the best due to the features and VFM. The Nak sounded slightly better, but the crossover and EQ made up for it. There wasn't too much in the sound.

The F#1 was nice, but too warm for me. Puts a smile on your face and is toe tapping good, but I wondered whether this was just the extra midbass. A very Alpine sound

P9 was nice, but not involving and wasn't that transparent.


Ground Zero 28-08-05 15:03

Daca vi se pare incitant, cititi in continuare urmand link-ul pus de fuscobal...
Speram ca intr-um viitor nu foarte departat sa avem si noi posibilitatea in RO sa efectuam astfel de teste...

cls21b_EVO 28-08-05 15:24

Fuscobal frate...iti spun sincer mor eu ...cum ma uitam asa si dadeam scroll ..imi mai veneau si mie mor de nu exact alea le puneai si ai culminat cu Nakamichi...(moartea mea) :?
Esti incredibil... :P
Si a iesit atat de prost P9 chiar auzisem si eram ferm convins ca e cel mai bun producator de H/U din lume...
Chiar acum cateva zile am vazut Clarion ala pt prima oara...e ee..eeee...ceva...
Si alta chestie am obs. toate H/U super arata f. bine...suuunnt........normale...

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