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-   DRIFT GRAND PRIX ROMANIA - 21-23 octombrie - Casa Poporului, Circuit Stradal Bucharest GP (
-   -   Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania (

ZoliaT 25-10-11 10:15

Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania

In primul rand dorim sa ne cerem scuze pentru decalarea incredibila a festivitatii de premiere. Totul a trebuit sa se intample intr-o fuga acerba pentru ca timpul acordat de autoritati pentru desfasurarea evenimentului a fost depasit din cauza decalarii create de firma de paza la prima ora si apoi de accidentul din finala. Va rugam sa acceptati scuzele noastre.

Iata lista castigatorilor de la tuning:

BEST 5 Car of the Show

1. Honda Civic - IF 05 WOW
2. Mercedes CLK - B 85 VJP
3. VW Golf 2 - B 10 ETN
4. Seat Ibiza - B78 TDI
5. Opel / BMW Calibra - B 79 ANF

Top 20 Tuning & Styling

1. Opel Calibra - IF 99 NTR
2. VW Golf 4 - B 92 YRD
3. Chevrolet Corvette - B 700 VET
4. VW Golf 2 - B 500 WOB
5. Dacia Logan - KYS
6. Renault Megane RS
7. BMW E46 - B 666 NKS
8. Dacia Logan Cabrio - Auto A9
9. Mitsubishi Eclipse - B 70 RUP
10. Dacia Logan - B 87 GGD
11. BMW E30 - B 77 ZAX
12. VW Golf 4 - AR 01 LEU
13. BMW Seria 7 - TNT Tuning
14. VW Jetta - MS 01 DUB
15. BMW E36 M3 - NT 14 TEA
16. BMW E36 - B 79 VLI
17. BMW E46 - Ghetto Tuning
18. BMW 2800 CS - B 280 CSI - StanceWorks Romania
19. BMW E36 - B 23 RWD - StanceWorks Romania
20. BMW E46 - B 888 RAW

P.S. In valmaseala creata la finalizarea evenimentului nu toata lumea si-a ridicat cupele. Cei care nu si-au ridicat cupele sunt rugati sa imi dea PM pentru a vedea cum rezolvam sa intre in posesia lor.

Cei care aveti poze cu masinile din topul de mai sus sunteti invitati sa le postati

ATENTIE!!!! Numerele nu reprezinta ordinea in clasament. Este un TOP 20 si un TOP 5 masinile nefiind listate intr-o ordine anume

boy_wonder 25-10-11 10:52

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
2 Attachment(s)
Opel Calibra - IF 99 NTR

Attachment 2198154 Attachment 2198155

boy_wonder 25-10-11 10:53

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
1 Attachment(s)
Chevrolet Corvette - B 700 VET

Attachment 2198156

boy_wonder 25-10-11 10:55

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
2 Attachment(s)
Opel / BMW Calibra - B 79 ANF

Attachment 2198158 Attachment 2198159

boy_wonder 25-10-11 10:58

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
1 Attachment(s)
BMW Seria 7 - TNT Tuning

Attachment 2198164

tng 25-10-11 10:59

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
2 Attachment(s)
Seat Ibiza - B78 TDI

tng 25-10-11 11:01

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
2 Attachment(s)
W Golf 2 - B 10 ETN

boy_wonder 25-10-11 11:01

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
1 Attachment(s)
VW Golf 2 - B 500 WOB

Attachment 2198169

boy_wonder 25-10-11 11:05

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
1 Attachment(s)
BMW E30 - B 77 ZAX

Attachment 2198170

FAST&FURIOUS 25-10-11 11:07

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
Felicitari tuturor premiantilor si nu in ultimul rand organizatorilor !!!

boy_wonder 25-10-11 11:07

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
1 Attachment(s)
Dacia Logan - B 87 GGD

Attachment 2198171

boy_wonder 25-10-11 11:08

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
1 Attachment(s)
Mitsubishi Eclipse - B 70 RUP

Attachment 2198172

tng 25-10-11 11:10

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
2 Attachment(s)
BMW E46 - Ghetto Tuning

boy_wonder 25-10-11 11:12

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
2 Attachment(s)
Dacia Logan Cabrio - Auto K9

Attachment 2198176 Attachment 2198177

boy_wonder 25-10-11 11:13

Re: Castigatorii de la Tuning Expo @ Drift Grand Prix of Romania
2 Attachment(s)
BMW E36 - B 23 RWD

Attachment 2198178 Attachment 2198179

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