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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:D Very Happy Very Happy
:-) Smile Smile
:sad: Sad Sad
:o Surprised Surprised
:shock: Shocked Shocked
:???: Confused Confused
8) Cool Cool
:lol: Laughing Laughing
:x Mad Mad
:-P Razz Razz
:oops: Embarassed Embarassed
:cry: Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
:evil: Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
:twisted: Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
:rolleyes2 icon_rolleyes2 icon_rolleyes2
;) Wink Wink
:!: Exclamation Exclamation
:?: Question Question
:idea: Idea Idea
:arrow: Arrow Arrow
:punch: icon_punch icon_punch
:ballbounc icon_ballbounce2 icon_ballbounce2
:flower: icon_flower icon_flower
:nervious: icon_nervious icon_nervious
:yes: icon_yes icon_yes
:cool: Cool Cool
:crazy: icon_crazy icon_crazy
:sniff: icon_sniff icon_sniff
:-x Mad Mad
:burn: icon_burn icon_burn
:holden: icon_holden icon_holden
:poke: icon_poke icon_poke
:-( Sad Sad
:baby: icon_baby icon_baby
:flamed: icon_flamed icon_flamed
:mrhappy: icon_mrhappy icon_mrhappy
:writers_b icon_writers_block icon_writers_block
:p Razz Razz
:confused2 icon_confused2 icon_confused2
:sleep: icon_sleep icon_sleep
:bunch: icon_bunch icon_bunch
:help: icon_help icon_help
:pistoles: icon_pistoles icon_pistoles
:smile: Smile Smile
:ashamed: icon_ashamed icon_ashamed
:eyebrow: icon_eyebrow icon_eyebrow
:love: icon_love icon_love
:workout: icon_workout icon_workout
;-) Wink Wink
:clap: icon_clap icon_clap
:silenced: icon_silenced icon_silenced
:boxing: icon_boxing icon_boxing
:headfones icon_headfones icon_headfones
:pissed: icon_pissed icon_pissed
:anger: icon_anger icon_anger
:evil_laug icon_evil_laugh icon_evil_laugh
:woowoo: icon_woowoo icon_woowoo
:wink: Wink Wink
:ciggy: icon_ciggy icon_ciggy
:lips: icon_lips icon_lips
:shrug_no: icon_shrug_no icon_shrug_no
8-) Cool Cool
:bored: icon_bored icon_bored
:headache: icon_headache icon_headache
:pelvic_th icon_pelvic_thrust2 icon_pelvic_thrust2
:grin: Very Happy Very Happy
:2gun: icon_2gun icon_2gun
:drunk: icon_drunk icon_drunk
:weirdface icon_weirdface icon_weirdface
:roll: Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
:chuckel: icon_chuckel icon_chuckel
:lemon: icon_lemon icon_lemon
:shakefist icon_shakefist icon_shakefist
:boogy: icon_boogy icon_boogy
:hahano: icon_hahano icon_hahano
:peace: icon_peace icon_peace
:-D Very Happy Very Happy
:mrgreen: Mr. Green Mr. Green
:dribble: icon_dribble icon_dribble
:weee: icon_weee icon_weee
:) Smile Smile
:chillpill icon_chillpill icon_chillpill
:lalala: icon_lalala icon_lalala
:sadblinky icon_sadblinky icon_sadblinky
:bong: icon_bong icon_bong
:grandpa: icon_grandpa icon_grandpa
:paper: icon_paper icon_paper
:( Sad Sad
:neutral: Neutral Neutral
:drdodgy: icon_drdodgy icon_drdodgy
:wave: icon_wave icon_wave
:chick: icon_chick icon_chick
:icon_kiss icon_kiss icon_kiss
:-? Confused Confused
:blowme: icon_blowme icon_blowme
:grandmar: icon_grandmar icon_grandmar
:omfg: icon_omfg icon_omfg
:confused: Confused Confused
:-| Neutral Neutral
:doh: icon_doh icon_doh
:tetter: icon_tetter icon_tetter
:chew: icon_chew icon_chew
:joy: icon_joy icon_joy
:rockon: icon_rockon icon_rockon
:? Confused Confused
:blink: icon_blink icon_blink
:google: icon_google icon_google
:nospam: icon_nospam icon_nospam
:eek: Surprised Surprised
:| Neutral Neutral
:dizzy: icon_dizzy icon_dizzy
:tenisclap icon_tenisclap icon_tenisclap
:chainsaw: icon_chainsaw icon_chainsaw
:inyourfac icon_inyourface icon_inyourface
:raving: icon_raving icon_raving
:blahblah: icon_blahblah icon_blahblah
:giggle: icon_giggle icon_giggle
:nosebleed icon_nosebleed icon_nosebleed
:zombie: icon_zombie icon_zombie
:mad: Mad Mad
:dance: icon_dance icon_dance
:tears: icon_tears icon_tears
:razz: Razz Razz
:censored: icon_censored icon_censored
:ihearu: icon_ihearu icon_ihearu
:rah: icon_rah icon_rah
:-o Surprised Surprised
:bat: icon_bat icon_bat
:ford: icon_ford icon_ford
:no: icon_no icon_no
:yikes: icon_yikes icon_yikes
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:cry2: icon_cry2 icon_cry2
:suspiciou icon_suspicious icon_suspicious
:caffine: icon_caffine icon_caffine
:hug: icon_hug icon_hug
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