Hello everybody!
Here are my two nice cars... The first is an Aurora Cobra, it's an AC 289 replica. It has a Ford 302 engine, 300bhp. The car weight 900Kg.
We bought it in 2006. We never had any major problem with it.The feeling inboard is fantastic. Even you drive slow! When you drive hard, the engine can climb up to 8000rpm!
Salutari, va prezint cele doua masini de vis ale mele...Prima este o Aurora Cobra, este o replica de AC 289. Are un motor Ford 302 de 300 cp. Masina cantareste doar 900Kg. Am cumparat-o in 2006 si de atunci nu am avut nici o problema majora cu ea. Senzatia cand te afli in masina este pur si simplu fantastica. Chiar si atunci cand mergi incet! Atunci cand conduci mai nervos, motorul poate urca pana la 8000 turatii pe minut!
The second one is an Austin Healey 3000 MKII. Actually it has no engine. But it used to run a "big six" before. And we're now intalling a new "big six" engine. We bought it in 2008 and enjoyed it until we sent it to the garage. To fix some big problems. It should be fixed the next week! ouf!!!
The Austin's colour is very special. But it's the original one. It's named "Florida Green", it's the only one Austin with this colour in France
Cealalta masina este un Austin Healey 3000 MKII si momentan nu are motor. Am cumparat masina anul trecut, in 2008, si am folosit-o pana cand a trebuit s-o ducem la garaj pentru a repara niste probleme mari la motor, cauzate de fostul proprietar. Ar trebui ca saptamana viitoare masina sa fie gata. Culoarea Austin-ului este foarte speciala si va asigur ca este cea originala. Se numeste "Florida Green", iar acest exemplar este singurul din Franta cu aceasta culoare
Thanks to EVOLUZIONE who did the translation!